Hi lyn,
I'm sorry I didn't read this sooner...I haven't been on here much this week.
Dealing with the underlying issues is foremost, but even if the overeating is symptomatic, there are ways of lessening its effects.
Isn't it a bummer that most comfort foods are typically fattening? Popcorn is a good one if that satisfies you...another one, though not a free food, is tapioca pudding made with Splenda -- 80 calories per serving, which is way better than most things like that. There's also sugar-free Jello puddings made with skim milk. To me, these are the edible equivalents of a big bear hug!
As for activities...
One silly thing that works for me is to involve yourself in a hobby that requires clean hands. Knitting, crochet are great if you enjoy that kind of craft, but it never works for me to try to do something just to keep busy -- it has to be something I love to do...
I notice that your dogs have short to medium length coats... I would get one with a long, curly, difficult coat that requires daily grooming. Between the time you can work outdoors and the time Barry gets home, you could be doing something that you love that you could do indoors at night. You can't eat while you're doing it, and it's a great excuse to get another dog!
Do you have or could you rig up some way to work with the horses at night? Even a heated garage where you could groom them? Not really necessary this time of year, but brushing isn't going to hurt them, and it's such a companionable time that I'm sure they'd love it.
I'm usually around and always willing to chat, and since I'm in the Pacific Time Zone, what may seem late to you is early for me whether by phone, email or PM.
Perhaps we could fire up the chat room and all keep you company?
Take care,