Is AMHA that much more expensive than AMHR?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2002
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There is a lot of talk about how much more expensive AMHA registrations and fees are compared to AMHR. However, I think it is being exaggerated. There are times when AMHA is cheaper.

Yes, AMHA’s fees are significantly higher than AMHR when a person waits (or is late) on submitting paperwork, but overall, for paperwork submitted in a timely manner, there is not that much difference between AMHA and AMHR.

AMHA is actually MUCH more friendly to the “little-guy†who is buying a gelding.

Let’s look at some fee comparisons:

Scenario: You have a colt born and you register it right away. You decide to geld it as a yearling. It is then sold as a two-year old to a person who is not a member of the breed association. The buyer takes it permanent at three/five.

Cost in AMHR:

registering as weanling - $20

stallion to gelding - $10

new owner’s membership fee (two-year old year, required to do paperwork) - $45

transfer gelding - $15

membership fee (three year old year, required to do paperwork) - $45

permanent fee - $5


Cost in AMHA:

registering at 0-4 months - $20

stallion to gelding - $ 0

new owner’s membership fee (two-year old year) not required - $ 0

transfer gelding - $20 (non-member fee, only $10 if member)

membership fee (five year old year) not required - $ 0

permanent fee - $20 (non-member fee, only $10 if member)

TOTAL AMHA FEES: $60 ($80 less than AMHR)

For ‘timely’ registrations:

Gelding – AMHR

Register at any age - $20

Take permanent - $5

AMHR Total: $25

Gelding – AMHA

Register at any age - $10

Take permanent - $10

AMHA Total: $20 ($5 less than AMHR)

Mare - AMHR:

Register as weanling - $20

Take permanent - $5

Total AMHR: $25

Mare - AMHA:

Register at 0-4 month - $20

Take permanent - $25

Total AMHA: $45 ($20 more than AMHR)

Stallion - AMHR:

Register as weanling - $20

Take permanent - $5

Total AMHR†$25

Stallion - AMHA:

Register at 0-4 months - $20

Take permanent - $60 (with $10 going to Gelding Incentives)

Total AMHA: $80 ($55 more than AMHR)

AMHR membership is $45 for an annual renewal

AMHA membership is $55 for an annual renewal

AMHR charge to change from stallion to gelding - $10

AMHA charge to change from stallion to gelding - $0

AMHR charge to do a certificate correction - $10

AMHA charge to do a certificate correction - $0

AMHR charge for prefix/suffix - $200

AMHA charge for prefix/suffix - $150 (currently $50, but going up to $150 soon)

I honestly think there is a misconception about the price differences between the two registries; it isn’t as big as people make it out to be. Yes, AMHA is higher for some things, but they are lower on some things too. Overall, if paperwork is done in a timely manner, AMHA is not exorbitantly more expensive than AMHR. I don’t really see a large difference in the basic pricing, until you get to taking a stallion permanent. AMHA is significantly higher there, but I don’t see that as being a ‘bad’ thing. AMHA is without a doubt more supportive of gelding.

With AMHA’s reduced fees for geldings and non-member pricing, they are MUCH more inexpensive for the ‘little guy’ who only wants a miniature horse for show or pleasure.
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I would agree with you on that, I've never understood why people say AMHA is so much more expensive to register with as each organization has savings for different scenarios. But in the long run, I haven't noticed a major difference and we double register all that can be, well as DNA/PQ.
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The AMHA site states that a membership is $75 (US membership) so this must be for the first year? It also states that for a non member it is $60 to register a foal (0 to 4 months). Since I only have one mare that is registered AMHA/AMHR that is due in April it will cost me less to register that one foal and not become a member. Now, I am sure there are people like me that only have one or maybe two that are AMHA. I would have more but it kinda upsets me over the whole thing about the if they go over 34" even though they are from AMHA breeding stock and of well known blood lines thing then they aren't "perfection." I wont even pretend to have any answers on the issue BUT it appears to me if they would figure out something then they could get more memberships.

This is OT and I appologize but could you imagine if we viewed the human race based on the "standard of perfection?" SHEW!

The 'oversize' thing is off-topic, but AMHA is studying the issue. Also, don't forget that AMHR won't register one of their horse's offspring if it goes over 38", so both registries do the same thing.

Yes, the first year membership price is $75, but $55 for renewals after that.
Good post R3. Thanks for taking the time to list the differences in prices and not just picking out one specific example.

