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Taylor Jo

YES........... BIGGY SHOW HORSE and I'm in LOVE
She's gorgeous. Ok, ok!!!! Details. She's 2 1/2. She's already been to 12 mths professional training, in halter but the past couple of mths she's been to training for riding. She leg reins, BUT that's with plow reining, she is working on the neck reining. She gets it then doesn't get it. She backs up, trots, canters, trail rides, lunges, bathes, clips. Did I tell you she was beautiful... OMG's I can't WAIT to show you pic's of her. She's a Paint Overo and she's got a large flame down her face, she's mostly sorrel and then white up the legs with one white spot on her and that's what makes her Overo.

We FELL in LOVE with each other. I came up to her and reached my hand out she started nuzzling my hand, I put my face down to her she started giving me kisses and then rubbing her face all over mine, then she sniffed me. The owner told me she was VERY loving and she was happy to see her react like that cause she wanted someone that she would love and love her. I'm so excited. I get her TOMORROW in the next day or so I'll have to get pictures of her or ask the owner for permission to post a pic of her. I want to share her with you guy's. I think I'm going to start trail and then next season, show her halter, we'll see what happens, just need to get her home and let her get used to every one after we quarrnt. her. Her barn name is "Velvet" Thanks for letting me share.


Sire/Dam of Breed Assn World Champ

Futurity Money Earner

Breed Assn Show Champ

Breed Assn Res Show Champ

Breed Assn Futurity Winner
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Cant wait to see pics......I know It sounds like an echo, everyone wants to see pics! How tall is she? what are you planning on riding her, english or western? or just wait and see? Yippee.....I love it when someone gets a new horse......Cuz I know how it feels, so exciting.
Cant wait to see pics......I know It sounds like an echo, everyone wants to see pics! How tall is she? what are you planning on riding her, english or western? or just wait and see? Yippee.....I love it when someone gets a new horse......Cuz I know how it feels, so exciting.

Oh my gosh thanks all for the responses. I can't WAIT for you to see pic's of her. She's 15 hands high and she's HUGE. I mean compared to a mini. I'm so used to them being so little and she's got this HUGE BUTT HAAAAA..... She's been trained for westen and I have a western saddle. BUT I could go english. Been comptemplating it. Not sure what to do. It certainly would be more reasonable to show tack wise and I do love english. Can anyone help me w/ the pro and cons guy's????? Thanks, TJ
Here she is at a show w/ her former owner and I have permission.



Got home today. On my way to her I noticed it starting to turn really black and it got REALLY windy and then it started to pour so bad I couldn't see. All of a sudden I couldn't see and I started to pull over and I saw to cars over on their sides laying side by side as if they were thrown up agaisn't each other. It was horrible. Then I got about 5 miles down the road and it said oh what ever the name of the town was and a few others it has a "tornando" warning. I was like GREAT. Finally it sorta cleared up then I was able to make my way there. Then when I got there it down poured again and I went up to her door and she came out and we went to the barn and it quit, we got it her loaded, I got on the road and it started to rain again. God was truly with us. It was a 3.5 hr trip there and back, 175 miles each way, whew. I'm tired.

Then I came home went to the cardiogist with my husband and they told him he had "A FIB" and they needed next week to do a bunch of test, he's got a pulse of 41 and lower. He's short of breath also. Then we went to a Saddle and Tack store and I bought my girl a bridle and a "Myler" comfort snaffle and a fly mask (PINK) WAS going to buy a pink pad but they wanted a $169 for it so I thought I'd use the black old one I have w/ my saddle IF my saddle fits.

HEY GUY'S HOW am I suppose to know IF my saddle fits? What's an idication is does or doesn't? I don't have a clue. She's 15 hands but you can see by the pic's she's HUGE.

My saddle is a 15.5

Thanks guy's. TJ
congrats she is gorgous, i know what you mean by big everytime i go see my sis's horse he is huge compared to my minis. wow that must have been scary going through that storm.
She's a lovely mare, congratulations!

Here she is at a show w/ her former owner and I have permission.
HEY GUY'S HOW am I suppose to know IF my saddle fits? What's an idication is does or doesn't? I don't have a clue. She's 15 hands but you can see by the pic's she's HUGE.

My saddle is a 15.5

Thanks guy's. TJ
Sorry I really don't know how to fit a saddle (well not how to describe it anyway, I do ok fitting my horses), but hopefully you can find someone near you to help (trainer, saddle dealer, etc). The saddle size (15.5) is to fit your butt, not hers.
[Fit for her will depend on the bars, mostly. Quarter horse bars, semi-quarter bars, arab; its the cut of the tree in the saddle. But, that is about all I know.]
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Nice girl you got there!

