HOLY COW !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"City Slicker"

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
GoldenHorseShoe Ontario, Canada
:new_shocked: WOW!!!! I bathed and took alot of elbow grease, 2 shampoo bottles, 3 set of blades, 8hrs. Only thing left to do now is hoove trim. I did however notice one thing and just can't figure what this is?

After bathing and started clipping, these little white with red head (about size of a pin head) came out of the wood work! She is just infested with them. So she is confined to stall in garage till I can get these cleared up! I have never seen anything of the likes of these little tick type of bug! She is sooooooo layed back I didn't even have halter on to clip her, she stood there, even doing her head and face. I wish Tonto was this good at clipping!! Well good news is no bugs or anything in droppings, so I guess atleast something is not wrong with her too bad, she does have one heck of an appitite! So here are some after pics, and I couldn't belive she is Gray Dapple, I think thats what she is? If she fills out she'll be a real nice girl!



I just wanted to say she looks bay to me. Not sure what the bugs are you are refering to though.

Is this horse a rescue?
Maybe get the vet outt o check her bugs and general health!She is a pretty girl I like her white spots cant wait to see her with loads of TLC!Her and tonto are going to be amazing this year!I know it.
l'd have her vet checked for sure and then get going with a real good diet to build her back up poor girl all her bones are showing glad you rescued her.
I bet that felt SOOOO good to her... such a sweet little mare! I can't wait to see her when you are done getting her into shape.. she looks like she is a nice little mare... and I think that she will be black.

Good luck with her..

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Maybe get the vet outt o check her bugs and general health!She is a pretty girl I like her white spots cant wait to see her with loads of TLC!Her and tonto are going to be amazing this year!I know it.

she is very active, eating, drinking well. just can't get hold of vet to see what the bug thing is. is there anything available in drug store for lice or ticks, because I think thats what they are???
is this mare from the broker in PA?? She looks just like the one on the broker site but had a filly by her side. I just wanted to warn you that I wouldnt do too much with her yet as shes so thin and probably very stressed. Shes probably very laid back because shes so thin and doesnt have the energy to "act up" Alot of times with horses like this once they get fed up and feeling better start acting much more horse like. Its almost like they wake up. So glad you have her and are now taking care of her
I would however keep trying to get a vet out to look at her as shes very low on the body condition score
Awww, Bless your heart, and hers!!!

Looks like she has alot of life and love to look forward to, Thanks to you!! :aktion033:

I second everything that Kay has said- this mare is one of the thinnest that I have seen - I think you jumped the gun a bit clipping and bathing, but , in order to get rid of the louse infestation- and that is what she has, believe me, you might well have had to do a rough clip any way. I hope you have her very well rugged, with an old bed sheet under the rug to stop the lice getting into it??

I think she needs the Vet- this mare is emaciated and feeding her up could kill her- she needs a special diet.

Now, I thought all this when I first saw her, complete with full coat, but you were so full of her I did not like to pop your bubble and one or two days would not make little difference.

I am going to push this one home, here, in case you miss the seriousness of the situation.

You could lose this mare if you do not take heed of what people are telling you.

She is very very thin.

She is infested with lice that have been there long term.

I have dealt with many ponies out of Knackers yards like this, in the past.

PLEASE get the Vet out to her.
Looks like she is black to me.

I agree with the others re getting a Vet to see her - especially with regard to her condition. You need to consult with him regarding the best way to feed her, as she will have special needs because of what she has been through.

Don't forget to keep ALL brushes, halters etc that you use on her away from any of your other animals as the chances of them acquiring "visitors" from them is very likely.

The more down in condition, the more likely an animal will have lice. One theory is that all horses and ponies have some lice - but is it only when they are poor in condition that the lice take over!

Good Luck with her
I discovered some of the nasty little things on two of my horses. I went to the Co-op and got some spray that said it targets lice (Bronco) and used it for a couple of days. It's just fly spray, really, but apparently it's killed the little bloodsuckers. I'll know for sure when I get the clippers back out.

Good luck with that pretty little mare. Bless her heart she looks rough, but she's lucky. You got her and will take good care of her now.

What kind of special feeding requirements do such underweight animals have?

