Well-Known Member
HI Anna and a HUGE thankyou I didnt even think of these things. I will be right on it today. Yes she is in the smaller shelter during the night but she is out in the Green grass all day from about 6am - 7.00pm.. then there is still a green area in her closed off section . I will make the alterations to her pen today though because I didnt think about her thrashing around.. Unfortunately I have only had goats have babies here and they have all been really calm...whoopsKehran will you allow me to make a couple of observations? Well I'm going to anyway, I hope you dont mind! I see lots of grass round the outside of your dry lot, do you give Molly a chance to graze on Dr. Green regularly? Green 'stuff' is so very important on the run up to foaling and afterwards - helps to keep plenty of moisture going naturally through the system, plus it is the natural food for a good milk supply.
The second thing is your shelter for Molly. I know that it is/has been very hot but you do need to attach some boarding to the bottom of your walls, plus whatever you will be using for a front panel/door should also be boarded from the ground up to at least 2 foot in height. This is for the safety of both mare and foal. Mares do all sorts of silly things when in labour without thinking - up down, up down, roll, roll again, they can get quite frantic in their efforts to give birth. Imagine Molly suddenly laying down, then flopping flat out and putting her head outside the shelter, and getting a bang on her head as she suddenly sits up again. Or thrusting her foot under and through the gap at the bottom of one of the other walls. To be safe for her all walls should reach firmly to the ground. Also you may find that your new foal rolls out under the higher gap or even, like Molly, could roll over after a snooze (lots do!) and stick HER foot/leg under the lower wall giving herself a possible nasty injury as she struggles to her feet.
You may already have considered this and changed/altered your shelter, but just in case you haven't, I felt I should mention it - hope you didn't mind.![]()

PS I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas Day and santa bought some pretty cool pressies