How do you fix your turkey?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
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I am doing Christmas lunch this year, and wondered how you all fix your turkeys. I think I remember last year someone saying something about putting an orange inside the turkey? Onions, apple ? Just to give it some good flavor...
I put oranges or grapefruit, onions and celery. I cook the bird breast side down, turning it breast side up and increasing the oven temp the last 20 min.

I lightly coat the turkey in vegie oil, salt and pepper. After it browns, cover it with foil for the remainder of the time.

A lot of the flavor comes from the stuffing which I make from scratch........

Mix in a large container --

2 to 3 loaves White Bread, crust removed and cut into cubes.

One onion diced.

3 stalks celery diced.

1 cup chopped nuts (walnuts or pecans)

1 or 2 apples, peeled and chopped.

1 tablespoon poultry seasoning

1 teaspoon sage

lightly salt and pepper

Toss all of the above with a large mixing spoon, than add --

1 1/2 cups melted butter or margarine

Stir lightly. Loosely stuff the turkey and place what's left in a casserole dish. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

(This is a variation of my mother's long time recipe, so don't tell anyone. LOL!)
l hate turkey with a PASSION but did end up making 2 so far for my kids to take home. l found a couple of apples in the cavity and an onion stuffed up the butt end made a nice differance in how the flavor of the gravy turned out..l like a butterball turk they don't seem to smell as rotten while cooking in the oven..well for me anyway. Wow l never knew how much barn cats liked turkey skin amazing...
I put the turkey in a roasting pan, breast side up, and cover the whole thing with strips of bacon. Cover with foil, then remove it and the bacon for the last 20 - 30 minutes. It'll brown right up and look like something from a magazine, plus it'll have self-basted the whole time. Mmmmm Mmmmmm!!
Oh I need to get out more. My first thought was "take it's little legs and".

You cannot beat a Reynolds turkey bag for moist turkey. I remove the neck and gizzards, rinse and coat inside and out with a stick of butter, and then sprinkle with salt. I use Stove Top with extra onion and celery. Yum Yum.
I like to use the cooking bags or sometimes just use foil and remove it during the last few minutes of cooking time. I rub butter all over add salt. pepper, basil, sage and some garlic sprinkled all over.

I like corn bread stuffing. Make two packages of corn muffin mix according to the recipe or add an extra egg and sometime a tablespoon of sugar. Bake and the let cool. I take the giblets out of the turkey and boil them with the same spices and add an onion and some celery. I also will buy extra giblets or use chicken gizards, livers or sometimes maybe even a turkey leg. When those are all cooked and cooled a bit I mix some of it with the cornbread and add more fresh celery and onions. This way the stuffing is completely cooked and will stuff the turkey with some of it and put the rest in a baking pan to heat up in the oven. I take the left over giblets to add to the gravey.
I prefer to rinse Turkey real good in cold water, Rub heavily with peanut oil, and throw it in a Weber Barbecuer. Pan underneath to catch all the drippings, there is no better gravy in the world and you won't find a moister, better tasting bird.

But this year I have a Smoked Turkey so just wrap it in foil and throw in oven to heat. Fully cooked during smoking. This bird was actually smoked naturally with no additives. Won it at work I usually win one every year now so the Weber has sat idle every year at this time. I have been known to stand out in the snow and barbecue my Turkeys in the past.
Breast side up, in an electric roaster oven. The roaster oven cooks a bird to perfection. I like that ordinary turkey flavor so don't add anything extra for seasoning or taste...yumm, bring on Christmas dinner!
Dan washes it real good and drags the guts out and fondles them and throws them around I swear. He loves that part.........

Ok I use a brown n bag, shove a couple tablespoons of flour in it and shake it

Smear the turkey with butter, salf and pepper it really good. Shove celery stalks in the arm pits, shove some thyme and sage (found in walmart's produce department) in and around it, stuff the dude, shove the whole deal in the bag. Shove in the oven and forget about it for a few hours.
We usually fix turkey at least 4-5 times a year. Hubby loves turkey! We get the turkey breast without legs and wings about 10 lbs or so. I swear the easiest and juicest way to cook it is in a big slow cooker! like this one


sans cat

I usually just baste with butter and sprinkle salt, poultry seasoning and rosemary on it. Put a little water in the slow cooker cook on HI. If you put it in in the morning it'll be done by 1pm. The meat falls off the bone and there is no waste! The skin isn't brown and crispy, but i think it's a fair trade for how good the meat comes out. A 10 lb turkey with no waste will feed a family.

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