There is a site for emaciated animals and there feeding- I do not have the link but maybe someone who does will post it???
keep in mind that this mare didnt get into this condition overnight and its going to take a very long time to get her back into condition. It can take up to a year or more to get a starved horse back at an acceptable weight. Shes not being bred right?? That would be the worst possible thing for her right now. There are a ton of sites with tips on feeding a starved horse. The main thing to keep in mind is very small meals 4 times per day to begin. I would put this mare at a 2 on the body conditon score though so I am not comfortable recomending how to feed. I really think you need a veternarian to advise you after doing a check up and blood work. You can easily kill a starved horse if not fed right. Their glycemic levels etc tend to bounce all over the place due to being starved.
...Mare was taken off the orignal hands because hubby is very ill health and gave her to whom I am getting from. She is just tickled she is comming here and will get the best home that any mini would die for!

The mare is double registered and has papers, and here is added bonus,, she's in foal....
I am assuming this is the same mare. Was she confirmed in foal?? Poor girl I am sure with your love and care and your vets help you can get her back into shape in time. You have some great advise here Good luck .
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Sounds like she has lice and many times depending on type Ivemectrin will kill them . I would talk to your vet. Another thing I have done is clipped like you already have, bathed in a flea dip type of shampoo, then sprayed the inside liner of a blanket with a flyspray made for lice (by farnum I think?) and then blanket and hood them so I kinda fumigated those suckers and the lice were taken care of pretty quickly. Again talk to your vet before doing any of the above .

She will come around pretty quickly I have seen and owned many who were in much worse shape and within a few short months you couldnt even tell that was same poor skinny horse I had just gotten in.
In fact to give you hope although this isnt the best picture to truly show how thin this mare was when we got her from a "rescue" - I will say the haulers called and were afraid to put her on the trailer she was so thin they werent sure she would make the 900+ mile trip We decided we didnt have a choice we had to get her out of there so took a chance she made it but was weak, the vet was appalled at her condition although the mare who came with her was fat as a pig. She had been exposed to a stallion but thankfully wasnt bred

Anyway again this doesnt show her as well as it could and is the only one I can find now but the vet put her inbetween a 1 and a 2 at the time she got here


And here she is about 8-9 months later


She is still a bit of a head case (Ok more then a bit) but as you can see is in great body weight and no longer bolts her feed she has realized it will always be there for her.
Good Liuck with this little girl Im so glad she is with you now. I too think it is probably lice and you do need to fumigate grooming tools as they travel from one horse to another. Glad she is being stalled separately from Tonto. We also had lice late this winter but with lice powder and Ivermectin worming have seen no signs for over a month and my horses are far from thin. I also agree that vet should be called about how to feed her as an overload can be as dangerous as not enough feed. Good for you for taking her.
This is just one of many sites to check out. Please do have the vet out. It is a large and generous comitment that you have taken on and personally I think you are a wonderful and selfless person to be doing this for this poor babe. If this is your first rescue dealing with starvation and you get properly educated (if not already) and stay under the wing of a caring vet, then you will have a good experience and maybe do this again for another poor soul. I will keep this gal in my prayers and may God speed her recovery and give you strength through your new task.
: Hats off to you for caring :aktion033:

Bilbo was that skinny when we rewcued him 4 years ago. (has it really been that long ago??) Anyway, don't be fooled by no bugs in her poo. Worm her!! As many times as it is safe to do so! I thought the same thing about Bilbo, but about a week after I wormed him, he started pooping bot larve!!!! :smileypuke: It was really gross...but he became lots healthier after that! We slowly gave him feed. He bolted it for a long time. He also had the habit of eating poop...it was the only way he survived at the circus.

He was traumatized...and it took a very log time to bring out his personality. He had a skin condition (thankfully not lice!) that made his skin kind of crusty, and sensitive. I sat beside him for hours, using my hands to groom him, because any brush was to rough.

He was worth every minute spent with him though, as I'm sure your mare is. Congratulations on rescueing her...and good luck!

Kim R.
Ohh Bob...I heard she was thin but please get the vet out to help you with her.

I would delouse her with the powder right away & of course deworm as already

mentioned. But feeding is such a tricky thing to get weight on, got to be done

slowly with the right products for her condition. Do you have a blanket for her?

Call Dr. T. to visit!!!! He's wonderful!

Give me a call or PM or stop by!

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