The whole "in bed" thing was shown on "Super Tiny Animals" which I would have thought would have been on Animal Planet or some such, by now. If not then there was a good section of one of the episodes purely on Einstein, where the owner insists that he is like her child (she cannot have children but I do not see that as an excuse- to my mind it just makes it worse!) so this poor little beasts role in life is to be her child substitute, much like Paris Hilton.......
Incidentally, in the series, which of course is video, it is obvious that they are having quite a hard time holding him down. A horse can actually be taight to lie down quite easily, the trick, and the skill, is in getting them to stay down, willing and trustingly. These people do not have the skill to do that. My best bet is that, were they to get Einstein an equine companion- and there are plenty out there small enough- he would not interact with them at all, which of course is not what they want.......