I feel you can be 'best friends' with your horse still, but they also have to know that business is business and to pay attention when they are doing their 'job'.
Such great advice here and I cant think of a thing to add. It doesnt come over night and a few minutes of practice every day will eventually pay off.
Also, depending on the horses conformation, one's head/neck might look better a couple of inches higher or lower than his barn mate... you gotta practice and find that right spot. Sometimes have someone else hold the horse and see what the horse's best spot is.
Such great advice here and I cant think of a thing to add. It doesnt come over night and a few minutes of practice every day will eventually pay off.
Also, depending on the horses conformation, one's head/neck might look better a couple of inches higher or lower than his barn mate... you gotta practice and find that right spot. Sometimes have someone else hold the horse and see what the horse's best spot is.