1st time, ever! I had Bailey tied up grooming him and I thought I'd give it a try.
He didn't drop his boy bits down so I just got up there and dug around.
I don't know what was more disturbing...
A. Bailey enjoyed it
B. I enjoyed it.
Seriously, I love squeezing stuff like pimples etc. I got an amazing amount of goopy stuff out of there.
Now, is this normal? I didn't find a bean as such but I found heaps of tacky thick stuff. No bad smell. I just dragged it out with my fingernails. It was a dark purple/dark red colour. Is that OK? I'm thinking that it may be congealed old blood from when he was gelded. Or is this the colour of the goopy stuff anyway?
My poor sons were almost puking.
I showed them the goop on the end of my finger and they will never be the same. A vision I don't think they will ever wipe from their minds!
If someone could tell me that what I dragged out of his sheath was normal, I be grateful.
He didn't drop his boy bits down so I just got up there and dug around.
I don't know what was more disturbing...
A. Bailey enjoyed it
B. I enjoyed it.
Seriously, I love squeezing stuff like pimples etc. I got an amazing amount of goopy stuff out of there.
Now, is this normal? I didn't find a bean as such but I found heaps of tacky thick stuff. No bad smell. I just dragged it out with my fingernails. It was a dark purple/dark red colour. Is that OK? I'm thinking that it may be congealed old blood from when he was gelded. Or is this the colour of the goopy stuff anyway?
My poor sons were almost puking.
If someone could tell me that what I dragged out of his sheath was normal, I be grateful.