Going off of the quirks thread...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2004
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My husband is the BIGGEST NEAT KNICK when it comes to the inside of the home and even the yard...BUT THE VEHICLES - WELL ALL BETS ARE OFF!!!
Our two cars are the biggest pig pens and it bugs me to no end!
He is terrible - cigarette ashes all over, snow, mudd - you get the picture - YUCKY POO!!! I hate it - it's like riding around in a ashtray - and then he wonders why I dont like going "for ride's" with him!!!
I know I have other peeve's - but this is what jumps out at me! Lori
My one roommate cuts all his food into bite sized pieces, blocking everybody else from getting their food and for heavens sake, that is for children!!!!
My one roommate cuts all his food into bite sized pieces, blocking everybody else from getting their food and for heavens sake, that is for children!!!!
He dont have a eatting disorder does he?

Hum.........will have to think on mine, as honestly laziness is about the only thing that really really gets me.
That you order things, you are very clear about it.. and they still can't get it right.

Lets see... blankets not only two weeks late because they forgot to send them, but no leg straps.

Saddle shopping.. you send it back because the tree is much longer on one side that the other and it is wracked. This is a custom saddle too.. not the cheaper ones. Then you have to argue about it, even after they admitted they shouldn't of sent that one out.

The Saddle pad that was only supposed to be 23" long ends up being 25"+ long and is too long for my horse.

You order stuff from a Equine supply catalogue.. and they "Forget" to tape up the lids on the bottles that have liguids and it is all over the inside of the box and not the bottle it came in. This is not the first time and complaining doesn't help. Not going to use them any more to say the least.

Oh can I ever go on!!

Or my Tri West insurance managed to put us to standard even though we are Prime. Causing all kinds of problems. Their mistake of course.

Is really annoying all the hours I have to spend on the phone to get after people that don't do their jobs. Maybe they should pay me.

We need a "pulling out Hair" smilie!!
I have many as I am a perfectionist to a fault. but, one that really really bugs me is this..

People that cannot learn to say FEBRUARY...two R's, not one, TWO!!!! Grrrr

And, FRUSTRATED. There is in R in the beginning too. It is not FUStrated, it is FRUStrated. Ugh!!

And of course the ever popular:

LiBRAry, two R's again there. It is not LiBARY, it is LiBRARy!

Oh gosh, I am getting all worked up just thinking about it.

Telemarketers at the dinner hour.......or telemarketers at 8:30 in the morning after they have'nt been able to contact you the night before at the dinner hour. Then when they catch you off guard....it's a recording trying to sell you a trip to Jamaica!

Toasted bread crumbs all over the counter.

Shoes under the bed...then when you dump a load of newly washed laundry onto the bed for folding you constantly stub your toe!!!

Horse poop in a just filled fresh bucket of water....in the dead of winter.....now you have to clean out the bucket and refill it again after carrying it sloshing to the barn and your thighs are already cold, wet and icing up.
My husband, who I love very much (he's a 'horsey' person too) just can not seem to shut a door on a cuboard!
Sterling said:
Telemarketers at the dinner hour.......or telemarketers at 8:30 in the morning after they have'nt been able to contact you the night before at the dinner hour.  Then when they catch you off guard....it's a recording trying to sell you a trip to Jamaica!

Ditto to that one!

Here's another one.....

Going through the kitchen and bedroom after my husband and closing every cupboard, and every dresser drawer that he's openned.

Oh, and people going out of the house and leaving the door open!

[SIZE=14pt]People that spit gross stuff in a parking lot.

People that eat while talking to me on the phone and do all that slurping and smacking in my ear.
My #1 pet peeve is a liar. Can't stand for someone to lie to me.

Hubby drinks his soda then leaves the cans sitting everywhere (mentioned this on the other thread). His mother waited on his father hand and foot, guess he expects the same.......NOT!!!!!

My MIL seems to have lost the ability to say the vowels at the beginning of words. For instance: partments, mergency. She also runs words together, mether (me either). ARGH!

Someone talking with their mouth open and full of half chewed food.
Many of the above, in addition:

A group of (or even one) smokers just outside the door of a business or building. The smell is awful and it inevitably ends up inside the building, anyway!

I wish there were other places they could go, and if it weren't so invasive of my clean air, I would not care, but the smell really gets to me and I hate it all over my clothes and in my hair. Just reminds me of my crappy childhood and the selfishness of my mother/stepdads.

Spitting/chewing and spitting it on the ground indoors or outdoors where people will walk in it, or leaving half full soda cans or cups of spit-out tobacco (*barf*), etc. lying around.

Smokers that toss cigarette butts on the ground...do they not realize these don't biodegrade and they are UGLY? Gum chewers that toss their gum on the sidewalk, same as the smokers to me. Nasty habits. Litterbugs in general.

People that say they are going to do something then don't do it. Especially if it means I have to change my plans one way or the other and then when they don't do it, it further interferes with my schedule. I know it sounds very selfish, but I tend to get annoyed quickly when someone repetitively says "I'll do it" and I believe them, then they go back to doing what they were doing before and forget they said they'd take care of whatever they were going to do.

People that drive ten or twenty miles BELOW the speed limit where there are no passing lanes, and then when they DO come to a passing lane, all of a sudden they are Jeff Gordon. *sigh*

People that pay for advertising (signs, ads, etc.) and then don't bother to check the accuracy of their spelling and punctuation. To me it reflects on their business that they can't bother to represent themselves with professionalism. There are ways to have these things checked before committing them to the permanency of a billboard or painted or lettered sign. (for example, on a hair salon I recently saw: "Hair, nail's and tanning".
It bugs me! I know it is fairly inconsequential, but it gets to me.

