I need prayers for myself....

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[SIZE=14pt]Of course, Lyn, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers![/SIZE]

Liz R.
[SIZE=14pt]I have learned so much from you on the forum. I wish I could say something to help you, but I can't. I am overweight, myself. Know that you are NOT alone. Just from reading all these posts I can promise you that you are NEVER alone. We are praying for you to have strength. [/SIZE]

I wish we could work out some sort of weight loss together thing here on the forum. We talk to each other a lot and could be a great support for each other.

Your faith has motivated me ever since I first joined this forum, a few weeks back. I think of you often.

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i can so relate! when my husband moved to ohio and i stayed behind with the boys i gained weight!! i was so lonely at night that i started eating at night which in the past i never do as I have struggled with my weight all my life and know better

i think until you resolve these problems with your husband its going to be very hard to get the weight off.

Most people dont overeat because they are hungry. we overeat because we are unhappy about something. This is why even people that have surgery to lose weight often gain it back. because they didnt deal with the problem that caused them to eat too much.

Your hubby also has to know that its not good for his health to work that many hours. That is a pace that no one can keep up forever. I know how hard it is as my hubby is a work a holic too!!! I have to remind him a lot that the kids and i come first.

i would sit down and have a long talk with him about how you feel and how worried your are about your health and his

if ya need to talk im here!


Sending only the BEST of wishes, and warm thoughts your way.

God Bless.
Lyn, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I was closer to you we could "diet" together, I have to lose a good 75 lbs too, and it just seems like its impossible to do. If you or anyone else ever needs to talk ABOUT ANYTHING, (to keep our minds off of food
) I'm here too. Corinne
[SIZE=14pt]Lyn, I know how hard it is to go through something like this. When my Dad, my brother, and myself go to work for months at a time my mom is home alone. Her weight is a constant battle for her because she also eats when she is sad, or lonely, or numerous other reasons. What she said really helped her out was to call someone, a close friend, or someone she could just talk about her problems with when she had the urges to eat. Also, she said that to go outside and take a short walk, play with the animals, work on the lawn, just anything to occupy her for a few hours. Also, she said that being accountable, even to just herself, ie. writing down everything she had to eat in a day was a big eye opener and definately motivated her to be more careful about what she was eating. I will keep you in my prayers and hope things turn out good for you. [/SIZE]
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Triggy&Blue&Daisy Too said:
Lyn you and I both know it's not about food but your feelings.  There is no technique, substitute or will power that will overcome lonliness.  You need to have a sit down with hubby or get assistance from a counselor to really fix this.  You are in my prayers that your dear hubby will see that what you really need is him.  After all that IS what marriage is all about.


I totally agree with Trig ...you yourself tell us all how you were a psych nurse well then you of all people know this has zero to do with FOOD.......deal with the issues, get counselling, and talk to a doc about meds........I know there are meds that work with diabetics.......I'd say it is time for one of Marty's mental tidies and time to get to know who you are and what it is you are lacking.........food can't fill emotional holes........hugss .......

I'm with you. I'm pre-diabetic...so my blood sugars are pretty eratic. They usually plunge when I am stressed. I know first hand that you have to


The consequences of diabetes are just too big to mess around with. You have done well in the past. I know this because you have posted about losing weight. I wish I could do that...my doctor says I can't because of my blood sugar. But "don't worry" he says "you'll lose a bunch of weight when you become a diabetic!" Boy, that's comforting!

Lyn, there are too many people here on the Forum that care about you. You have too much at stake in your life to be risking it because of loneliness and depression. You are a valued member of this family...our Forum family! Remember that the next time you bring our the bread and butter...so make the next snack healthier for you...

Bring out crunchy veggies...the horses and I share baby carrots! Make yourself popcorn...(go easy on the butter and salt) and munch...read a good book...or write one! Get involved with a group in your area...I'm sure you are a highly valued person where you live too!

The thing about diabetes is that we have control over how sick we are. It means life changes and taking care of ourselves to keep us healthy. No one can do it for us.

I'm looking forward to meeting you some day. Ya gotta stick around for that!!!

Kim R.
Prayers sending your way. I have a problem too with eating what I shouldn't, I think many of us stuggle and understand. Please remember that you need to take care of yourself because Robby needs you there
[SIZE=14pt]Sending my prayers your way Lyn. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.[/SIZE]

I have learned so much from you on this forum and have great admiration for you. I wish I could offer you some helpful advice. I can offer you lots of prayers and good thoughts. Take care of yourself.

