If you could talk to anyone, living or dead.......

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Richard Avedon (deceased), a famous fashion and portrait photographer

George A. Romero, The first real zombie movie director (day of the dead, dawn of the dead, night of the living dead) as well as other popular movies such as creepshow, and from a buick.

although i would be just as happy to shadow them, with out speaking a word to them, or reciving one.
I would love to have a talk with my hero, My Grandfather, He died 3 days before my 16th birthday and I never got to say goodbye. I would tell him about my children, my husband (who he would have loved!) and my horses. I would also like to talk to my Grandmother, who passed away last April and my Aunt Millie. I miss them both so much!

I would love to have a face to face with George Strait and Ellen Degeneres. I think I would also like to talk to Laura Bush, she is such a graceful lady.
This is too emotional of a subject for me right now. And Firefall, I am so sorry. I couldn't get past reading your post. As a mother of a 9yo, I can't imagine what you have gone through. I am so very very sorry and my heart goes out to you.
I'd love to talk to Jimmy Buffett over a frozen strawberry margarita or two... or three...
Firefall I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter and your pain, I've come to this thread several times and just been unable to know what to say. I'm so sorry.

I would want to talk to my best friends daughter Emily who died a few years ago and way to young to know if she is at peace now. Also my friend Carry to find out who it was that ran her off the road and killed her, and my young friend Amy to have a chance to tell her what a good kids she was and how sorry I am that her life was cut so short.

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I would love to have a day with my grandfather who started teaching me about horses as soon as I was old enough to understand. He would love the miniatures!

I'd like to talk to my Aunt who was murdered 24 years ago on Christmas eve....she was the only close relative that was into horses....I was too young to really know her then, and I've always wondered if she were around if I'd have had an easy time convincing my parents that horses aren't bad. But I'd just like to tell her about all my horse experiences....

Thank you CAM and KrisP. Its been almost 4 yrs. Still seems like yesterday, sometimes. Thats how I got into my sweet, loveable minis...............they help me to cope and not think.
I would like to talk with God because I so badly want to understand why there has to be so much suffering in the world. No person can logically explain it so it has to come from God.
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For me it would first be my Dad, knowing he is just fine.Just to tell him I love him once again. Then it would be Joshua.. I would ask him, what in the world was he thinking? Why if you were having trouble staying awake, why didn't you pull over and sleep for awhile? I would want him to tell me that he didn't hurt. That he didn't lay in that car for hours with noone there to help him. I would want him to tell me that he wasn't cold, and scared. and that the angels were there right away and helped him to heaven. I would want Joshua to tell me that he wouldn't want to come back here for nothing, and that he is okay, and happy. And for us not to worry about him.
I would like to spend one more afternoon fishing and talking with my dad, he was a wise man who provided so much guidence and knowledge when I was growing up. We talk so many hours while sitting in a boat.

my mother, father, and sister they would have loved the minis. My mom and dad saw minis in TX at the Nuns mini farm and my mom couldn't tell me enough about them. She said I'd just love them if I could see them. She was right.

Mother Teresa, Nostrudamus(sp?).
:new_shocked: Thomas Jefferson. Also some members of my family for various reasons.
Um? this is very hard for me. I think perhaps King Soloman for he was the wisest man ever to live. Then my father in law; his last words 20 yrs ago on his death bed at home were "tell K. D.(that's me) that I'll see her in heaven. That has done more for my faith, as a new beliver back in 1985 than almost any one thing I can think of. My own dad died on the golf course when I was only 14 (1968) and I wasn't close to him; he and mom were divorced; he would come around often but just to see my mom mostly.

Then I think I'd like to speak to Adam and Eve about their garden experience.
I would like to talk with my grandpa and grandma on my dad's side. My grandma passed away before I was born so I only know her from stories my dad has told me. I would like to really get to know her. My grandpa was a great man! He was the sweetest person I have ever met. He passed away when I was younger. I would love for him to meet our minis...he would love them. I was never able to say goodbye and I would really like to.

I would also like to talk to Elliot....my friend who passed away when we were juinors in high school. He was only 17. He got in a car accident when he was on his way to school. No one knows how long he was there until help arrived or if he suffered. I would like to ask him if he felt any pain or was scared. I pray that he passed away immediately and had no idea what happened.
I would give anything to have a really LONG talk with my Grandpa Ed! He died when my mum was 18, first man to be killed on a (stupid) snowmobile in our state. I came along much later and never got to meet him, but have heard numerous stories of him over the years. I would give anything to wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze!!!!!!!! I kind of adopted a grandfather in my pre-teen years, and he died one month after making good on a promise to make the trip from New Jersey to Maine to see my son walk. That was 12 years ago, and oh how I miss him!

Next on my list to talk to would be my two Grammies. One of them died just a few years ago, and the other one passed on twenty years ago. So much has happened in my life since they left and I would just LOVE to have the chance to talk, for a LONG time, with either of them.

For my "famous" person that I would like to talk to, well, I guess that I would really enjoy a good chat with Jesus. I say my prayers, don't get me wrong, but I would love to hear what he has to say about a few things....hmmm. Interesting topic.


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