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I NEVER post on these political threads but I really do enjoy reading them. Mitt is my man because if Obama stays in office our small businesses are doomed. We will have to lay off several workers which in turn will affect the small towns and even some of the bigger cities where we have our publications.

Those of you who hide behind "fake" names and switch your handle..........I could care less what you think so no response is needed! Thank you!!
I am trying to understand how the government is responsible for a small businesses success or failure? Is the issue that Obama is too involved, too many restrictions on small business'? The only restrictions that I can think of off the top of my head would be health care requirements, if the government was forcing small bussiness' to cover these. Is this something new that is happening? What for example has been changed that has caused a hardship. When I look online for this information I read that gas prices have a larger effect on small business. Is that the issue? I also read that in general, during a poor economy, small businesses are the hardest hit. They have less of a "cushion" to ride the wave out, so they are forced to fold. But gas prices and a poor economy affect everyone; it is not something that the government is "using against" any one group, even if one group is more affected by it than others. Much like the voter id debate, just because minorities are harder hit by this restriction, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are a "target".
I NEVER post on these political threads but I really do enjoy reading them. Mitt is my man because if Obama stays in office our small businesses are doomed...
I very much agree, Debbie.

The current Administration is anti busines, in historic proportions. During the 2008 elections, I couldn't fathom how any business owner would support Obama. Now that he's had 3 plus years do many other things I feared he would, being smart enough to put 2 and 2 together even without his hot mic slip up, i seriously will look into the logistics of outsourcing the administrative duties of my office if hes re-elected. I love my employees and treat them well, but at the end of the day, I'm in business to stay in business. The business exists to serve my clients and to provide for my and my family's income. Despite the smokescreen of class warfare, business owners get up and go to work everyday for the same reasons employees do, and we've got a lot more at stake and on our shoulders with lifetime investments of capital, personal risk, and heart.

If anyone is in the dark as to how things that happen in Washington effect a business, just do some research. Shoot, or come out from under a rock and watch the news. Those things are easier than keeping the doors open and meeting a payroll.
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Taxes James - plain and simple. Small businesses are being taxed out of existence.For America's small businesses to succeed we need a reduction in business taxes. If you're faced with paying your taxes or paying for a new employee...there's only one of those options that you have no choice over.
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Taxes James - plain and simple. Small businesses are being taxed out of existence.For America's small businesses to succeed we need a reduction in business taxes. If you're faced with paying your taxes or paying for a new employee...there's only one of those options that you have no choice over.
Miniwhinny, taxes are a factor (the US has the highest corporate taxation out there) but it's not just taxes. Among other things, it's also the looming threat of Obamacare (which includes a requirement of insurance for ADULT children of employees), ever increasing regulation, and a sincerely antagonistic stance when it comes to businesses and their owners.
Mitt is my man because if Obama stays in office our small businesses are doomed.
I don't think there's any other viable option than Mitt
For as many wonderful, principled ideas that RP stands for, let's face it - he's not getting the nomination. Whether people think it's because of some large media consipracy or whether it's as simple as people asking who has the better chance of beating Obama, it's looking pretty obvious that Mitt's the guy to try
I know RP won't get nomination. Haven't decided how I'm voting but I'm not voting for MR. No one I know is voting for him either but then again I live in Vermont. I guess I don't understand why everyone thinks MR will beat Obama. Still too early to really have accurate polling because so much can change over the months but I I think Obama will beat MR in the end. Depends on who runs third party as well. Politics is going to be a heated subject this year and I don't like fighting so that's my last words on the topic but everyone has the right to vote their conscience no matter who their candidate might be and even if they write him/her in.
I know RP won't get nomination. Haven't decided how I'm voting but I'm not voting for MR. No one I know is voting for him either but then again I live in Vermont. I guess I don't understand why everyone thinks MR will beat Obama. Still too early to really have accurate polling because so much can change over the months but I I think Obama will beat MR in the end. Depends on who runs third party as well. Politics is going to be a heated subject this year and I don't like fighting so that's my last words on the topic but everyone has the right to vote their conscience no matter who their candidate might be and even if they write him/her in.
I'm 100% with you. I'm really struggling with having to cast a vote that's not for someone but against someone else. I look at MR and his political track record, his stance on issues, his beliefs and cringe and the thought of placing a vote for him. I'm still not convinced I could do it. It would certainly be a anti Obama vote not a pro Romney.
Jill, to respond to me asking for examples with, "If anyone is in the dark as to how things that happen in Washington affect a business, just do some research. Shoot, or come out from under a rock and watch the news", is not an educated constructive answer and offers NO help. I think many people on this forum looked to you as an expert on finances and assume you have done the research to form your opinions. If your opinions are formed on facts, numbers, and research, then why is it so difficult for you to share them? I find, if someone is going off with a passionate opinion but can’t easily explain the logical steps that formed it, then those steps were probably never taken, or at the very least, not fully understood or “fleshed out”. As I mentioned before, I HAVE been reading like a mad man and trying to research. Right now I have exactly 23 windows open on my desktop about the topic. This is what I have actually found the bulk of these articles state.

