I need a hacker!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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OK I give up.

I am trying to acess Michael's emails. There are pictures attached in there from prom night and I want them very badly. I have tried every combination to no avail and I cannot figure out his password. Has anyone ever tried to retreive a password successfully? I have emailed YAHOO several times months ago explaining the situation and never got a response.

Also his MYSPACE. Same basic thing. I cannot get in there because I don't know his password. They cannot help me because they said he is 18. So how do you gain access? Or am I just flat out of luck?
Marty, do you know Michael's username for Yahoo? If you do, try to log in as Michael and select the "Forgot Your Password" link. It will ask you a question (which hopefully you can answer) and you should be able to get his password that way.

You should be able to get into his Myspace account the same way if you know his username.

Good luck and let me know how this goes. I will ask a couple of my much more computer literate friends if they have any tricks.

I don't know if Yahoo has a customer service phone number, but in this case a phonecall might be more effective.
I JUST WANTED TO SAY GOODLUCK MARTY....it must mean the world to you to find these precious pictures
The password keeps going around in circles and gets sent right back to his email address that I can't access without the password..........grrrrrrrr
Marty did you try the forgot password with yahoo? Unfortunately with it being a free account getting ahold of a "real" person is a joke.

If you hit forgotten password it should ask you his yahoo Id, followed with birthdate, zip and then it will as you a secret hint question.

If you know his answer to the secret hint question you should be able to get it.

PM me if you need help.............I don't know anything about My space.
Well For the Mail;

The pictures must of been emailed to him from someone. You can't just store your own photos in there. So 1 I suggest hunting down the person that sent them. And try the Lost Password you will probably know his secret question and of course his birthdate exc.

For Myspace theres nothing you really can have on there that you need to be logged in for. If you know someone who has him as a "friend" on myspace you can see evrything there is to be seen on there
: Basically you dont typically send mail exc; ont here so anything on his profile is all your going to get by logging in

Luck Marty
Devon's got a good point about MySpace. You can make your profile private, but if someone has him as a friend they can see anything/everything available on his profile when their logged in. Private is just for when you're not logged in you can't see anything.

Yahoo, I don't know, everyone else gave pretty good tips.

I'm surprised though the lost password would be going back to that same address...its got to be going to an alternate address he put in.

Actually, Devon, you can store pictures in Yahoo in Yahoo Pictures connected with your account. I think theres even a folder thats like called "mail attachments" or something that it automatically stores. I don't know I don't use the picture part of yahoo but I know it exists.

were you able to get the pictures? if not, if you want you can give me his email address and i can try for his myspace. I was able to find Dan on myspace but i couldn't find Michael...

Good Luck Marty and I am very sorry for your loss.

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