Heart worm Treatment

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2007
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Our six pound two year old chihuahua.has tested positive for heart worm and she is in phase one of treatment. She showed no symptoms.

She gets doxycycline twice a day and is now coughing after exercise. We do limit her playtime and are trying to keep her as calm as possible.

If you have had a dog go through treatment, I would love to hear your experience and advice.
Worms die off from about day 5 through 10. As they are in the pulmonary artery, they flow down stream and get caugt in the small vessels of the lungs. Coughing is normal and should subside by day 14.

Dr Taylor
Thank you for the information. She is on day five. I just feel so sorry that she is going through this.
My MIL's Lab just tested positive, even though she was religiously given her heartgard. Monday she went in to start treatment, it has been difficult keeping her calm but it is going well so far. But by the sounds of it the worst is yet to come.
Yes, it will get worse for both of them.

We got Roxy two months ago and she had never been to the vet....no shots or heartworm preventative. I took her in for dental, shots and had her spayed then they told us that she has heartworms.
I did notice today that once I give her a pill, in about 30-45 minutes she starts coughing and is not herself,ears down...stays in one place... maybe spacey, for about two to three hours.

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