When I married my late husband, he did not want to wear a wedding ring. I bought him one anyway, and put it on him at our ceremony, but he soon removed it. I grumbled about it off and on, and wore mine(at least the wedding band; was afraid of losing the stone out of the engagement ring-both of us worked outdoors a LOT; me even more, as I was a stay-at-home wife, raising kids and doing things with horses.)One evening about 30 years ago, I went out to turn off the electric fence charger out at our barn. It was mounted on top of a grill-type wire panel between a couple of our 'open-air' but covered, stalls, in mild central NM. Had to step up onto the bottom rail of the stall dividers to flick the switch; when I stepped back off, my ring caught on the top of one of the rounded-back wires making up the tightly-woven wire panel-and I hung from it, briefly....bleeding profusely, I ran for the house, told my husband to 'cut off' the ring(which he did, with HD wire cutters-it was shaped like a teardrop...at the emergency room, our family Dr,. who met us there(small town hospital), offered the opinion that no one who worked outside/around animals should EVER wear rings! I took his advice to heart--haven't worn a ring since, ever, unless I 'dress up and go out'---have a scar 3/4 of the way around my finger, and felt lucky not to lose it...and I NEVER hassled my husband about wearing HIS ring again, either!!
My advice? Listen to your hubby, and don't worry about it!
Best wishes on the coming baby, too!