Huybers - Buffy's milk is at 6.0! This has got to be it!

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Hey Amanda, I can take a shift and watch for you, I am sure you need some sleep....Let me know if i can help.
Thanks Cassie, but I hope and pray they are going to foal tonight. The wax is back on both of them, and there is a wind/rain storm passing through tonight. Perfect for foaling.
well its 12:12am and the girls are QUIETLY grazing their stable floors...
Buffy was down sternal for a little while earlier but otherwise a pretty non event night so far!
I dont know what to say about this all. Buffy's udder is about the same, Carmels is a bit bigger this am. Buffy's milk is begining to change to skim milk, less sticky now. Carmels milk is thick as corn syrup. Both have wax on and off throughout the day. If I remove it, it comes back by next check. They are not dripping milk though. So I guess I just continue to watch and wait. I will be putting them out today, my daughter will watch them until I get back from work. They need their exercise and fresh air. Might get them moving again. Can't hurt at this point. I'm a little exasperated with these girls.

My friend always says it takes a little extra time to put the spots on the foal, so I can wait if that is what we are waiting for
Ran out of the Mother Nature's test strips so I bought some pool strips. I diluted the milk with a 1:6 ratio. Got a pH of 6.2 and a hardness around 100. I dont usually use pool strips so not sure if I should have diluted 6 times or 4 times. I;ve seen people use both. What do you all use. The hardness would be higher if I used hte 4 times dilution so I'm a bit confused.

Opps, turned out I was holding the strips upside down. the girls pH is 6.8 and hardness is ~50. So we have a ways to go I guess. Not sure why the MN strips have been saying ready for 5 days now.
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I don't even dilute ;) But I don't check hardness, just ph and it works fine. I've noticed with a few people this year who have swapped from foal strips to pool strips getting very different results which is odd. But based on when those mares ended up foaling I'll be sticking to pool strips on my mares.
Amanda it depends on the pool strips! Some strips dilute different even on PH which shouldnt... I use the http from walmart and use a 1-4 ratio works great for ph and hardness, but ph will be the same on them even if not diluted. My mares foal at 6.4 if she is dropping quickly it could be very soon!
( Dont forget to use distilled water when diluting, just in case you dont know

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hoping it soon for you,

I can't get Carmels camera up though... are you doing some thing with it atm Amanda?

I can see Buffy and Charm just not Carmel

come on girls time for some babies thank you!
Yes, sorry Cassie. I was breeding a mare tonight to my stallion and they must have knock off the cam cable in their ardour
Found the problem and it should be working now.
Holly, I did a diluted and undiluted and the number was the same, so Carmel is at 6.6 at 8pm. Will recheck in an hour and see if we have any more change.
I sure hope so Amanda, Ive been watching her and she seems to be holding her tail out a lot tonight
woohoo, her pH is now 6.4! Going down fast, and the milk is looking more whitish. Could it be I'm finaly going to get a foal out of one of these two!

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