How is everyone handling the smoke?

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Staff member
Feb 25, 2019
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It's bad at my house, looks like heavy fog. And they want it to get worse for the next couple days. How is everyone else in the northeast doing? Guess it's a good idea to dig out your leftover masks if you still have them. It's so bad I thought I should leave the horses in tonight but then I realized that the air in the barn is the same as outside. I felt a little silly about that but I wish there was something I could do for them.
It's hazy here in New Hampshire and has been for a week or so, today is the first day it has bothered me with a headache and clogged sinus. My allergy pony had to have his zyrtec last week but is OK so far today.
We have had smoke filled skies and the smell of smoke for the last couple of days here in northwest CT too. I feel bad for our neighbors to the north, loosing over 8 million acres to the wildfires so far😩.
It has made the sun look an incredible orange/peachy color.
Yes, the sun looks so strange, and the moon looks incredibly orange too. My eyes are all swollen and red, the house smells like smoke, the visibility is bad for driving, and if I didn't have the animals I would spend a week visiting somewhere I could breathe.
We had a large number of wild fires in May in Alberta. But we've been fortunate and had a good amount of rain since. Now we're just on fire restrictions, not fire bans. Hope your air quality sorts out soon!!!
Yes, the sun looks so strange, and the moon looks incredibly orange too. My eyes are all swollen and red, the house smells like smoke, the visibility is bad for driving, and if I didn't have the animals I would spend a week visiting somewhere I could breathe.
That is rough. I hope it clears soon for you

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