Husbands wearing wedding bands.

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I'm not married, but I've never seen my parents or grandparents without their rings unless they are doing physical labor. Then its just to risky (to life and limb and to the jewlery) to wear them. I'd also not want to wear jewlery if I were washing my hands frequently, the discomfort is a valid reason to me. I'd compromise and ask him to wear it to social engagements if he doesn't want to wear it the rest of the time.
We have been married 39 years and hubby has worn his ring probably 20 years of that time. He used to work driving a dump truck and the day he hung from the trip lever by his wedding ring was the day it was cut off and he didnt wear it for a very long time after that. Dislocated his finger in three places and was lucky it didnt rip it off. He has a different job now and a new ring no salvaging the original and he does wear it now but truthfully I dont care if he wears it or not as I know he is faithful. And if he werent a ring wouldnt matter, Too many out there that dont care if a man is married in fact it may be an even bigger challenge if he is.
My husband only has one ring- his wedding band, which is a plain white gold band. No scratching, nothing- he hates taking it off, and only does so when he has to. For many years, he had to remove it almost NIGHTLY because of where he worked.

Given that your husband is in the fields of work he is in... no, he shouldn't have to wear it -on the job-. Rings can make it harder for a healthcare/emergency worker to throughly clean their hands. Think of all the cracks and crevices in a ring with a gemstone setting. They can also scratch other people, catch on machinery or other things, become superheated (as a fireman), or even slip off in the right conditions.

That said... I have not always worn my wedding & engagement ring. I can't always, plain and simple, without causing harm to my fingers. My husband would put his on his keychain when he worked and couldn't wear it.

Honestly, why does a ring matter? It's just as symbol; what matters more is your trust in him that he won't stray, and by forcing this issue, you may be coming across as not trusting him to not stray.
I rarely wear mine, and hubby's actually broke so he quit wearing it. Most of our days involve "dirty jobs" so to speak and after losing stones in other rings I have given up. I wear mine when we go out and when I worked in an office I wore mine but as soon as lambing season started it went into its box permanently.

I keep trying to talk hubby into going with me and both of us getting tatooed wedding bands
would be much easier and safer all around
My husband, Lloyd, & I have been married for 24 years now. Out of that 24 years he has probably only wore his wedding band 2 years at the most. That was my decision, not his. When he was younger, a cousin of his caught his wedding band on a nail and tore his finger off at the knuckle. Lloyd is a maintenance supervisor and constantly has his hands in machines, etc. I told him that I didn't want him wearing his ring to work AT ALL. I don't have a problem with it & yes, he has gotten a few "offers", but I trust him.

But, it does make my heart swell when we go out somewhere nice and he puts his ring on.

Gosh I've been sitting here trying to think of married men that continue to wear their wedding after the first couple of years.I honestly don't know any!

mine does
and we've been married 7.5 years now. he even replaced it when he lost it... he didn't like NOT having one.

that said i would agree however that if he did a different type of work, where it might be dangerous, i wouldn't want him to risk losing a finger... that's why i said no to the big tall solitaire he wanted to buy me, i KNEW it would get hung up in a saddle or bridle or halter or hay string... and i couldn't have handled losing it. he said, that's what insurance is for, but i just couldn't do it. so my ring sits low and i do wear it all the time, but it doesn't come off even if i tried since hubby is such a good cook :DOH!

and OH MY Janis, that stallion <drool>
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l never in 31 years of marriage wore a ring neither has he. For years people thought we were just living together..fine by me as long as l know where l stand legally people can think what they like.
Never lost a minutes sleep over it either...if someone isn't faithful ring or no ring on the finger is going to stop them. Though l do have a girlfriend who was married late in middle age and the wearing of rings means the world to her because as she says she is now a part of a couple not a single. l also wish l would have kept my madian name but back then that wasn't a choice yet..
I'm sure if you think about it, you'd rather have a husband with a bare ring finger than a husband with a ring and no finger. Losing a finger (or worse) while wearing jewelry doing certain jobs is a very real concern. His comfort while working should also be a concern. I'll bet he'll compromise and wear the ring for you when he's not working if you ask.
Keith and I usually wear our rings (okay, so mine would be a hassle to get off...), but not to prove to each other how devoted we are.

I had absolutely no desire for an engagement ring -- there are so many other things I would rather have than something with a phony value set arbitrarily by DeBeers and company.

Keith's ring does get in the way when he plays guitar, so he switches it to his right hand. I asked him why he didn't just take it off, and he said that when he's playing in a club, he WANTS the women to know he's not available. I thought that was sweet!
When I married my late husband, he did not want to wear a wedding ring. I bought him one anyway, and put it on him at our ceremony, but he soon removed it. I grumbled about it off and on, and wore mine(at least the wedding band; was afraid of losing the stone out of the engagement ring-both of us worked outdoors a LOT; me even more, as I was a stay-at-home wife, raising kids and doing things with horses.)One evening about 30 years ago, I went out to turn off the electric fence charger out at our barn. It was mounted on top of a grill-type wire panel between a couple of our 'open-air' but covered, stalls, in mild central NM. Had to step up onto the bottom rail of the stall dividers to flick the switch; when I stepped back off, my ring caught on the top of one of the rounded-back wires making up the tightly-woven wire panel-and I hung from it, briefly....bleeding profusely, I ran for the house, told my husband to 'cut off' the ring(which he did, with HD wire cutters-it was shaped like a the emergency room, our family Dr,. who met us there(small town hospital), offered the opinion that no one who worked outside/around animals should EVER wear rings! I took his advice to heart--haven't worn a ring since, ever, unless I 'dress up and go out'---have a scar 3/4 of the way around my finger, and felt lucky not to lose it...and I NEVER hassled my husband about wearing HIS ring again, either!!