There are more, but I'll leave them for others.

Liz M.
I'm with you Liz on smokers.

I'm very allergic and hate to have to walk thru a bank of smokers to

get inside a store to spend my money...

We have customers come into our business. They leave their cigarettes

outside but the smell comes in with them.......ughhhhhh!!

However, in just a few days Washington becomes a no smoking state in public

places..........Yay!!!!!!!!! Yep I voted for that!!!!!!!!

And people that waaaaaay overdo perfume.......instant allergy attack.

Didn't anyone tell them less is better........

Minimama, you'd hate it here when people pronounce Washington, Warshington....

Don't know where they get that from.
I hate when I pay good money for concert tickets and in the row directly in front of me sits 2 men with 10 gal hats and 2 women with really BIG hair. Oh yeah, and when we got tickets fot Kenny Chesney and the drunken idiot in front of me
all over the family in front of him! Totally disgusting!

When someone has had the same false teeth for 25 years and will not get them re fitted and they make that clackety, clackety noise as they're slurping and smacking while they eat.

tooooo many more to list lol
1. Liars

2. Anyone who doesnt do their job

3. Dirty clothes in front of the hamper on the floor

4. Dirty socks under the bed

5. Cat hair on the top of a clean basket of laundry

6. After a family gathering finding paper plates or cups behind the couch or under a table
My number one all time pet peeve is getting my bread bagged at the store and they squash it! Ever try to make a sandwich with squashed bread?

The smoking comments kinda bug me. I have alot of respect for non smokers!
Heck, non smokers are my idols! But there is no one fair side to be on. Not fair for those who do not smoke to have to be around it and not fair for those that do to be out casted for it.

I am with you all on lying. MAJOR pet peeve there.

Here's another, people who can't spell and don't use spell check!

People who ax questions. What happened to ASK?
My number one is SPIT!!!! YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!!! of any kind. My numer two is car nose pickers! I HATE IT!!! Do they think you can't see them? Or do they just not care?!! Not my favorite thing in the world to look over by chance and see this!

Oh one more.....I hate being freeked out in the car because some jerk keeps scooting up to see if I'm looking at him! Like when your stoped at a light an the two guys in the work van next to you are staring at you! That is the worst!

I want to say to them " WHAT!!!" It makes me so uncomfortable.

Those who cannot spell "Congratulations." It's congraTulations, not congraDulations. Why else do we say "Congrats, so-and-so!" Sorry, I will not go on and on about professional spelling and grammar errors as you all know where I stand on those but they do bug me. (Of course this whole last week I can't seem to type to save my life, but hey! LOL. Typos are a whole different ballgame.)

I second you on the Warshington pronunciation thing. I go back to WVa to visit family and spend the whole time giggling (it's that or scream) as I remind them over and over that there is no "R" in "Washington."

What else? Gods, I'm anal. There are so MANY things that irritate me and I really need to get over most of it! LOL. At least I can laugh at myself. And hey, I no longer insist on my socks being lined up just so as I pull them on! Although they do still have a left and a right sock.


Edited to add: Oh, oh, I forgot! My biggest pet peeve in the world at the moment is shipping companies who bring your cart a week late, then charge you more than double, then can't get back to you for five days about the discrepancy so my cart sits an hour away from me in a warehouse somewhere. Arrgghhhh!!!
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nootka said:
People that say they are going to do something then don't do it.  Especially if it means I have to change my plans one way or the other and then when they don't do it, it further interferes with my schedule.  I know it sounds very selfish, but I tend to get annoyed quickly when someone repetitively says "I'll do it" and I believe them, then they go back to doing what they were doing before and forget they said they'd take care of whatever they were going to do. 
People that pay for advertising (signs, ads, etc.) and then don't bother to check the accuracy of their spelling and punctuation.  To me it reflects on their business that they can't bother to represent themselves with professionalism.  There are ways to have these things checked before committing them to the permanency of a billboard or painted or lettered sign.  (for example, on a hair salon I recently saw:  "Hair, nail's and tanning".  
    It bugs me!  I know it is fairly inconsequential, but it gets to me. 

Liz M.


Boy did you hit the nail on the head for me! My biggest pet peeve, and the thing that gets my blood boiling like no other (boy you opened a can of worms here
) is when someone tells me they are going to do something and they don't. I never noticed this problem until I moved to Central Oregon where everything moves at a snail's pace. When a contractor says they will call me back with some information I need or that they will show up at a particular time and they don't with no phone call. I go nuts! I am one of the most reliable people I know and I do what I say when I say I will do it. At least I have the common courtesy to make a phone call if there is a problem preventing me from accomplishing something I said I would do for someone. People can count on me and maybe I am expecting too much from others but it drives me crazy! Contractors around here think your time isn't valuable and they are in vacation mode; I will get there when I get there. Ugh!

My other favorite is spelling errors. I don't expect others to be perfect spellers, I'm not, but I do go crazy when I see signs or advertisements that are not correct with punctuation, spelling and grammar. I too, feel this reflects poorly on the business. I know I feel differently about that business and what they are representing. I feel it is uneducated. In this day and age, with dictionaries, thesauruses and spellcheck online, it is so hard to understand how a business can promote themselves that way.

Ok, enough said. I need to go back and check my spelling now.
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