Well-Known Member
50 Things About Me
1. Name? Sonya
2. Who or what were you named after? No one in particuliar, it was just a popular name in the south in 69.
3. When & Where were you born? 1969 Sewickley, PA
4. Hair color? Light Brown
5. Eye Color? Green
6. Shoe size? 9
7. Married, dating someone or single? Married for 12 years
8. How many kids? 0
9. Ages of kids? n/a
10. What are you currently wearing? Cords and a polo shirt (I'm at work)
11. Favorite Color? Green
12. Favorite Holiday? Halloween
13. What are you currently listening to? Tv's on in break room, Monster-in-Law is on
14. Your favorite fast food? double cheeseburger from McDonalds
15. Favorite home cooked meal? French Fry Casserole
16. Favorite Cereal? not a cereal eater
17. Favorite Breakfast? eggs, bacon, toast, hashbrowns
18. Favorite Song & Artist? Kaw-liga by Hank Williams Jr.
19. Do you keep a journal or blog? no, but do have a myspace page
20. How many pets do you own? What are they? only 2 dogs now
21. Favorite Sport? to do: Bowl, to watch: Football
22. Famous person you'd like to meet? no one
23. Would you ever bunjee jump or skydive? have bunjee jumped would love to skydive, but can't for medical reasons
23. Have you ever ridden a horse? oh yes
24. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? heck no, who has time for that
25. Favorite part you like about yourself? honest
26. First thing you notice on opposite sex? Eyes
27. Favorite Smell? Jo malone candles
28. If you were an animal what would be & why? an predators (except man) and to be able to fly
29. Favorite season? Summer
30. If you won a vacation anywhere in the world where would you go? Don't really want to go anywhere but if I had to pick...Australia
31. Favorite Movie? none
32. Favorite T.V. Show? the late show with Dave Letterman and the Late Late show (I don't watch much tv)
33. What's your special talent? pushing tin
34. Black or white? White
35. Half full or half empty? Half empty
36. Favorite Book? anything by Baldacci or Picoult
37. Favorite Sound? birds
38. Scary movies or tear jerkers? neither, action, suspense, or comedy
39. Comedy or action? both
40. Favorite alcoholic drink? Salty dog
41. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? water
42. Realistic or abstract art? Realistic
43. Favorite Dessert? just about anything
44. If you were starving, would you be able to eat human flesh? Is it cooked?? lol
45. Prefer Cats or dogs? dogs
46. If you had 2 minutes to live who would you spend it with what would
you be doing? my husband...can't say what I'd be doing, this is a family forum...
47. Nastiest habit you have? Biting nails, smoking, swearing
48. New Year's Resolutions? quit smoking
49. What do wish for on your birthday? no more birthdays!
50. Which food do you hate the most? Seafood
1. Name? Sonya
2. Who or what were you named after? No one in particuliar, it was just a popular name in the south in 69.
3. When & Where were you born? 1969 Sewickley, PA
4. Hair color? Light Brown
5. Eye Color? Green
6. Shoe size? 9
7. Married, dating someone or single? Married for 12 years
8. How many kids? 0
9. Ages of kids? n/a
10. What are you currently wearing? Cords and a polo shirt (I'm at work)
11. Favorite Color? Green
12. Favorite Holiday? Halloween
13. What are you currently listening to? Tv's on in break room, Monster-in-Law is on
14. Your favorite fast food? double cheeseburger from McDonalds
15. Favorite home cooked meal? French Fry Casserole
16. Favorite Cereal? not a cereal eater
17. Favorite Breakfast? eggs, bacon, toast, hashbrowns
18. Favorite Song & Artist? Kaw-liga by Hank Williams Jr.
19. Do you keep a journal or blog? no, but do have a myspace page
20. How many pets do you own? What are they? only 2 dogs now
21. Favorite Sport? to do: Bowl, to watch: Football
22. Famous person you'd like to meet? no one
23. Would you ever bunjee jump or skydive? have bunjee jumped would love to skydive, but can't for medical reasons
23. Have you ever ridden a horse? oh yes
24. Do you untie your shoes before you take them off? heck no, who has time for that
25. Favorite part you like about yourself? honest
26. First thing you notice on opposite sex? Eyes
27. Favorite Smell? Jo malone candles
28. If you were an animal what would be & why? an predators (except man) and to be able to fly
29. Favorite season? Summer
30. If you won a vacation anywhere in the world where would you go? Don't really want to go anywhere but if I had to pick...Australia
31. Favorite Movie? none
32. Favorite T.V. Show? the late show with Dave Letterman and the Late Late show (I don't watch much tv)
33. What's your special talent? pushing tin
34. Black or white? White
35. Half full or half empty? Half empty
36. Favorite Book? anything by Baldacci or Picoult
37. Favorite Sound? birds
38. Scary movies or tear jerkers? neither, action, suspense, or comedy
39. Comedy or action? both
40. Favorite alcoholic drink? Salty dog
41. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? water
42. Realistic or abstract art? Realistic
43. Favorite Dessert? just about anything
44. If you were starving, would you be able to eat human flesh? Is it cooked?? lol
45. Prefer Cats or dogs? dogs
46. If you had 2 minutes to live who would you spend it with what would
you be doing? my husband...can't say what I'd be doing, this is a family forum...

47. Nastiest habit you have? Biting nails, smoking, swearing
48. New Year's Resolutions? quit smoking
49. What do wish for on your birthday? no more birthdays!
50. Which food do you hate the most? Seafood
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