Its not just minis that do it... Policy may have changed since, but I bought an AQHA weanling on Application 6-7 years ago, and in order to register him, I had to pay the breeder's membership, as the breeder was quitting and didn't want to renew.Irregardless of whether or not these are "challenging economic times", forcing the buyer to pay the seller's membership fee before you can register your horse blows! Coming from (and still being a part of) the "big" horse world, this is one of the most retarded things I have EVER heard as far as horse registries and registration go.![]()
Sounds like your horse already had AMHR papers, so you just needed a transfer and paid your membership.I only have one AMHR registered horse but when I bought her the lady who sold her to me had long ago let her AMHR membership expire. I paid to become a member for one year and transferred her into my name. No hassle at all. So if the rule was there before it was overlooked.
In AMHA it is the new owners responsibility to transfer their new horses. That is the way it should be, that way those that dont really care if the horse is registered in their name dont' have to fork out money for memberships. I'd never go that route, but the 3 horse I've sold so far are still in my name even though they were sold with completed paperwork and pictures to send in!!
Makes me kinda glad most of my horses are AMHA
This would be something I would question I would want to know from the office exactly where in the rule book this is stated. If it is not clearly and specifically stated then ... well many a long standing rule has been broken but due to it not being specific in black and white the issue was dropped. I would want to see the exact wording of that rule and know when or if it was ever changed?Plus, I looked in the rulebook, I looked on the application, I looked on the website- NOWHERE does it state the BREEDER must be a member to register a foal if the person sending in the forms IS a member! ALL it states is that you must be a member to have registry work done.
My letter is in the mail today.
The only problem with this is that technically, The Journal is not a magazine, it is the newsletter of the ASPC/AMHR. It is the only official way for the ASPC/AMHR under current rules to distribute information to the membership. The amount that The Journal is subsidized by the ASPC/AMHR would have to go to publishing a different style of newsletter which would then have to be mailed to the membership. With printing costs, postage, personnel, etc. the cost of a non-advertising supported newsletter could very well exceed the amount that is currently spent by the ASPC/AMHR on The Journal.I have brought this up before about membership prices and everyone says it supports the registry. This is an example of why paperwork is not getting done. Why we aren't getting new memberships. I still in a way feel that we should be required to be a member to do paperwork, BUT, and thats a BIG but, you look at all the bigger registeries out there, AQHA, APHA, etc..., they only charge like $25 for each membership. BUT you also have to pay extra to receive their magazine.
I propose that AMHR does the same thing. Take whatever how much it is to buy the Journal, (its listed on the site but I'm not looking it up right now), subtract it from the memebership fee and thats what you get. Alot of people will still buy the Journal IMO. That is our only source of news. However new members won't shy away from our membership prices and maybe people will still get paperwork done.
Thing is, whether or not we "get mad" at them, if they really cared, they would be members, and there wouldn't be a problem.I think we should be getting mad at the breeders for selling horses on application papers....not the registry! When you own the dam and it foals the breeder is the first "owner" of the foal. Anyone buying the foal has the ownership transfered to them. I think it needs to be broadcasted "buyer beware" when you buy an animal on application. Shame on the breeders for not doing their job and registering these foals.
I think we should be getting mad at the breeders for selling horses on application papers....not the registry! When you own the dam and it foals the breeder is the first "owner" of the foal. Anyone buying the foal has the ownership transfered to them. I think it needs to be broadcasted "buyer beware" when you buy an animal on application. Shame on the breeders for not doing their job and registering these foals.![]()
CARE no longer exists. Many will be happy to know we have disbanded.I'm surprised the C.A.R.E group hasn't waded in on the conversation. Sounds right up their alley, watching out for us all....
Its been pointed out previously that you cannot "do away" with the Journal for a membership. All members have to be notified of any changes, rules etc and the only way we have is the Journal. Its not just a magazine it is the only communciation for members. I can only imagine the lawsuits that could incur if you let someone be a member but then they get no notification of rule changes, registration changes etc. It would be a nightmare.I think the idea about paying just a membership, not including the magazine, for ONE year for folks who are going out of the miniature business is a good idea.