I have been on many boards and e-lists where the slaugther of horses has been a very HOT topic.
I have to say that I myself would never eat horse meat, but know people who do both here and overseas.
The only way to stop the suffering of horses is do take the stigma out of it. Over seas it is very aceptable to haul your horse to a PLANT. The horses do NOT suffer in anyway. It is done pretty much the same why as cattle. hogs and chickens.
PETA and other animal rights orgs only put photos and fliers out of the one in a million kill that goes bad. A quick clean kill and staughter do not make good press for them so they go about making it look like evey horse that goes in the plant suffers endlessly..
If everyone wants to make the suffering end. Make it so a horse can be saughtered in any plant in the US. A 50 miles trailer ride is much more easier on the horse the 1000s in a cattle semi.
Think about it people. The only real suffering is in the transport!! Like my vet says DEAD IS DEAD weather you shot or give it a injestion the end is the same. He even said a bullet is better then any shot he can give. One clean bullet if done right, the horse does not know it coming it's done and over. POP. DEAD.
We in this courty raise more horses big and little then we should, and just because we do not eat horses and have made them pets not livestock does not mean we should tell the rest of the world they are wrong.
I wish that every person who crys save the horse really would stop and think.
For every old broken down horse that they buy from the killers and put 100s or 1000s of dollors into to save so he or she can go on suffering for another 2 or 3 years there is a child in the same need in this courty and over seas who suffers or go hungry ect.
Horses are animals they are livestock , one I love every much and try to care for as best I can.
But they are animals and they are livestock...
The PUM barns do sell some foals a feed up livestock.... so I sell feed up cattle. Those horses are treated as livestock from day one. They are not pets they are not halter broke they are run in herds on feed lots like we do our cattle. They are the ranchers LIVESTOCK, not his pet horses.
When you sell any horse to any body they could end being sold for saughter later on. If your so sure you will never sell to a killer as so many people say they will not then they better never bred another mare. Or sell her either.
Now I know my veiw is not most.
Another bill put out by do gooder know it alls who know nothing.
Getting my flame proof panties out!