HC Minis - new pics pg 172

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I keep forgetting to mention... The other day, I noticed that Misty will nurse both Junior (her foal) and Monte (Tana's foal), and she doesn't mind one bit. If Tana is too far away, Monte will go over to Misty for a snack. Tana will take care of Monte, but seems pretty indifferent to where he's at, and not worried the least little bit when he's out of eye sight; and she definitely wouldn't take on a spare.
Boy that kind of makes Misty worth her weight in gold, should you ever need a nurse mare.

Good girl, Misty!!
She's been just awesome for a maiden mare. Protective but not psycotic about it. And, to think I hadn't planned on breeding her, ever.
What a girl, bless her!!
Ok, so not minis, but meet Turtle and Spot and their sister CalliKitten.

These three are from a litter of five out of CalliCat, our torti barn cat; one black kitten found a new home this week, and unfortunately we lost one this week. Mama kitty and all 5 of her babies were spayed last week at a free spay/neuter clinic, along with 9 other barn cats/kittens (10 females total).


callie's kittens - june 18, 2012 - grey.jpg


Callie's kittens - june 18, 2012 - short tortie.jpg


Callie's kittens - june 18, 2012 - fuzzy tortie.jpg

Poor little girl has been feeling under the weather lately and not eating, so picked up a tube of Nutrical and we'll see if that helps her out.
Oh they are just beautiful!! I especially like little CalliKitten and her cute little face!! And you got a dilute calico! WOW! You know I love the dilutes!!

I hope CalliKitten feels better soon!!!
I love them all, which is why I'm not even trying to rehome these little girls, even if they'll be staying out in the barns (I already have 3 housecats). I have several black barn kittens that could go to new homes, but no one seems interested this year in barn kitties.

I couldn't believe it when I saw spot, I didn't even know you could get a dilute calico. Her other orange spot is on the bottom of one of her back feet.

CalliKitten seems to be feeling a bit better with two doses of the Nutrical in her, we'll see if she's intersted in real food at dinner time.
Oh bless them - soooooooooooooooooooo cute!!

Please dont jump down my throat, but I have noticed that in the US you neuter your young animals very young. Is thare a particular reason for this?

Glad that little CalliKitten is feel a bit better - did she eat her dinner?
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They are adorable

Anna we do a lot of early neutering over her as well and while I personally like to hold off when I can sometimes, like in the case of a barn kitty, you just can't risk it because there will be a stray cat or a careless neighbour who never cut their male.
Oh bless them - soooooooooooooooooooo cute!!

Please dont jump down my throat, but I have noticed that in the US you neuter your young animals very young. Is thare a particular reason for this?

Glad that little CalliKitten is feel a bit better - did she eat her dinner?
In general, I'd rather not spay/neuter so young (my house cats don't go so young); but it was a free clinic (they only happen every 2-3 years in this area) and this was a large number of barn cats that needed to be fixed (I had 14 cats and kittens fixed; 10 were females, that will be alot less babies in the future). The local vets charge over $100 each for spay, and I just can't afford that for the barn cats. [i know that sounds harsh, but I live on a creek bottom with all kinds of wild critters, it would be just my luck to pay $100 for surgery and the next day the cat would get taken by a coyote, fox, coon, etc.] They prefer the kittens be a minimum of 2# and at least 8 weeks, although I saw a few much smaller and younger at the clinic get fixed.

Haven't fed dinner yet, and its been raining all day, so don't know if they'll come out for dinner. they have free choice dry food in the barn, but I started feeding one cat (this litter's mother) canned food when she was very skinny, and now everyone comes for the extra goodies. [Good thing I found a source for inexpensive canned cat food, big 13.2 ounce cans for the same price as 5 ounce cans.]
What a good job you found that cheaper food Chanda with that amount of little mouths to feed! It costs around that amount for neutering here too - males are a little cheaper, but we dont do it until around 5 to 6 months at the earliest as the females dont come into season before that and most vets wont entertain it unless for medical reasons. But I can well understand you needing to take advantage of the free neutering sessions when they come round with all those little cuties to take care of!
What a good job you found that cheaper food Chanda with that amount of little mouths to feed! It costs around that amount for neutering here too - males are a little cheaper, but we dont do it until around 5 to 6 months at the earliest as the females dont come into season before that and most vets wont entertain it unless for medical reasons. But I can well understand you needing to take advantage of the free neutering sessions when they come round with all those little cuties to take care of!
The barn cats get a dry cat food too, but the one cat is always a bit thin (my mother-in-law and I found her on the side of the road Jan 2011 about half-starved), so I started feeding her canned to help her weight and it didn't take the other long to jump on the tasty treat.

Males are a bit cheaper here too, but its not the males that make all the babies (well they do, but you know what I mean); if you spay the females, you have less kittens.

Typically, the local vets prefer to spay/neuter around 6 months, as well. My housecats and the dogs have waited til 6 months or so for their spay/neuter appointments.
LOL!! Yes, I can imagine the other cats rushing in to sample the tasty moist food!! I only have 5 cats and I eventually had to 'wean' them away from moist food because, no matter what I did, they all kept coming in to the house at different times for food - obviously busy elsewhere with their own individual agendas!! So, as I couldn't stand all the different feed times, nor could I leave moist food down for them to pick at, they all got changed on to kitty bicuits and I keep two bowls filled for them so they can eat when they choose - much easier for me!!

That cat that you and your M-I-L found by the roadside was a very lucky girl I think.
We don't feed the barn cats at the house, we want them to stay at the barn or go out and hunt; for the most part they know they aren't welcome at the house and stay away. Although a couple can sometimes be found in the front yard under the Lilac bushes. There is a self-feeder in the calving barn, just fill up the hopper and it trickles down into a tray as they eat; I feed the canned food outside by calving barn once a day (and I've been putting out dry kitten food); and I feed twice a day at the mini barn (other end of the property).

Yes, CalliCat is a very lucky girl; and she's now spayed, so no more babies for her, and maybe she'll be able to gain weight and get weaned off the canned food.
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The little kitten that's been under the weather seems to be doing a little bit better today. This morning and tonight she ate about a tablespoon of canned cat food, maybe a little bit more, plus she's getting the NutriCal supplement.

Junior and Monte are starting to eat foal feed on their own, at the moment they eat about 1/2 cup shared morning and night. The mares go in their stalls, and the two little boys are in the aisle, during mealtime. I tried a cup the first time and they left too much in the dish, so tried just 1/2 cup this evening and they ate it all. Manny still isn't ready to be away from Bonny for meal, but he does eat some of her food.
Didn't catch Junior, but got a couple new pics of Manny and Monte today.

Here's Manny:

Manny - aug 12, 2012 - 2.jpg

Manny - Aug 12, 2012.jpg

And, Monte:

Monte - aug 12, 2012 - cute.jpg

MOnte - aug 12, 2012.jpg
Oh they are looking great Chanda! I know one is not supposed to use beautiful for the boys, but too bad coz I think they are both just BEAUTIFUL and I love their colouring.
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