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What a handsome fellow! I love his markings. Welcome to our family from NY.
welcome from california, what a cutie he is, got to give you alot of credit for allowing him in the house with you.
Welcome from historical Virginia. Pretty guy. Hey. I once handled a 42 inch Dane who also shared my bed when he would let me. So keep on letting your boy share space with you butt long as everyone is content with this arrangement. Anyway welcome.
Welcome from the state of Oregon!

I'm Erin and own Moore Acres. Right now I have two Miniatures; Chip, my 4 year old, silver bay pinto stallion, and Tango, my 5 year old, silver dapple gelding.

I look forward to hearing about your "horsie adventures" and seeing more pictures of your gorgeous boy.

Is your boy a stallion or gelding? How old? How tall? Sorry if you posted all of that...I must have missed it.

welcome and congratulations from New Mexico. My husband is TDY at the moment but will have to keep these pictures around for him to see. Could you imagine potty training 2 puppies, a kid, and a horses...I need to take a brake just thinking about it. LOL
Hallo and Welcome from sunny England ......Today it really is sunny- HOT even!!! I've been sunbathing with the dogs and the weanling's.
Welcome Aboard! We're another Oregon poster here......

I've never seen a pinto mark like your fellow has before! Cool!

I was also wondering -- how did you "house break" him???? The only mini we've allowed in the house for any length of time I insisted that he wear Depends Diapers!

as for house training, he caught onto it in 3 days. I figured the dog must've helped out. LOL. He is 4yrs old and yes still intact, and stayin that way! Besides he is really laid back, except for the occasional nipping habit. Would just love to see what he'd produce some day! He does play with my sheppard which turns into a game of halter tag around the coffee table and he is the instagator at most times.LOL. Started him with driving, but he starts to fight the cart after about 10mins of the most beautiful grace you have ever seen. He does step high and carrys himself well, he will be great in driving class if I could only get him calm enough to go more than 10 mins. To see him trot in a pasture is heaven on earth, you'd swear his hooves don't touch the ground! I'll try to catch a pic when he starts his strut, but I gotta be fast for the cam to get him.


oooops ..... he is 35.50" "B" division Registered AMHR # 226618B
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HI There and welcome from the sunny state of California!!

REALLY like your horse... bodied up and pretty headed, just like I like 'em! LOL!
Neat markings as well.... do you have plans to show him alot? He does look like he COULD drive, too.... that nice big hip will help him drive deep...

Best of luck with him!

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Welcome from Southern Oregon! I have to admit my mini's have snuck into the house on occasion but wouldn't think of having them in all the time! Our 120# Golden retriever is big enough! Glad to have you aboard!
Hey Bob...nice to see that you joined the forum! Tonto is gorgeous and I love seeing you show him at shows. He is sure a Handsome horse. Bob let Tonto run in our field at the barn and I took a few pics.

Here is one of them:

Hi from Northern Michigan! I'm struck by his wonderful condition! You must have really worked at it.

I didn't catch it but he must be registered? I bet the day you found him will be a day you'll always remember!

Congratulations and stick around on the forum here, play like a sponge as I always say.

There's SO much good advice and info here and all are great about sharing it!

Glad to meet ya! Carl and Maxine
Welcome to the forum Bob!! Love all the pics..and I love hearing all of the stories of Tonto living in your house! Very unique, thats for sure!!

Will you be at Ancaster?


YES, thats me!! hee hee....

Hey City Slicker! See you're getting a warm welcome to the forum, as I knew you would! Lots of mini lovers here
You must be beaming with pride over the response Tonto is generating here. His horseshoe marking really grabs ya!!
See ya soon...at Ancaster I guess. Unless you can't drag yourself away from the forum? lol
Hello and welcome!!
Your little guy is beautiful! It must be so interesting to have him living with you in your home!!!
for sure see ya all at Ancaster Show, I've even got a few friends comming up too. Gonna cheer him and me on, ha ha ha but I still say they can't beat Tonto's bellow when I get out of sight! And yes, I'm having a blast here in the forum! Not bad for an ol fart. LOL. I think Tonto is my lit'l Sea Bisciut.....
Welcome from upstate NY! I love Tonto's markings, conformation and animation! And I really love how he is in the house with you!



Silversong Farm

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