I've been in local saddle clubs, 4-H, and breed registry shows since I was a little kid with my big horses so I knew when I got Kody that I'd want to show and would be looking into the breed ring since my local saddle club shows do not offer driving. (Well, one does but it's outrageously expensive and the three classes are back to back to back.) I found that AMHA wasn't my style despite some good programs but the atmosphere at AMHR shows suited us and I do enjoy showing there for the variety of classes available. I love doing liberty, jumping, obstacle, versatility, the works,
and would not give that up.
I would also love to show Pinto but there's this one little problem...my horse doesn't have spots!
Which is really too bad because I think Pinto would be our niche with their awesome award programs and wider style of driving such as optional checks, open bridles allowed (I think
) and a better variety of carts accepted. If I could get
that style of show for an unspotted horse, that's probably where I'd be most of the time.
We don't have ADS Pleasure Driving shows in this area or I'd be trying them too since they get me the variety of driving classes I crave with a judging structure I'm more familiar with. Trying to get together a decent turnout would probably be the death of me (clothes!! Eeek!!
) but I'd love the opportunity to enter Reinsmanship and test myself against other dedicated drivers under a knowledgeable carriage driving judge. Alas, no such events in this area.
So! What do you do when you don't have spots, don't fit into AMHA, are too old for 4-H, can't show PD because there aren't any around, aren't suited for halter at the local SC shows, and want fair and accountable judging in a driving venue? As I discovered when I got Kody, that leaves me with one option....combined driving events. Good thing there's bunches in my area!
Seriously, I like the miniature horse shows but the driving classes drive me NUTS! The judging is very inconsistent, there is a lack of education about driving as a discipline and it's all about showing off The Horse (who-happens-to-be-in-harness) rather than the Harness Horse (as in how well they are trained.) There is a place for that, but IMHO there need to be skills classes as well like there are in other disciplines. Horses who are rearing and screaming on the rail and blowing up in line should NOT be placed over well-behaved horses in a so-called "Country Pleasure" class where the rules say manners are important.
It's hard not to become disillusioned when the Big Name Trainers themselves admit it's all about politics and what wins is cranking a horse up into a check regardless of their actual outline.
I think the miniature shows have a blind spot and until it's addressed they will continue to lose exhibitors to other venues. They are a great option for those who are primarily pursuing the American Miniature Horse, but for those who are pursuing driving itself as a sport and challenge
with a Miniature Horse, it's more than a bit lacking. EDUCATE our judges, EDUCATE our fellow exhibitors, and start placing the classes according to the rules instead of who's holding the lines.
Then maybe some of those who have left will be interested in coming back, and new drivers who don't currently show might be coaxed to. I know the advent of the Western Country Pleasure classes is the only reason I've continued to drive at AMHR events. Otherwise it was frankly a waste of my money and I was tired of being helpfully told by judges that I should tighten my check.
I don't want the breed shows to change to become ADS, I just want them to play by their own rules and perhaps be open to ideas from the increasing number of big horse people who are downsizing. The registries are already doing this with new awards that can be earned outside the ring, let's take this as an opportunity for growth and broaden the horizons of the Miniature Horse a little.
So will I leave the breed ring completely for ADS? No. Do I prefer ADS competition with their clear score sheets and emphasis on progressive training without gimmicks? You bet.
Took a long time to say two little lines, didn't I?