good morning my dear friends

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yup it is amazing how good i am getting at left hand stuff mastered the potty thing
i can button i can eat turn pages amazing just how many things one takes for granted it perks me up to know it is healing can't wait to be better i miss my horse work like crazy so BORED i try to keep as busy as i can tv books watching my kids out the windows napping
I can only imagine what you've been through Deb, and it's a helpless feeling to not be there to physically help, so yes Mary Lou, Bless you too for giving us the ability to help each other in our extended family here. Maxine
I have been thinking about you and hoping that your pain goes away quickly. I can't imagine what you are going through.

You are so right about this forum. I know I sure need support right now and between you all, my family and friends it's been a blessing!
Deb,, it is good to hear you are making progress. I know it is painful and sometimes hard to take.

But we are here for you!! <VBG>

Added: if you were closer.. you would have a Gimp(me) coming over to bother you a bit.
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You've been in my thoughts and prayers - and still are, for a speedy recovery from the burns and hopefully the pain will become less severe. Sounds like you are doing a great job with the burns, as hard as it must be for you to inflict pain upon yourself. But you know what you must do and are doing it very well.

I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.
Great news Deb and it gets better, it really does Im testament to that. Hurts like h--- but so very necessary to make sure the healing continues. Glad you got the demerol it sure makes it better. Shane will live just remind him of all the times you did things for him when hes been sick as a baby etc. put him on a guilt trip if you gotta.

Love ya

Wow, Deb, you are amazing to be going through what you are and stay so upbeat.

I know pain is a major factor in depression, and you are certainly experiencing a lot of it. You are quite brave to take care of yourself so diligently, but know it will pay off in the long run.

I keep you in my thoughts often, and wish for you a wonderful outcome and that the entire experience is just a memory soon.

I agree, this is a great place, I've met some wonderful people here, in person and in spirit.

Liz M.

So glad to hear that things are progressing well - and it sounds like QUICKLY too.

Know it still hurts a whole whole whole lot!

You continue to be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers.


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