Honestly, the theme they touched on regarding Canada is one I've seen discussed in much the same way on many similar shows as well as in comedy programs. Note the theme hardly revolved around the plight of individual Canadian soldiers and part of what was otherwise said was funny to me.
Jill - I have a quirky sense of humour. Even warped. I love satire. I appreciate well written snark. I find humour in things that many loathe. A lot of the things they said - like sneering at the Mounties - made me smile - mainly at how lame and predictable it was as are the usual Canadian jokes. At least they did not rehash the usual
eh or
oot and aboot routines... but sneering at miiltary when soldiers have DIED is beyond tasteless and has nothing to do with comedy. Nothing. And even my snarky sense of humour was left going...
Errrrrrm... NO. Yeah - joke about the lack of Canadian nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers etc.
- but there is a line you should not cross. Even his apology... wasn't. Ignorance is no excuse.
You will have to explain how that was amusing - especially to the families of those Canadian soldiers who died while aiding their allies. And also why Fox has an actual so-called "comedy" show on a news network. I have watched Red Eye quite a few times as I am a night owl (and I make sure I get a feel for ALL news outlets) - what Greg says can even make
me cringe at times. Greg has often stepped over the line in the past with his comments - and if I have occasionally felt that way with my admittedly warped sense of humour - he must be waaaay out of line.
Most of the time he is simply lame - and trying too hard to be funny. At least
The Daily Show and
Colbert Report are on the Comedy station - they are not given a slot on a major news network that prides itself on the incessant
fair and balanced slogan that they never let you forget.
Things don't really offend me unless I feel they either hit too close to home or that a number of people will think it is true.
Jill - many Americans do think what those so-called comedians said is true. It must be true - it is on Fox News!!
And if some think we are offended because it hit "too close to home" and Canadians really are a gormless lot living in a pathetic country with useless armed forces that deserves to be invaded and everything about them is laughable... whatever.
We are more than capable of laughing at ourselves and do... no one snarks on Canada better than Canadians!!
Some Canadian comedy/satire shows - like
Kids in the Hall - did not make the crossover to American TV well as by the time CBS had everything that was deemed too offensive/touchy for American TV deleted, there was not much left. Heh. Canadians are more than capable of appreciating edgy humour.
But Greg stepped across that invisible line between satire and poor taste/bad judgement.
Soldiers dying is just not funny.