Gracie's Mini Mommas' To Be Page- All done foaling! Five Healthy Foals!!

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Your mares look really well. One way or another you will have a couple of babies in the next couple of wks but the wait feels like a slow torture LOL
Calm and deep breaths
your babies will be here before you know it. You can use diaper rash cream if she is sore.

Hugs from afar
Your mares look really well. One way or another you will have a couple of babies in the next couple of wks but the wait feels like a slow torture LOL
Seeing all these darling babies being born is torture!!
I think I can officially say that these minis have stolen my heart and not just Gracie's
I love the momma mares any way and that is my passion in the big horses, so add the lil cuteness of the mini mommas and I am a goner!
I love going in the stall and having both girls want to be with me to be loved on. It is nice having them away from the herd and getting individual love and attention. You get to see their real personalities and really bond with them. I am finding that Gracie and I are now fighting over who gets to go check them. I have always been major smitten with Gracie's lil stallion as you can't help but be gaga over him. He is such a special boy and those baby blues he has makes your heart pitter patter
Sandy, believe me, I know just what you are going through, although I can't imagine how much harder the waiting is for Gracie. As soon as your first mare has a nice healthy foal for you, it will all be worth it!! And then (I hate to tell you) - you will have to wait some more for the other mares. I honestly think they feel the same way once they see that first baby!
Sandy, believe me, I know just what you are going through, although I can't imagine how much harder the waiting is for Gracie. As soon as your first mare has a nice healthy foal for you, it will all be worth it!! And then (I hate to tell you) - you will have to wait some more for the other mares. I honestly think they feel the same way once they see that first baby!
I know you all know exactly what we are going through. Both of us are just so excited to cuddle a tiny baby. Once these babies are born Gracie will never get any school work done (she is home schooled). I will just have to make her take her school books out to the field with her and hope she gets a page or two done while she sits among her moms and babies.

We have had rotten weather yesterday and today. Torrential downpours and flooding. So glad the two on watch are nice and toasty in their stall. We have held off from examining them this morning as Lexi is getting grumpy about it. I will report if there are any positive changes.
So call me crazy, maybe even as crazy as the weather we have been having, but Gracie and I took on 5 orphan kittens to bottle feed. They are about 3-4 days old. I figure we are on foal patrol around the clock any ways that we might as well be foster moms' to a littler of kittens. They are so tiny and cute. I have done this many times before but this time I am trying out a kitten glop recipe to feed them rather than the over the counter KMR or something like it. They seem to really like it and are feeding well. Gracie loves it of course and even volunteered to get up and do the 2AM feeding last night. We have them on a every 3 hour schedule and they seem to be doing well. We could use your prayers that it continues that way.

We have had some crazy weather here in Cali the last few days. Torrential rain, T-storms, wind, hail, etc..... Lexi and Fancy seemed to be doing well until this afternoon when we got a break in the weather and we went to let them out to graze and we checked others and discovered that BOTH their udders and soft and flabby
They both have been progressing the last week slowly but surely and Lexi's udder has even started to feel warm, then today they are mushy soft???? I give up
! So weird!!
Today Fancy is 331 days and Lexi 330 days from last breeding date. Not much going on in the way of changes except the girls udders seem to get fuller during the day which is just so opposite of what is normally, normal. I went ahead and took more pictures today and as you can see the progression is very minimal. Both girls hoohas are the same as well.

Fancy's previous "V" seems to have disappeared. 331 days today


More Lexi. Sorry for so many posts with pictures, The pictures MB are too large to load more than 2 photos most the time, and I am unsure how to make them smaller to load. Not the most computer literate person.


My guesses - Fancy still has some time to go. Lexi may decide to foal this week. And there you have it!
Fancys udder doenst look half as good as Lexis so I agree Lexi might foal towards the weekend and Fancy next week some time IF they both progress as they are now but as we have seen the can swap roles just to add in that little bit of extra crazy
They are both looking great Sandy.

Lexi certainly seems to be the front runner - for now LOL!!

Hope your little kitties survive - perhaps a picture or three when you have a moment (or should that be IF you have a moment!)
Hope Lexi has a foal for you SOON, and while you are enjoying that one, that Fancy provides a playmate! I find myself getting as anxious for you and Gracie as I am about our own mares!

As far as photos are concerned, I have a photobucket account (free) which accepts photos of any size and makes it easy to insert photos in posts. You have to use the photo icon above the reply area, but it also lets you put the photos exactly where you want them. There is still a limit to the number in any one post though.

Well, in the middle of this reply our pager went off, so it seems to be working! Sox was scratching her head on the door frame.
Oh lord, have people nothing better to do! Sandy come back here, we are stress free
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LMBO!!! I am sorry, I could not help myself as I get irritated by one person in particular knowing it all. I am done saying what I had to say even though I really wanted to just say one more thing.... I really am trying to be a good girl

I so love this forum and all the crazy wonderful women in here.

The girls are just baking the spots on their foals. Lexi is looking real close. Her udder is staying fuller and feels warm to the touch but I still can't get much fluid out. Her vulva is a little brighter red inside but still has a way to go to relax IMO. I know this all can happen very quick though. Fancy's udder still leaves a lot to be desired, but I swear sometimes her hooha looks like it might just hang down to her hocks it is so swollen and long, but it is still a pale pink inside. Gracie just came in from picking stalls before bed one more time and said the girls look so over being pregnant.
naw how cute, I bet they are over it, poor mumma's

your girls are looking so good! can't wait to see their beautiful healthy babies really soon!

the girls are right, hang around here Sandy we're all a happy family in the nursery

hey we should get our forum changed to the Nursery hehe that could be fun.

good luck with foaling Sandy, I sure wish we could help watch your girls!
LMBO!!! I am sorry, I could not help myself as I get irritated by one person in particular knowing it all. I am done saying what I had to say even though I really wanted to just say one more thing.... I really am trying to be a good girl
There are a couple that I just can't cope with so I just stay away for much of the time, Lord knows what I would do if they turned up here

I am glad the girls are well and progressing even if it is slowly. How many days are they now?

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