As for saddle fit, I know a little bit. Let me see if I can explain what I know. First of all, when you are first seeing if it fits her or not, set it on her back without a pad/blanket. You want to make sure that it has clearance over her withers, enough so even when you are sitting in it the saddle will not be pressing onto them. Also put your hands up under the saddle and kind of feel to see if their seems to be even pressure all along the bars where they rest on her back; the most common problem is for it to squeeze or have more pressure at the front around the wither area. This can all be done without the cinch fastened even (well, not if you are checking the clearance while sitting in the saddle, but everything else). Hmmm, basically you just want to make sure it is not going to be pinching her or interfering with her movement (such as in the shoulder area). Of course, after you ride her in it and get her a bit sweaty, you can pull the saddle and blanket off and check for dry patches. Any dry spots could mean an area where there is too much pressure. I think that about exhausts my knowledge of saddle fit. I'm sure if you do a google search you can find more too, but that might give you some things to start with.
Thanks all. Yes that storm was scary especially cause I was by myself. Thanks for the help on the fitting of the saddle Jayne, that it explains it more then I would have known what to look for. I knew the 15.5 was my butt size but that's all I knew. Oh yea and I know it has full quarter horse bars on it, that I do know too.
Congrats, she is a beautiful mare. I would take her out and show halter with her. I also have to say halter is my thing but she would have been what I was looking for when I did paints.

What is her pedigree?

If you have any questions about the fit of your saddle then find a reputable tack shop and haul her and the saddle in and they should be able to help you. I hope you realize the the money pit has just opened and the show stuff is endless. Just my belt cost about $225 just by itself. I would recommend looking on line at the big show tack catalogs to see what is current, what is on it's way out of style and put your stuff together with that in mind. If you are going to breed shows you don't want to stick out like a sore thumb by looking like a country bumpkin just coming to town for the first time.

Good luck and she is a very nice mare!
Gorgeous animal.

Last time I bought a set of reins a million years ago they were just slightly under $100.00

I often asked myself what in the world could they be putting in reins now a days to make them so expensive

Good luck

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Last time I bought a set of reins a million years ago they were just slightly under $100.00I often asked myself what in the world could they be putting in reins now a days to make them so expensive
Ohh Marty, if you only knew

I just wish people would realize the difference between an item of tack priced at $100.00 that was made by someone here in North America (and realize the time, care, attention to the little details etc that the person making that item put into it), versus the 'same' item priced at $20.00 that was made off-shore (ie India, Argentina and now China) in some sweat shop with 'cardboard' leather

It's a never ending struggle in my world....and I don't think it's going to get any easier.....

sorry to hi-jack the thread....

I can't help you with saddle fit with a Western Saddle, sorry....talk to me about English and I can give you all kinds of tips!!

btw your horse is very pretty!!! I did have a bit of a chuckle when you first said how HUGE she was....my own horse is a 16.3 hh cross and my coaches' horse that I ride every day as well is a 17.2 Dutch Warmblood!!!!!

But I do know what you mean, everything seems huge when you're used to the minis!!!

Thanks for the Congrat's. When you say "big show tack catalogs" who like do you mean, I don't have a clue? Her pedigree is Sire: Strategy, Dam: DC Sweet Emotions. Velvets registered name is Obviously A Strategy. Yea, I think at first I think I will do halter and then maybe WP. Just depends on $$$$$$. I just bought a pink SMX saddle pad and that was $139. from Valley Vet but from my local western store an hour + away it was $169. Plus, I got free shipping so I optied for the 139. I did buy an american made bridle and chest w/ reins but I had to get it on line to because I couldn't find anything at the western store.

Yea, I bet you did get a laugh, but she does still seem so huge. She stepped on my foot yesterday and left a huge bruise..... My foot is sooo sore today. Thanks all, TJ
I put the saddle on her and it fits fine BUT the gullet doesn't fit her it's too tall and wide on her. It's a 6" She's very narrow through there. I won't know about the other till I ride her and I don't have a bridle and bit yet. TJ
She is beautiful, congratulations!
She is beautiful, congratulations!

Thanks appreciate it. I also bought a saddle. A Circle Y semi quarter horse bars. I got a back strap that matches it. This is the nicest saddle I have EVER owned, most expenisve saddle I've ever owned was $300 and this was 4 X's that. Plus, I had to take some stuff back which knocked $300 off so that helped.

I rode her for the first time at home today and it was heavenly. The new saddle was wonderful and I wasn't SCARED. Before when I rode I was so terrified. But, I wasn't. Even when she threw her head w/ flies bothering her and she tripped once. Used to I'd a paniced if the horse did any little thing unusual, but this time I didn't let any of it bother me.

She did really good out in the pasture too. I was proud of her. I did her in the round pen as well and did some figure 8's with her. But, it was 98* so I didn't push her to hard. I'll wait and ride tomorrow in the morning when it's cool, I couldn't ride this morning cause I was busy working the mini's. Of course now their calling for showers tomorrow. Suppose to be 92* so I'll have to get out early. TJ
Beautiful mare, congratulations! You ought to do well in halter with her from what I can see.

Yes, the big horse show world is a bottomless pit money-wise lol. Last time we went to APHA World show, I was mentally adding up what I was seeing in a Youth Western Pleasure class. 30 some odd kids with mostly high dollar horses with lots of trainer time, lets be conservative and say $1000 outfits on the kids, show saddles loaded with silver plus headstalls & reins, etc....gorgeous but almost obscene. The youth my daughter hauled with a little got a new outfit, hat to boots, nearly every show. Check out the prices at Berry Fit or one of the custom show outfit websites... They paid around $40k for her horse, Blue Ribbon saddle probably close to $10k. You can certainly compete with less and lots of people do, and you still have to have the horse and the skills, but that's what you are riding with at the big shows.

I bought reins not long ago - just good heavy everyday working reins (made in USA) - and they were $55. They used to be $15 lol.


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