How did your animals react to the Eclipse? *updated

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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We were in the path of Totality of the Eclipse yesterday and I was interested to see how our animals reacted to the darkness and temperature change. I think it dropped about 10 degrees or so.

The dogs were just curious about why I kept going outside and just was standing.....and that a few other people were standing with me. They all lay down near me and just hung out....and no, they didn't look up at the sky. (Our cats were all inside.)

The neighbor's cows did a lot of mooing and some lay down.

The chickens started roosting all around the Willow tree that's in their big pen/run. Goliath, the rooster did NOT crow when the light came back, but I heard from friends that their roosters did.

A group of wild birds circled around and all headed for a grove of trees. I also noticed that the hummingbirds came out and started feeding like crazy, like they do just before dark.

The horses totally ignored the whole thing....just kept on eating their breakfast....heads down. LOL!
My welsh pony got hives during the partial eclipse here. He gets hives once in awhile anyway as he has allergies, but I thought it was an weird coincidence. His hives are gone today.

The neighbors chickens got a little loud for about a half and hour and then quieted down.

Did you get to watch the eclipse with the special glasses?
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Here in middle Ga. ours was 95 or 96%. None of my animal seemed to notice. I went out to take photos of the ground where all the little moons were projected. I loved seeing the crescent-shaped shadows cast through the openings in the tree branches and leaves, the small openings acted like pinhole camera apertures. I don't remember the chickens making any noise. The sheep did just a little, but here lately they always holler for a little watermelon over the fence when they see us... they qucikly knew it wasnt happening and went about their business. The only commotion was the horses talking to me when I went horses seem to think if I walk out the door it's hay time, even if it was just hay time lol.

Here is how it affected my cat Salem, the other two were stretched out and ignored me.

It was so surreal! but eerily beautiful out there. I'm so glad that I remembered what our local meteorologist said last week about how the shadows would look, I almost forgot. i was so sick of hearing about the eclipse I even turned it off and put cartoons back on. To think I almost lost my only chance to ever see this again.

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Those are AWESOME pictures, Debby! They look almost dream-like!

Cayuse, Yes we had "eclipse" glasses....With Larry working for the Oregon Observatory, he had access to a fist full. Do you think we should save them as collector items? LOL.

My Salem passed away recently and I miss him so much, we all do. I thought I'd share this update and another few photos of him with this eclipse post that he was in.

3K9A3713-X2 Salem.jpg Salem2013-X2.jpg

3K9A5936 Salem copy.jpg

We don't know what happened to Salem I do know the day he didn't come to supper I knew something was different, then after a few days I knew in my heart he was gone. He had acted a little off a couple days before, nothing that made me think he was sick just a feeling. I wish I had realized and known that something was wrong so I could have helped him. We did find him and he's now buried in our pet cemetary.

I'm not a cat person, we kind of inherited the 3 cats we have and grew to love them all over the years. Salem was the cuddle buddy of the 3, very friendly. He was a terrible drooler though, never seen a cat who drooled like he did. Salem and his brother Cowboy had been together almost 15 years and for a few days Cowboy was obviously grieving, it was so sad.

I still see him in his favorite spots. Our pets arent with us nearly long enough.

If I had known on that day our time was near the end
I would have done things differently, my forever friend.
I would have stayed right next to you deep into the night
but I thought that I would see you in the early morning light.
And so I said “Good night” to you as I walked in through the door
never thinking of the time when I’d see you no more.
But if I had known that on that day our time was at its end
I would have done things so differently, my sweet forever friend. ~ Sally K. Evans

R.I.P. Our precious Salem cat. You are much loved.
March 2003 ~ October 2017
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So very sad for you, Debby... I know the grief well..... What a lovely tribute with the pictures for Salem... He obviously knew he was loved. I can see it in his eyes.

Have no doubt that he is close by in Spirit. Some of our cats, dogs, AND horses have gifted us with "visits" over the years....
Thank you so much Maryann.
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I'm so very sorry Debby. The loss of our pets is such a gut wrenching thing. Hugs to you!
I am sorry for the loss of your Salem. What a handsome, regal cat he was. We lost a kitty too, this summer. She was also black,but had a dash of white. I still see her out of the corner of my eye sometimes and have the feeling that she is still around in spirit.

The poem is beautiful.

RIP Salem.
Thank you PintoPal Lover yes terrible every time. I didn't think it would ever be possible but my hearts just done with pets, I can't take the loss of so many of my children. When the ones left here are gone there won't be anymore.

Thank you as well Cayuse. I'm so sorry you lost yours too. Isn't it comforting to still see and feel them around? sad but comforting if that makes sense.
Thanks Debby. My kitty was 18 and a feral little thing when we got her. She never got over the feral part. Even though she tried very hard to trust she couldn't do it 100%. She was never a "lap cat" and always stayed at arms length. She would sleep on the foot of the bed with us though, when it was cold. She squeaked when she purred. I miss the squeak.

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