Have you ever had a "wake up call"??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2004
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***Seal Rock, Oregon***
As I've gotten older, I've learned much along the way, expecting fully to learn a whole lot more. I've tried to live my life well, to the fullest, but once in a while, I "forget" and start taking life and everything that comes with it for granted.

My 37th birthday (just last week) appears to have been my latest "wake up call." And the days since.

That day, my FIL was diagnosed with a tumor and is getting a biospy, I ( and my entire family ate at a restaurant and were possibly exposed to e.coli) and then the dog we found finally had his owner show up after 7.5 months. Before getting to actually speak to the man, I was having such bad anxieties, my heart rate was WAY too high and my hands were shaking. I realized in the midst of that that I was going to give myself a heart attack right then and there if I didn't STOP right then.
I was able to get myself under control.

Have a history of heart disease in my family so I know I'm at risk. During that panic attack, I realized that the fear and worry of the unknown does no good except cause health problems and I do not want to risk my health over something I cannot even see.

SO, I am not worrying anymore. I've got my faith in order again (it was there, just being tested I guess) and have placed my worry where it needs to be, off MY shoulders.
I want to live a long healthy life, to be here to see my grandbabies. I'm back to seeing how special life is and that I can NOT take things for granted.
I've been slipping off my healthy eating and exercising for the last couple weeks.
I'm going back to it now. I was feeling so good when I was living that way, but WORRY took over my life.

OK, those of you who have had wake-up calls, will you share your moment with us??
Yep.....Those wake-up calls can sure be harsh sometimes.

Our latest one was actually one for several people in our "family"......

We had just recently purchased a junker Mazda pickup. At first we were going to use it as parts for Larry's Mazda. But when our grown foster daughter, Jessica, ended up needing an extra vehicle for their family, we offered it to them. Her husband, Jon, is very handy at car repair on older model vehicles.

So....They came and got the little junker Mazda yesterday with their two little girls. Jessica started following Jon home in their Sidekick because the little truck could only travel about 40 mph max. They went the back roads......All of a sudden Jessica could see SMOKE coming from the little pickup! And then FLAMES! She started honking and yelling at him!

Jon pulled over, jumped out and had just enough time to grab their 2 year old out of the pickup with her carseat before the ENTIRE TRUCK WAS ON FIRE!!! Their other little one was riding with Jessica, thank God......as Jon probably wouldn't have had time to pull TWO babies out.

They called us and Larry rushed over. And they called 911. Fire trucks came and put out the fire. The little truck is just a burnt piece of metal and had to be hauled away. We had given them a bunch of kids' clothes and some toys which was all lost in the fire.....but the important things -- Jon and Ashley -- were safe.

We ALL held those two little girls real close after that "wake-up call"!

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........let's see. Wake-up calls? We'll go backwards from right now to long ago. Recently, sister-in-law had a brain tumor & had two operations (this month); last spring, a dear dear friend tried to commit suicide; just before that, another dear dear friend was in an accordian type car wreck; just before that, I had pneumonia. Ok, that's this year.

In years prior: a heart attack for me; another heart attack for me; an operation for me; losing 15 horses in the barn fire.

ok....all bad. all things that made me say.............wait a minute! I'd better get a hold onto something here that's real.

But in every case, a miracle has happened. I found these friends were more dear than I ever knew; I'm watching my sister in law make progress beyond belief. Watching her struggle puts me in my place; the barn fire showed me there are REAL people out there, who go beyond the call of anything to help a stranger.

So, yes, all wake-ups, but all showed me something I would not have otherwise seen. uh-oh, too philosophical sometimes. But this will do it to you.
Wake up calls come and go for sure in my life but the one that remains with me daily is the death of my father; my best friend, last December. I realized the cliche I have always heard is true: live life each day as though it were your last. I admit, I don't always follow that as life for me moves quickly however, I try my best but, more importantly, my father's death brought me much closer to God when I was straying and not making time for Him. I am happy for that but will always miss my dad until I see him again.
My latest wake up call was last Fall. I feel I really changed after being diagnosed with skin cancer. It really does make you appreciate every day a lot more and I let the dumb things just roll off my shoulders it is not worth fussing over.

Even though they got the bad ones off - it is always on my mind. I tried to really be careful this summer (not only with me but with my boys - they did not go out without sunscreen!) Well last week she found 2 more cancers : I am just glad I went when I did last year otherwise it could have been so much worse. I am on 6 month checks and she has found 6+ in the past year.
Last fall about a month after moving into the nicest home I've ever had was my wake up. We were very proud of ourselves for our move here to the country and enjoying every minute.

