HC Minis - 2016 foaling thread

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NOthing yet this morning. Checked at 6am, nothing, went back about 9am, nothing; turned them out to pasture for a bit, it's now raining again, so will be going out to bring htem in shortly.
We have a silver buckskin filly out of Bonny.

Nothing at 3PM, she even jumped and looked at me like not me. Looked out the window at five and I couldn't tell if it was a baby or someone else's head, due to distance to the corral from house, so went out and she still has her baby slippers on, so quite new. Iodined and then I came here to post and grab the camera.
Mom's a bit crampy, so will keep an eye on her, she's already had one low dose of banamine, she might need more.
Congratulation...hoping the mare is going to be OK!
She was pretty much herself by suppertime. I'm pretty sure I just caught that soon after foaling that she was still crampy; but she was taking care of baby too.
I understand. To begin with I had a plan, and a list of names, but as time went on the foals got named something natural that fit them after they were a week or two old.
Some I have named before they were even a thought, like Monte, he had a name when we named his dam.

Tana's given name is: Lemars Montana Maid. As soon as I got her, I said I wanted to name her colt Full Monte, and I did, his name is "He11 Coulee Toppers Full Monte", although he often called little Monster.
Lovely Chanda , Both beautiful additions to HC Minis
Thank you, Ryan.

Now if Showy would just have hers, I think I would be good to go, since the other two exposed mares don't look very pregnant for as far along as they would have to be.
Paula, been waiting for her to unfold a bit more. Overcast today, but will try.
If Baybe took on her one hand breeding date, today she would be 310 days.

If Misty took on the last possible day out with the stallion, she could be 320 days (she would be further along if she took earlier, so not looking very promising).
I was thinking this morning or maybe it was yesterday, probably yesterday...

Everyone always talks about how wonderful puppy breath is, I just don't get it, and don't find it to be appealing; but have discovered that new ponies smell wonderful. Yes, I've been sniffing Spotty and Bliss, every chance I get; two visitors today got to sniff Bliss and they thought it was better than puppy breath too. [Leaning towards Bliss, but might be Jorga.]

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