My advice? Listen to your hubby, and don't worry about it!

Best wishes on the coming baby, too!

My husband wears his off and on, depending on what he's doing at work. It doesn't bother me as long as he wears it when we go out. Now, I never take my wedding band off unless I'm intubating cattle (you don't want to know). And, I never wear my engagement ring, unless we're going out. And to be honest, since we've moved, I haven't even seen it! It'll turn up somewhere in a box, I'm sure.

It wouldn't be the first diamond I've lost!
I think I'd go gentle on him.

If he thinks it potentially could be a problem or posibly

he knows someone that had a problem, at work, then

it just posibly might be a safety issue.

My ex was a lineman for Seattle City Light......he had

a 26 thousand KV wire snap and hit bolt went thru

his ring finger and out the bottom of his foot.....before

they could cut the altering experience for him.

I've heard other stories of injuries with men getting the rings

caught during the process of their daily work. Not worth it.

The vows are emotional and the ring a symbol but I'd see if

you can come to an agreement of when he would wear the ring.

Enjoy your pregnancy with your husband......the hormones should

calm down soon......
I am not married, but when I do get married I will most likely end up marrying someone who does something physical (it was the way I was raised and with my history of the type of men I date and am attracted to, it's quite logical). When I was working at a video store, I came across a couple who didn't always wear their wedding bands. The husband is a welder, so it's not a smart idea to have him wear his ring. Their alternative (rather than not wear the rings at all) was to have their rings tattooed on them! I thought this was a great idea!!! It won't get caught and you don't have to worry about whether they are wearing a ring or not!
Meaning of wedding band;


The now-famous wedding band is thought to have originated in Ancient Egypt, where it is said that plant sections were fashioned in to circles to signify never-ending and immortal love. It was thought that the fourth finger (which we now know as the ring finger) contained a special vein that was connected directly to the heart, and therefore this became the official finger for the wedding band.

My husband just lost his a few weeks ago, he has to take it off during work, rules working with machines.

Now forgot to take it off and was told to remove it, he put it in his cigarette pack and you guessed it threw it out. Well at first I was upset than he said to me our 30th anniversary is coming up this November, I am going to get a tattoo, you can come up with the design so this is it

Just my Initial simple.. something like this. M[SIZE=10pt]<[/SIZE]

What a sweetie, after all these years. I know I am a
, it will cost him $50.00 and may need it touched up here and there. Thanks for letting me share...
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[its flipped in our household. He never parts with his,WHile mine is put away. LOL I have lost diamonds, had to get it cut off, and almost lost my finger. SO on a working farm. Its put away. I wear "special earings."
Hubby cant wear his ring at work, its a safety thing. Doesnt wear it at home either since he usually working on a bike or 10. Doesnt faze me, I know he is my hubby and if he was weak enough to allow temptation from someone who took advantage of his not wearing the ring, then good riddance. I am too dang old to have to watch out for him
His ring is set with a row of diamonds, so I surely dont want him to loose it. I dont wear any rings at home, lost the center and several surrounding diamonds years back, got caught and pop.

He does wear it when we go out.
I don't wear mine and he doesn't wear his. He is a trucker/farmer for a living, so a ring is just a safety hazard. I am a photographer and I don't need a ring catching on my very expensive equipment or scratching my very expensive lenses. I haven't worn mine for anything other than very special occasions since I got pregnant and my fingers swelled too much for it to be comfortable.

Besides, we live in small towns ... everyone knows we're married anyway.
Well...I lost my ring finger in a freak accident where my ring got caught--no heavy machinery involved--so of course I'm sympathetic to his reasoning. But as others suggested, I don't see why he can't wear it when he's not working. Also, I believe they can put a niche in the band so that it breaks if stressed to a certain point.
He is a trucker/farmer for a living, so a ring is just a safety hazard.

Besides, we live in small towns ... everyone knows we're married anyway.
Well, here are two reasons my husband doesn't wear a ring. He's a rancher, and when we got married I wouldn't let him get a ring for himself, we discussed it and I could see it getting caught on something and ripping off his finger. I have an awesome wedding ring, no stone, but haven't worn it in a couple years because I need to get it resized, its a tad small. I won't wear it at home, too many things to catch it on feeding livestock, fixing fence and such, but would love to wear it when we go out.

Edited to add: Forgot to mention, we live in a very small community; so the whole county knows we are married.
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[SIZE=12pt]we don't wear our wedding rings regularly because of what we each do for a living and we don't wear them around the animals...I have seen what can happen...ouch...anyway, when we leave the house we put them on wether it be dinner out or shopping, my husband has turned the car around and drove back home to get his when he has forgot it. We have never really talked about it, I guess we just like having them on. Not sure how I would feel if he stopped wanting to wear it. Nikki[/SIZE]

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