Murphys Law!!! LOL!! Have fun and be safe snowmobiling!!We have had a very mild winter so far in Michigan...I am in the Upper Penninsula (snowmobiling) and right now it's -19f....high today is -4....that does not include the wind. Gonna have to dress warm! It's been so mild here Leya...of course your furnance goes out during a cold spell....stay warm!
Be prepared for the cold weather to drag out whatever it is that has you feeling unwell. I was sick the whole month of December, and just recently started feeling like myself. I had a head cold, waited a couple weeks, saw a dr, it had turned into a sinus and ear infection, two weeks of antibiotics, I started to feel human again, and two more weeks and I finally about feel like myself. [Luckily, we had a short warm spell, and I think that helped to finish getting over it, as I wasn't breathing in so much cold air when I was doing chores.]I can't wait for spring! This cold weather is driving me carazy--Its made me sick--literally. Now Its up to my non horsey sister to take care of the horses for me. Hopefully this sickness won't last long! And hopefully the cold weather will kill the influenza going around!
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