Here I am ,..bothering you guys again,.....

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
Before I posted this,..i did a search on FOALING SIGNS,.....and couldnt find the answer to my question,....

Soooo,.....before you guys all lock me up(LOL),..Here is my question,.....

Foxy's tail is being held up,..not as much as if she was poo-ing,..but,...about half way,.....and her tail keeps,...ohhh,..what is the word I am looking for,.....her tail keeps,...vibrating,

And her stall looks like she has ran LAPS in it,..The straw is plied up into High piles EVERYWHERE!!!

and her stomach is bumping(for lack of better word),..up and down,.....And it looks like it is trembling a bit?

I threw her some more hay and she started eating it right away,..but,..kept coming over to the door for me to pet her( I think),..but,..she had her lip curled Up in the air like they do after they smell horse poo,..but,..she NEVER smelled anything???

Please tell me that I will get to use my new camera and that she will NOT foal before it gets here????? LOL
Sounds to me like she's very close.. Alot of mares will hold their tails up because of the pressure.. Her curling her lip might be an indicator of early labor, same with the "race track" if she's been pacing alot..
I think you'd better keep a very close watch on that mare! Sounds like she could foal at any time.

I have some that run laps in their stalls! It can make me dizzy watching them. Some for a few hours; others a number of hours before foaling. But I've only had them do that the day/night they foal. She would be very close in my opinion.
REALLY!!!????? :new_shocked:


Any one wanna buy a BRAND new foal cam,...when it comes!!!



GO FOXY GIRL GO!!!!!!!!!!! :aktion033:

Please keep your fingers crossed that EVERYTHING goes ok for us tonight?
[SIZE=12pt]OMG!!Thats so exciting!!Hope the foaling goes well!! :aktion033: [/SIZE]
A quick update,.....Checking every 45 minutes or soo,.....Foxy is not touching her hay now,..but,..will eat a few oats from your hand,....She cant stand in one spot very long,...You can see her bag with ease now,....She is very quick to turn her ears back at you now,.....tail still up,......

I think it is gonna be a longggggggggggggggg night,..LOL
I'd be checking her every 15 minutes...........every 45 is just not enough.

Good Luck!
I'm with Lindsay! 45 minutes is not frequent enough. 10 minutes is better. I think you need to sleep in the barn! Seriously, when a mare goes into stage 2 labor (when her water breaks), it can last as short as just a few minutes. That's enough time for a beautiful bouncing baby, or a deadly catastophe! I'd want to be there.
[SIZE=14pt]Im with Becky, Put your sleeping bag in the barn. 5 minutes is all it can take sometimes! I came in to get a cup of coffee and pee and that was when one of the mares foaled![/SIZE]

The others are right- do NOT leave her if you want to see her foal. She is WAY too close! Go find a place you can watch her, hopefully where she can't see you, and stay very very quiet. No sniffling, coughing, shifting. Once she thinks she's alone she'll go....

I know EXACTLY what your talking about !!!!!!

I have watched one of erica's mares the last two nights doing the same thing.

Her tail has been hiked up nearly all night. poops and peas continuously.

But I have never really seen one pea like this. Its more like squirts. About 25 times a night.

I just knew she was going to have it last night. I gave up watching at 3:30 this morning. Had to get

a little sleep, got up a little after 6 a.m. to get ready for work.

Just look over at the tv, she laying down, but not pushing.

Hope its tonight, and NO problems !

Good luck with your mare stare. Hope all goes well.

Linda Killion

Erica's Tiny Trotters
OK,..Thanks guys!

I would be totally lost with out you all!

I will keep putting updates, and there,...hope you dont mind,......

I am soo excited,..but,...worried too,..all at the same time,.....It is a very weird feeling isnt it?

We just come in from doing chores,.......Foxy gobbled up her feed and started on her hay,....I havent actually watched her pee yet though!

I dont see nothing dripping either,.....But,....She got VERY upset when I tried grooming her tonight,....and tried to get away from me,..Not like her,....Sooo,..for tonight,..I did leave her alone,...Her poo isnt soft yet,..but,..the balls are A LOT smaller,...could this mean anything?

From baseball size to golfball size.
[SIZE=14pt]Im with Becky, Put your sleeping bag in the barn. 5 minutes is all it can take sometimes! I came in to get a cup of coffee and pee and that was when one of the mares foaled![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]2 words - BARN POTTY!!!! :bgrin Oh and stop drinking coffee it'll make you need to pee![/SIZE]
How are things this morning Terri??

Hope you have a birth announcement for us !!! :lol:
As encouraging as it may sound-- that she might have that baby soon--- I have to be a wet blanket.

You also need to be prepared for a long wait! LOL

My mare is doing all that and has had wax and is walking around with her tail up... for at least two days..

Not exactly sure how long it's been because time runs together when you're on mare stare...

Of course, we've been watching her since before Feb 7 because she foaled at day 306 last time!

Good luck and keep us updated!
Any updates? any foal yet?

Sure sounds like SOON!

Good luck

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