It's good to know that the LB Demographic trend in the poll you and I remember didn't skew anything away from the National trend when it comes to Fox's viewership. "Our" results here were completely in line with the Nation as a whole
Jill - you are skewing the results in your head to meet what you wanted it to show, though. It actually does not show that at all. I'll repost what I said earlier....
Truth of that poll - only 67 people voted. 43.28 % of them voted for Fox News so round it up to 29. Many had already turned away from those threads. So everyone else who bothered to even take part in the poll voted for a variety of sources that they preferred -
and that was the majority opinion. 38 people voted not for Fox News - but for some other source. And often noted that they used
multiple sources.
So actually, no - Fox News is not watched by the majority of Americans. A greater percentage of viewers look elsewhere for their news. It may just not be from one source. Which is far more of a balanced outlook.
If you are NOT going to actually watch some of the tactics O'Reilly has used - and always will - and is proud of... well, saying it does not interest you is a bit of a cop out. Like - if you do not acknowledge it, it will just go away or it must not be so. That is simply sticking your head in the sand. It is a side of Fox News that you have decided to ignore, I guess. It's like wearing blinders with a very tight over-check.
O'Reilly has never been about actual news - even when he was on
Inside Edition. He is mainly about - O'Reilly. Shouting down and talking over his guests... ambushing, shrilly howling at them to shut up... that seems to be his preferred tone of late - and not a show that is thoughtful and interesting. That does managee to happen upon occasion - somehow. Most of it is about his inflated ego - and talking out of both sides of his mouth at once. He will say something to get a rise out of people - and then contradict himself later... he is actually a lot funnier at times than the Red Eye show... only Red Eye is
trying to be funny, Bill isn't. Even though he cracks me up...
Bill - the champion of free speech - warning callers to his show about what will happen to them if they say anything he does not like... he has used variations of this line
many times. Often delivered at the top of his lungs.
"When you call us, ladies and gentlemen, just so you know, we do have your phone number, and if you say anything untoward, obscene, or anything like that, Fox security will then contact your local authorities, and you will be held accountable."
Yep - the Fox thought police will hunt you down. You will be "held accountable" if you do not agree with him.
In front of a largely black audience at a charity event where the entertainment, a black singing group called the Best Men were late...
"Does anyone know where the Best Men are? I hope they're not in the parking lot stealing our hubcaps."
That went over reeeeally well, as you can imagine.
Anyway - I think Fox should cancel Red Eye and rerun O'Reilly then - far more entertaining...
And the sexual harrassment suit a Fox producer filed against him - and what he had said to her - will always make me look at falafel suspiciously.... ick.
I will not quote that garbage here... but you can google it...
unless you prefer the blinders and overcheck approach.