Fashlight is doing great. Her leg has heeled over totally. When I turn her out she goes running and jumping, and if she didn't have a slight limp, you woud never suspect. She has a plastic low top build a bear shoe, and a high top keds build a bear shoe, as well as a dog boot. I think she likes the high top best, but I use the dog boot for the winter as it is water proof. Not that it would hurt to get her foot wet, but I don't want her to keep the wet shoe on for an extended period of time. Of course I let her run the other day and she flipped off the boot and kept going. She still is a drama queen, which is really funny. Whenever I put her shoe on she has to hold it up like I hurt her or do this dramtic limp for a sympathy vote, until something distracts her and she forgets the act. She certainly has gotten spoiled.
I have pictures, but don't know how to post them. It appears that you need to put them on a web site to get an HTTP address (??). Do you all keep a junk web site to put pictures like this on just to be able to post them? If there is a simple way to do this without going through putting them on a web site someone walk me through it. I would really like to know how to do it.