I had a mare colic right smack dab in the middle of an ice storm. 2 days later I finally got the vet out here. The mare was bloated. We did the mineral oil. 4 days later had to have the vet back. Her heart rate was 72 and he said it was time to put her down, she was bloated even more. I couldn't do it, said I had to give her a little more time. Oiled her for the 2nd time. Called me sister the next morning and told her to come and help me I was going to have to have the mare put down. On the way here my sister had a brain storm. She stopped long enough to get some money and tell me not to do anything til she got back. She came back with several bottles of Magnesium Citrate (a laxative) and a funnel. The pharmacist at walmart had told her to give the horse 1 10 oz bottle for every 100 pounds and follow it with a liter and a half of warm water. We gave my mare 3 bottles of MC and followed with a 2 liter bottle of warm water. I figured since the vet said there was nothing more he could do I would try anything. I also had a friend tell me to give her 3 raw eggs and haul her to town and back. So, I gave her 3 raw eggs that night and prayed a lot. My husband woke me up at 3a.m. and told me all the bloating was gone and there was poop every where. At daylight I was up. There was a total of 19 piles of diarrhea in the yard. All the bloating was gone. I offered my mare a handful of pellets and she ate it all. I don't know what worked and prob. never will, but I am giving God all the credit cause I still have my beautiful mare. I have been giving her a handful of feed every 2 hours since last Fri. this morning I upped it to half a cup and am going to be watching her close.
On top of all the oil and laxative she has had 2 shots of penicillin per day and several shots of banamine. She is off all medication and tolerating food, still has diarrhea, but trying to form now.
On top of all the oil and laxative she has had 2 shots of penicillin per day and several shots of banamine. She is off all medication and tolerating food, still has diarrhea, but trying to form now.