In case of a fire what would we do if our amha and amhr paper is lost

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A small "fireproof" safe is good for keeping things in one place.

However, with the temp of the fire being 1400 degrees, it would just melt/burn away to nothing.

Best to keep a copy of everything on disc in a different house hold. Chances are you won't need them but just in case, and things do get lost.

Well, I'm for reduncy. All my originals are at the bank in the safe deposit box along with birth/death certificates, contracts, home abstract, life insurance, copies of the last 7 yrs tax records and any other legal documents (we built our house and I have kept all of the original receipts on it's construction).

I keep color copies of all the horse papers in a 3 ring binder in the house. Another set of papers, along with the horse's photos, breeding records, sales/purchase records etc are kept in a folder on each individual horse--extra copies are kept there. The folders are kept in a small storage building that is separate from the house and these are updated every 6 months.

Here is another big suggestion--my insurance company requires it at least every 2 years. Make sure you have a current inventory list of all of your personal and horse equipment. I do this every fall (especially for the horse stuff) after Nationals when I go through and check all the equipment for repair and putting stuff up for winter.

Another good suggestion for you personal inventory--take digital photos of each room in the house--stand in the middle of the room and be sure an take of photo of every wall or better yet take a video and place that evidence in your safe deposit box as well.
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I have also heard that the Freezer is a good way to store documents in case of fire. Most fires do

not destroy them and the contents are kept safe.

I have even known of people who store cash there. Gives a whole new meaning to

the term COLD Cash :lol:

It will at least give you another option to store items, short of a buying a safe..
kaykay brought up sales contracts...this dould be as or more important than registration papers.

But as others have mentioned, its not just these papers, but all important documents that need protection. It's so easy to put these things off, but we need to act on the impetus of a frightening event such as this.
I'm like Jill--with 25 horses I could come up with full names of each & I'm sure get replacement papers that way, though it would hurt to have to fork out $500 to get those replacements. I don't keep photocopies of the registration papers off site. I agree it is the originals that should be in a safety deposit box, but with horses to be made permanent & such, it's kind of a pain to go & get them & put them back. All our important papers are in a metal box by the door. It's the rule that someone grab the box as they run out the door. If it's necessary to go out a window, well, so be it--those important papers aren't really all that important. I would be more upset at losing my saddles & any harness & other tack, since much of that is kept in the house.

Something no one has mentioned--unless I miss it--is breeding records. I would expect that the registries could come up with a list of horses owned by a specific person, but breeding records are another matter. This time of year--after breeding season but before the majority of people have sent in their breeding records--could you do up your stallion reports without your breeding records/calendar/whatever you keep track of which mares were bred to which stallions? For me it's not a big deal; we have a total of 7 broodmares (with only some of them being bred in any year)--and there's one stallion here. I have no trouble remembering which mare got bred to which stallion, and even if I couldn't remember exact dates, I'd be close enough to "wing it". Even so, my breeding records are one thing which I do keep a duplicate of, off site--I have all that info written on my calendar at work, so I'd have to do no guesswork to make up my stallion report if something happened to all the paperwork here at home.

This is especially important for someone that is using several breeding stallions & is covering a large number of mares each year. I shudder to think of the nightmare the Eberth's will have in trying to figure out which mares got bred to which stallion when. Maybe they have a system & good memories, but I think this part of it will be far worse than getting the papers replaced.
When I have alot of minis I am going to start figuring out a way to protect the papers. If this would have not happened to LKF or someone else I probably never would of eve though of it. But I can't even imagine the head ache of trying to get back those papers. According to my calculations for 300 horses to get back AMHA and AMHR papers would cost $12,000.00. I wonder if the registries could just look up all the horses registerd under LK farm and print them all out at once and then send the papers to LK. With there being no way to remember 300 horses it seems this is the only option to get back some papers for some horses. Or they just might not ever get papers.

Would the registery do that for them? Or would they have to fill out papers for every single horse? My heart just breaks for LK farm. Im sure is going to be just a pain in the next few years untill they finally get back everything.

I hope this will be a lesson learned for everybody...

Right now if anything were to happen with 4 horses it wouldn't be a problem but when I get around 15-20(wich will not be for a while) I defenetly will start to figure somthing out.


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