Maybe if you read what I said and didnt read INTO what I said, you would have caught this the first time. It was a national poll group asking Americans who they thought was the most trustworthy. It wasnt CNN asking, nor was it sponsored BY them. And of course CNN would be the only news outlet to report this fact.
Bolding mine.
Pepipony - the most vehement posters in this thread have proven time and again that they only read what they want to read into things - including viral emails etc.
Anyone else - even those of us who have pointed out where BOTH candidates have been lacking is sneered at with lots of
and attempted zingers - which as you know - are crucial to any thoughtful discussion....
As far as Obama admitting to any wrongdoing is far as I know he hasn't been man enough to say he was wrong about anything.
When that ^^^ kind of rhetoric is stated... when it is flatly stated that Obama supports terrorism... when others of opposing viewpoints arre simply sneered at as being sheep... when the "rah-rah sisterhood" is too busy high-fiving each other to actually look into the issues at hand... I worry.
Yes, Obama has been "man enough" to say he was wrong - as he did in his statement about Rev. Wright. But as always, facts do not matter when rhetoric will do. I do not know if it is even worthwhile to post any links to actual non-partisan facts anymore as so many here simply disregard them.
Listening to Sarah Palin (why oh why was Condi not picked??!!) speak today as if she was talking to kindergarteners... was just plain sad. She chit-chats about Ayers in her rather affected cutesy, chirpy way while the economy is teetering.. just feeding into the fearmongering that is pushing Americans waaaaay off the topic at hand. I would hope that is not deliberate - because if so - it is mind-boggling in its ignorance of what is going on. And if Americans lap that up and ignore the big issues....
My comparison to family members with different beliefs was far more valid than the example of any reverend or acquaintance - and I am stymied that some of you cannot see that - and just dismissed it.
Well, I know why - it does not help prove your point - but anyway...
family ties are the strongest ties of all - and yet NO - I do not believe as those family members do - never have and never will... and to suggest that I would due to that association is ridiculous. Ties that are even looser - be they casual friends or OTT preachers... are even less of a issue when it comes to determining how an individual thinks, believes or acts...
On the other hand, McCain has done a lot for our Nation, and he also has solid plans for the future.
Solid plans? Sheer political posturing. Obama does it, too. There is no such thing as "solid" plans in any political campaign... they are based on "promises" and "hope" and "change"... and always have been.