Does your community have any extra services available for people with disabilities? I'm thinking of things like what we have around here. One is called "metro mobility" I think and they have a van that provides rides around the community to people that can't drive. I think it would be good for you to get out several days a week to different group activities....ladies circles, some sort of support group, church activities...that sort of thing. Even a so-called "book club" would be good, as long as you could get the "book" being discussed on tape. I can tell you though, the book clubs in my neighborhood consist of women getting together and drinking wine and socializing...the book becomes secondary to the companionship and socializing. (not such a bad thing).

Depending on your health and what your doctor will allow, since you are worried about your weight gain what about an exercise group that targets your age and limitations.

I went along with my sister in law to a "CURVES" a few times to be supportive of her and get her started and I was amazed at how friendly and supportive all the ladies were. My sister in law felt very comfortable and found that all the members were on the larger size and many had a variety of health limitations to deal with and the exercise program was tailored to exactly what they could handle. They all seemed like such good friends and were so welcoming to new members.

You have a lot of support here on the forum, but I think more human contact and interaction would just do wonders for you and if you could arrange transportation and find a few things in your community to get involved in it would make a real difference. I am betting that you would feel a lot better, you'd probably be inclined to do less snacking and feel better about life in general and you never know, that workaholic husband of yours just might start feeling a little bit left out and decide that he wants to be home more and doing things with you. Funny how that can work. I had a friend with a husband like that - working all the time - and she finally decided to find her own outside interests and activities and he suddenly made a point of being home more and doing more stuff with her. It kind of freaked him out. He knew she loved him, but he felt like he was kind of losing her because she was busy all the time and talking about friends he'd never met.

Just throwing a few things out there.
[SIZE=14pt]Thanks Everyone for the support and ideas. I do belong to a church and we are in church almost all day on sundays and Wed night..... Getting to places like Curves requires transportation....the Care Van only goes within the city limits not out to the country. I hate asking people for rides ..... I get my daughter Katie to take me to get groceries on thursadays when she picks up Robby.... I walk to the hairdresser and drug store about a mile away. I guess I am just frustrated with Barrys work hours because I am fine about eating durring the day but in the evenings I get Steamed and since arguing with him about it which is what will happen if I tell him we need to talk about it, doesnt get me anywhere, eating calms me down.... I know bad choice.I am praying about it...asking for the anger to just go away..... I dont get why I can pray for a physical healing and believe it and this is so hard..... makes no sense![/SIZE]

lyn_j said:
[SIZE=14pt].I am praying about it...asking for the anger to just go away..... I dont get why I can pray for a physical healing and believe it and this is so hard..... makes no sense![/SIZE]Lyn


[SIZE=14pt]Sending prayers your way Lyn. Food can be an addiction just like cigs/alcohol/drugs - but it's different and worse in a way, because you CAN'T survive w/o food, you have to eat to survive. Although an alcoholic feels like they have to drink to survive, they don't. [/SIZE]

My husband's Mother is extremely overweight, has been her whole life. She also has diabetes. She is going in for stomach stapling (don't know the technical name) after the holidays. Her doctors feel this is the only way to control her diabetes. This is a drastic decision, but her doctor feels it's the only way right now to keep her alive.

[SIZE=14pt]Thinking of you Lyn and keeping you in my prayers....[/SIZE]

Take care!

Hi lyn,

I'm sorry I didn't read this sooner...I haven't been on here much this week.

Dealing with the underlying issues is foremost, but even if the overeating is symptomatic, there are ways of lessening its effects.

Isn't it a bummer that most comfort foods are typically fattening? Popcorn is a good one if that satisfies you...another one, though not a free food, is tapioca pudding made with Splenda -- 80 calories per serving, which is way better than most things like that. There's also sugar-free Jello puddings made with skim milk. To me, these are the edible equivalents of a big bear hug!

As for activities...

One silly thing that works for me is to involve yourself in a hobby that requires clean hands. Knitting, crochet are great if you enjoy that kind of craft, but it never works for me to try to do something just to keep busy -- it has to be something I love to do...

I notice that your dogs have short to medium length coats... I would get one with a long, curly, difficult coat that requires daily grooming. Between the time you can work outdoors and the time Barry gets home, you could be doing something that you love that you could do indoors at night. You can't eat while you're doing it, and it's a great excuse to get another dog!

Do you have or could you rig up some way to work with the horses at night? Even a heated garage where you could groom them? Not really necessary this time of year, but brushing isn't going to hurt them, and it's such a companionable time that I'm sure they'd love it.

I'm usually around and always willing to chat, and since I'm in the Pacific Time Zone, what may seem late to you is early for me whether by phone, email or PM.

Perhaps we could fire up the chat room and all keep you company?

Take care,

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[SIZE=14pt]You have my prayers too. I also have a workaholic for a hubby 5:30 a.m until well past 7 p.m. It can get very lonely, but I still have 1 son home so I have him to take care of, but we know its not quite the same. Positive thoughts are heading your way, take care......Kathy[/SIZE]

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