I Did a Thing...

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One vehicle into skis, two more to go! Took me a whole hour to get the skis onto Jasmine's new cart. I've got to shorten the chains on the back of the skis that connect to the back of the cart though. Pushing it backwards, the skis just dig in and tip upwards. That's no good. When I do Falcor's, I know better. It's to snow all weekend. Today was windy and fairly cold too. Just not nice enough to actually drive. Poo for real Canadian winter!
Got cart 3/3 on skis! By far, the easiest was to do the K-bike. It's also the easiest to pull. I'm really surprised that my BP Voiture carts are very heavy to pull on the snow. Perhaps I have the skis on the wrong wide but I saw no indicators of dwat ou gauche (right or left in French) nor did I receive any instructions on how they should be set up. I might have done something wrong. Yesterday was sunny and beautiful but by the time I got the ski conversion all finished, it was too windy to drive. Bested again! o_O
What a beautiful day! One of those days that should get recorded in a calendar as a major breakthrough. Falcor met me at the gate and stood to be haltered right away. I gave him his little bit of pellets with B1 and inositol and took my time getting him in harness. His head and neck stayed low and relaxed. Got into the cart on skis and went out to the field. Most of our drive was a very maneuverable pony who was relaxed in his body!! I’ve been waiting for him to get there. He had moments of tension but, for the most part, we had a relaxed drive. The most enjoyable time I’ve had with him so far!! And he had another Bemer treatment after his work and grain. This time, he yawned three big yawns towards the end of his session. I think the Bemer has made a huge difference on him and I’m going to look seriously into getting one.
Yesterday was not as remarkable... It was such a beautiful, warm day. Most of the horses had a really good nap in the sun. Falcor was a bit standoffish to catch, although his attention was very interested and on me. He got his supplement and I harnessed him slowly. He was a hot tamale when we got going though! Goodness, there were moments when I was sure my pony was about to take me to places I'd rather not go! He gets to a place where he's just spooky, jumpy and feels like he's going to leave, but yet I can (barely, it feels like) keep him in hand. He hasn't left yet. Eventually he did get relaxed for a bit and we had a successful drive out, but not as enjoyable and relaxed as the day previous.
I saw some video from breeders in Cape Town, South Africa training and showing their Hackey horses. One was running with the horse while tapping him on the back end, another was standing off to the side flapping a bag on a stick. The horse trotted past tense as could be, legs galore, and comments were praising the training. I mean, different strokes for different folks and all, but I don't understand training an animal in stress.
Today the wheels will go back on the vehicles, Cause the snow is melting FAST!!! We're going to haul a few of them out to my favorite arena on Saturday for a drive in a different place. Looking forward to that.
I did another thing...
I just bought a Bemer horse blanket unit.
Watching what it's done for Falcor, I see that it's something that can help a lot of horses, including my own! I believe in adjuvant therapy modalities and that it really takes a team to tackle some horse problems. I appreciate that Bemer has done a fair amount of scientific research to backup their claims.
I'll be able to provide sessions to others out at CDEs and close to home as well. This is something my mom and I are going to do together. Should be fun!
I did another thing...
I just bought a Bemer horse blanket unit.
Watching what it's done for Falcor, I see that it's something that can help a lot of horses, including my own! I believe in adjuvant therapy modalities and that it really takes a team to tackle some horse problems. I appreciate that Bemer has done a fair amount of scientific research to backup their claims.
I'll be able to provide sessions to others out at CDEs and close to home as well. This is something my mom and I are going to do together. Should be fun!
That is great! I would like to keep reading about your progress.
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Falcor pony got body clipped last night. I've got a lighter winter blanket that's good for this season, plus a heavier one if it gets cold again. He was super good for clipping! Like total rockstar. Such a good pony. I think he's starting to enjoy that sometimes we work, sometimes we do other things like Bemer, or just go for a walk out in the field and get opportunities to relax.
Falcor pony got body clipped last night. I've got a lighter winter blanket that's good for this season, plus a heavier one if it gets cold again. He was super good for clipping! Like total rockstar. Such a good pony. I think he's starting to enjoy that sometimes we work, sometimes we do other things like Bemer, or just go for a walk out in the field and get opportunities to relax.
Seems he enjoys being around you. :)
We had a community drive day yesterday. All the animals went out. I tried giving Falcor his supplements and then lunging before I hitched him but it seems the amount of activity was just a bit too exciting and we had to long line before we hitched. Unfortunately we didn’t find the relax that we’d previously had but I still enjoyed being able to drive with my friends. I decided a long time ago when showing dressage with my warmblood stallion that I just need to focus on riding (driving) the horse (pony) that comes out of the barn (paddock) that day. So that’s what we do.


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Really wanted to drive yesterday because it's been a week since he was between the shafts. But it was windy, warm but the wind had a definite bite to it and I didn't feel like we'd be doing anything constructive if we went out in the field. So he got his first Bemer treatment with our own Bemer instead. I'll say he was pretty darn happy about that!
@Standards Equine My "thing" comes today!!