~ About 75% of them just say that the economy is poor and the small businesses are the most effected by that. Therefore, whoever doesn’t "fix" the economy is against small businesses. Just because it is a tough thing to fix, and therefore is not fixed yet, doesn't mean that you support it being broken or that you are causing it to break. The argument makes no sense.

~ Some of the articles explain how Large corporations pay less taxes per employee, therefore Small Businesses are taxed heavier than Large ones. Now this is interesting, that could explain a government that is "helping" large business and against Small Businesses. But I have not been able find when this was started, is this due to the current administration? Also is the difference in taxes because the taxes were increased for small businesses or because a "tax break" was offered to big business, to stimulate the economy? Charts and numbers are great, but without all the information they can be twisted whichever way you want them to be.

~ Some of the articles were actually supporting O for his helping Small Businesses, with actual examples of the 17 Tax cuts he has started for Small Businesses.

Finally the only actual tax increases, that can be accredited to Obama, that could affect businesses, is his wanting to STOP the Bush Tax Breaks on the top two percent, which does include 1.9% of Small Business Owners. This number really opened up my eyes. I started wondering, Small business owners are in the top two percent? Actually, I found, if you have under 500 employees you are considered a "small business", I am starting to think Mitt might have helped with this definition. For me, I have been concerned about the Small business owners people like myself, Mary Lou, Debbie, Jill and the guy down the road selling produce. I never thought that this sympathy we are all being convinced to have is actually for the guy who owns 10 McDonalds.

Anyways, that went on longer than I expected. My point is; where are the examples of what Obama has done against Small businesses?? From what I have read, if anything, the problem is he hasn't stopped what past Administrations have done to increase taxes on the Small Business owner.
I too would like to hear some real answers. Mr. Romney was in Va. yesterday and when asked what he would do to help the econemy he answered, " The opposite of what Obama is doing". Sorry but, he might as well have said Whatever! What kind of answer is that? Also I tried to copy an article on RP for Carriage to read, my stupid computer wouldn't let me, but to make a long story short, it stated that he may win Iowa, and several other states. Also a question, in what year were the business taxes last raised?
James, I am not getting into any discussions with you and as you've been told, I am not reading through your posts. This is based on repeated past experience. It is so sincerely not worth the effort or frustration. If you want to think Obama is good for business, that tells me quite a bit about your own business.
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I too would like to hear some real answers. Mr. Romney was in Va. yesterday and when asked what he would do to help the econemy he answered, " The opposite of what Obama is doing". Sorry but, he might as well have said Whatever! What kind of answer is that? Also I tried to copy an article on RP for Carriage to read, my stupid computer wouldn't let me, but to make a long story short, it stated that he may win Iowa, and several other states. Also a question, in what year were the business taxes last raised?
If you are really interested and did not watch the debates, you might watch footage from the debates. Additionally, his website,, provides a lot of information about him on the issues. Click the logo at the top, and then you will enter the site and can read up. You do not have to sign up for email updates to access the site. Note that you can click on the "logo-y" topics for greatly expanded information regarding things like Taxes, Spending, Energy, etc. The logo-y words give some simplistic overview, but you click for the expanded details.
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I too would like to hear some real answers. Mr. Romney was in Va. yesterday and when asked what he would do to help the econemy he answered, " The opposite of what Obama is doing". Sorry but, he might as well have said Whatever! What kind of answer is that?
Riverrose, this is THE perfect example of how I view MR. In our Oregon voters pamphlet there was quite a lengthy discussion from RP on what he'd do as president, almost as lengthy from Gingrich (even though he later dropped out) but Romney's was little more than a fluffy full of nothing paragraph. I really don't know if he has any true direction and the above statement just about sums it all up.
Jill what has actually happened, over and over, is you DO TALK TO ME. You are usually one of the first to reply to my statements, but LATER decide to ignore me when you have no answer. I beg you, if you are truly not going to talk to me, then please, just do it. This talking to me, just enough to tell me I am wrong, but not enough to tell me why, is quite honestly, cowardly, and quite frankly, a load of crap.

Just in case this is misconstrued, this is not me "melting down". This is me exuberantly overjoyed at how "telling" your behavior is!
Thank you for the link, but I have dial up here in the boonies and it took forever just for the cover page to load. I did watch some of the debates and IMO the only one answering questions with solutions was Caine, even though I didn't agree with them at least he didn't beat around the bush with his answers. I haven't watched any in the last few months, too busy.

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