Our son had started his first year of football and a freak lightning bolt came down and struck and injured every boy on the team. Including 5 coaches.

One senior was killed and every single person was admitted to the hospital.

I think of all those years when the kids and I would play in the rain.......

On this day, there wasn't even rain, just one lightning bolt...........My daughters teacher who was also a coach, had to be treated for months...It was a very difficult time for this small town, and not a great way to meet all our new neighbors...

Last Dec. I turned 37 and decided to start trying to not be so stressed and not to overcommitt myself anymore. But I still want to be a cowgirl when I grow up!

In 1995 my first husband and a close friend of ours died in a canoeing accident in Georgian Bay, they were 31 and 28. It was a horrible time for me but I realized that none of us are invincible. Also I found out how many people truly cared about me.

In 2002 I had abnormal lymph nodes on my lungs and a mass on an ovary that was the size of a grapefruit. It took two months to get a biopsy and surgery all the while thinking that I had ovarian cancer that had metastisized to my lungs. It was beyond stressful, I know I was very close to having a nervous breakdown waiting to find out what was going on. My parents visibly aged over those two months and my husband was just sick with worry. It turned out that the abnormal lymph nodes were related to an auto immune disease I have and the mass on my ovary was a benign dermoid cyst. It has made me try so much harder to enjoy the things and people that I have in my life right now and not focus so much on "getting" there.
Last year my dad past away at work in a truck accident..he was 45 and healthy as ever. None of us expected this of course and it definetely showed my whole family not to take anything for granted. Now, I cherish everything and try not to be so selfish when it comes to my family. I used to wake up thinking we had the best family and that I would always have both of my parents there to support me...now, I still wake up thinking I have the best family...just that one very important man in my life is missing. It wont be long till I see him again

Wow. Those are some very powerful stories. Thank you all for sharing something sooooo personal to you all.

I do tend to agree that we have "reality checks" thrown in our face fairly frequently, some hit VERY close to home in a hard way, others are not so close but still make us think.

Kris- It's hard to lose a parent. I lost my dad when I was 21. Yes, I was considered an adult at the time, but it didn't feel that way when I lost him, he was only 49. Your father would be very proud of the things you've done over the last year.
You will always miss him, but it will get a little easier. I find the times I miss him the most are when we celebrate our children for birthdays or accomplishments and how I wish he'd been here to cheer them on with us. Hugs to you!
Geez...I've had so many lately...probably my appendix surgery (end of Sept) was the last and the biggest..they screwed up and knicked two arteries and almost killed me...I dang near bled to death..lost over half my blood in a few hours and had to go back in for more surgery...had I fallen asleep I wouldn't of woken up.

Seems the past year has been totally horrible for my family...Mom had lung cancer end of last year (she is 61)...Dad has COPD and gets worse daily(he is 65)...Sister Committed suicide in March (she was 46), my fathers 1st wife (not my mom, but my one sister's - the one that died in March) died of a brain anurism last week (only 64). Good friend that my hubby works with has lung/brain/bone cancer (only 40), she probably won't make it. One sister has blood clot in pelvis/leg that continues to get worse (she is 42), they are talking amputation of her lower leg. Other sistter (40) had a lymph node removed under her armpit yesterday...she may have breast cancer..not sure yet....a friend I work with - his 16 month old child drowned in their swimming pool a couple months ago. Another guy I work with went into hospital for back surgery about a month ago - he is now paralyzed.

Geez, I guess I'm really going on and on...just seems like lately all bad is happening...I guess that's what happens as you get older, I hate birthdays and new years...they are just a reminder of getting old...not myself getting old, but all my family and friends.

Rereading my post reminds me to live everyday to the fullest and make sure you tell your loved ones just how much you do love them, forgive your enemies, and certainly don't sweat the small stuff. I try to wake up everyday happy and call all my family 3-4 times a week (they are all out of state)...life is just too dang short!
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my moms...

day after her birthday we got a call from her mom saying that my moms grandma had died on her birthday due to a heart attack
I have had some very strange things happen to me.

I've had to have an ear taken off to get a tumor (was put back on)

I was hit by a car and dragged 5 to 6 feet.

And I was tossed off my horse and broke my back.

Yet, I am thankful. I could have died during anyone of these "accidents" but I didn't.

It has given me faith and a new perspective on life.

I enjoy the simple things that people overlook everyday.

The birds singing, my family, how precious life is and to see it clearly.

Somehow we seem to muddle through no matter what the problem, so I guess that I have also learn humility.


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