I hope he can come around as well as Falcor!
I'm so ridiculously excited to see your "thing"!! Hopefully yours doesn't need a ton of body work and his own Bemer to get him to be interested in participating in a relaxed manner.
We just keep going at it. Yesterday the only animal of mine I got to put hands on was Falcor. And he took all my time. I figured I was going to try to throw EVERYTHING at him. Not literally and not in an aggressive manner either. I mean that I was going to try to do everything with him to help him have a good drive. First, supplements, he got his calming supplements and some feed to make his tummy feel good. Next, a 5 minute Bemer sessin. Then I put on his harness with a whole string of bells. And he felt soooo reactive to touch. So we went out and lunged in the field. Surprise, this dude has a LOVELY CANTER to the right. To the left, he doesn't offer it yet, just big, over-animated trot. So he lunged until he felt relaxed and then we went and put the cart to him and stayed with him a while to make sure he was relaxed. Then back out to the field we went. I decided, before I got into the cart, that it was going to be the BEST DRIVE EVER - even if I didn't really believe it, I verbalized it and said I welcome that experience. So out to the field we went and we WALKED THE ENTIRE DRIVE!!!! There was no tension, there was no dancing a jig, even though a couple times he felt like a trot was offered, but he remained walking. I was beyond thrilled. Truly, best drive ever with my little tension monster. He got more Bemer time after our drive was over and he yaaawned and yaaaawned! That was good for my heart.
Last week was just swamped full of all sorts of things, I was hopping and didn't get to spend time with my animals until Sunday. Phillippe and I had a cones-driving lesson and it was awesome! I have an lovely, talented lady who is part body worker, part sorceress and she's just amazing. Her name is Kaylie and she practices craniosacral and myofascial release as well as more traditional equine body therapies. I'd asked her to come to see Falcor because there's a level happening there that just needs her. She found a bunch of disruptions, nothing that we weren't expecting or surprised with, but pieces that could definitely lead to some major complications to career ending if they weren't addressed. It was really neat to watch his body posture and expression change through the session. Lots of releases, lots of standing soft, sleepy eyed. I'm looking foward to seeing how he feels after his session now that his body is a little more open to communicating with itself.
Falcor Sport Pony.jpg
Goodness, I haven't kept up on my Falcor thread! He's definitely come around with the body work, stretching, Bemering... What a good boy. He's been reintroduced to driving in a way that I think he's felt more confident and relaxed with as his work and movement is demonstrating. I took him to the Sparrowhawk Spring Fling practice day to hang out and ground drive. While out alone ground driving he did have a bit of a meltdown, but it seemed to give him an idea that there's no more going to a show and having to be strung up high and tight. We ground drove at our collaborative show and he was marvelous. I had the feeling that I could have hitched him there and had a successful time. But I'm glad I didn't. We hauled back to our friends' facility with Uri the baby moose and did have a hitch there after lunging and dragging all sorts of noisy things around. He was quite good! Then he came with me to the fun day ahead of the Harry Harrison Pace Event. We did our walk around, Bemer, lunge, long line and then drive. I was so pleased with how relaxed and interested he was in the activities. A huge confidence boost to both of us. Last weekend I hauled him and Phillippe to my friend's place and, again, did the lead, lunge, long line - although much shorter duration this time, and all three of us took a turn up on the lines. He was delightful!
Last night I went to pull him out to drive at home and I found that my silly pony not only took off his fly mask but scraped the waterline of his eye to the point of bleeding! Thankfully his actual eye and inner eye lid are unharmed. I've administered some conjunctivitis treatment and put a different fly mask on to protect him, braided his very long forelock out of the way, and hope he'll behave himself now! I have to say I'm very happy that he trusted me so much to allow me to put the eye drops in without issue, and to inspect the rest of his eye for damage. My mom watched, she commented on how much he trusts me now. And I think she's right.
I guess that means Falcor has to stay with me forever (poor dude...)
Anyways, here's some recent pictures, and not of his injury.
Falcor Before and After.jpgThis is a before and after comparison of the first time I drove him to our drive at the HH Pace event. This is after mostly body work.
Falcor Drive.jpg

Falcor 2.jpg

Falcor Slurp.jpg
And Ali found out he likes ginger peach soda! What a funny dude.
I’m late to this thread, but the photo of Falcor with the Bemer blanket should be an ad for the company! He definitely looks relaxed! 🥱 😂

Our feedstore had an ad on the bulletin board last month of someone offering Bemer sessions, which is a first for our area.
I’m late to this thread, but the photo of Falcor with the Bemer blanket should be an ad for the company! He definitely looks relaxed! 🥱 😂

Our feedstore had an ad on the bulletin board last month of someone offering Bemer sessions, which is a first for our area.
Honestly, I wish I understood what the technology actually does - how exactly it works, because I'm watching it do wonders for our animals who get sessions regularly. I work on a 31-year-old Arab gelding locally with chronic breathing issues. He'll be choking and coughing starting the session, breathing really rapidly, and by the end, he's standing relaxed, breathing quite regularly, no coughing, and his owner is able to ride him periodically now! She says he's feeling fantastic and has plenty of spice.
My daughter's mare has some arthritic changes on the front of her front fetlock joints. We did T-cell injections last year, but this year she's maintained really nicely with just Bemer.
And, of course, Falcor's transformation. It's really amazing how much this set is doing for him. Worth every penny.
And, in case you're considering, they do finance. ;)

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