Well-Known Member
We had our first miniature club show of the season and i got supreme with my stallion sosososososososo stoked i cried was great the ribbon was huge big sash with a rosette i didnt get a photo of him but going to take some hopefully tomorow with him and his ribbon looks so pretty on him
and then
i got runner up supreme in the afternoon with my B colt!!!!!!! wow what a day
anyway here is me and my young B colt
(sorry the pic is blurry camera found it hard to focus indoors).....
he got runner up to his sire, so that was pretty neat we got them together to take a photo....
Then we decided to let them touch noses the stallion isnt normally known for his friendlyniss hence the reason there are funny looks on our faces lol....

anyway here is me and my young B colt

he got runner up to his sire, so that was pretty neat we got them together to take a photo....

Then we decided to let them touch noses the stallion isnt normally known for his friendlyniss hence the reason there are funny looks on our faces lol....