Well-Known Member
So they torment you another day. Dont ya just love those mares LOL
I have tried asking them directly but they just ignore me. Fancy's hooha is so floppy and relaxed its crazy, but her udder department is extremely lacking. Lexi's udder nicely filled, but waiting for nipples to fill for days now and nothing is happening.They can't hold on much longer surely?
I can barely get anything at all from her udder and its still a clear-yellow and the amount I can get out even after bumping the udder and milking awhile is about the size of a stick pin head.I would say that Lexi looks very close to foaling from her udder. I wouldn't take my eyes off of her. Is it firm yet? Can you get milk?
Yes, Lexi barely look pregnant right now. Its a weird look to me. Her hooha looks the same to me but I am looking at it every day. Both girls are a tad more brighter pink inside though, Lexi more so. Can't get anything out of the udders though, even after some effort.Lexi looks "flat-sided" with a good udder and it looks like her hooha is beginning to swell a bit !! Just wonderful -- watch her closely! Fancy looks like baby is still riding a little "left" of center, her udder looks like a couple more days of filling should do it, and her hooha looks like she's elongated and swelling a bit too. These are two girls that are very close, I think! Keep a good watch! It shouldn't be long now!