I might add in regards to those who complain about having their applications returned. I have been a member since 2003 (not long compared to many on here) and have sent in approximately 30-35 registration applications and transfers (again, not many compared to some on here). I have NEVER had one returned to me yet. It seems to me that if you do it correctly the first time, you don't get it returned to do over. I realize everyone makes mistakes from time to time. I'm sure the time will come when I will make one myself. :new_rofl: :hypocrite: I hope no one takes this as a put down if they have made a mistake on an application and had it returned. I'm simply saying don't blame someone else for your mistake.
The one & only AMHA mare I bought cost me a $30 non-member fee to transfer, then I paid $50 (to Canada price) for a subscription to the World. Total cost $80. That was cheaper than paying the $95 (Canadian member fee) membership and the $15 member transfer fee. To transfer that same mare AMHR cost me a total of $60, which included a subscription to the Journal. $20 cheaper.

To register a foal off of that mare, for AMHR is $20 plus the membership fee of $45 = $65 (at the time was $45 membership; now the Canadian membership is $56, but the comparison is from a few years ago when I first got into Minis--this was my introduction to the two registries & their fees)

To register a foal off of that mare with AMHA is $20 plus membership fee of $95 (yes, I know, $75--Canadian membership rate!--after the 1st year, but since I wouldn't be doing registry work every year I have no need to buy the membership annually. If I wanted the World, it's cheaper to subscribe for $50) That makes $115.

If I choose to be a non-member and register my foal it is $60...yes, a bit less than AMHR, but that extra bit of money to AMHR does still get me the Journal for a year.

Note that all fees quoted are the US funds amount. Add exchange onto those amounts and they become that much higher. It's not so bad now when we pay only $1.203 or so to get $1 US but when I bought my AMHA mare we were paying $1.58 for $1 US, so that made the fee differences that much bigger.
i never meant my post to be amhr vs amha. I only pointed out the difference in price because people kept saying amha isnt more. In the cases I posted its a big difference.

I dont think its fair at all to post this statement

AMHA is without a doubt more supportive of gelding.

AMHA just raised the price for the gelding incentive it isnt even in effect yet. I applaud amha for trying to increase the gelding incentive program. You all know i am always pro gelding! But I still have doubts wether this will really increase geldings for people who dont show?? But its definitely worth a try! Not bashing that at all but you cant make the assumption that amhr isnt for geldings because they dont charge as much as amha?? Higher price to register does not mean people will geld. If that was true then there wouldnt be so many amha stallions out there.

Again i want BOTH registries to do well!!

Songcatcher you cant assume that everyone who has papers returned its because they screwed up. Im glad you never had problems with your papers but I can tell you honestly that the last problem i had with amha was not my screwup it was their screwup. I have also had amhr mess up my papers not going to lie and say they havent. But they never asked me to pay an extra fee because they messed up. And I have made mistakes on papers both amha and amhr. Because Im human and make mistakes.
I live in Canada and am a memberof AMHR as all my minis(15) are registered AMHR and I cannot do any paperwork without it. I am not a member of AMHA as I only have 6 AMHA horses. I do need to DNA/PQ my stallion, Coyote Winds Knockout this year as he has a AMHA mare in foal to him so that has to be done. I also will have to registered 2 AMHA foals once born. I find the membership to expensive in AMHA when I can do all the paperwork without it. I try to register the foal during the first 4 months as it is cheaper. I have only had one registration problem with AMHA and that was when I registered my filly, Shauneys Halluva Lucky Gal. The lady I bought her from gave me all the paperwork needed including a stallion report, come to find out she didn't even own the stallion so had to get in touch with the owner, luckily she sent me everything I needed and I now have Lucy's papers. I always send more photos than needed so that they have plenty to choose from. Never had a problem yet.
I probably will become a member for both AMHR and AMHA in 2008 though.
Don't forget to add in the cost of DNA on those mares and stallions, anyway.

And even though it is not registration, the show fees tend to be higher for amha.

I'm not really a "complainer" and belong to both amha/amhr, but it does cost me a bit more to maintain, amha.

Julie, good information here.

I would like to put in my $.02 here.

First, our farm is AMHR/AMHA Always has been, always will be so we deal with both registries.

Slightly off topic?

I also read on here that R shows are much cheaper than A shows. So I got out premiums from the previous year and compared fees. What I found was most charges were comparable EXCEPT for class entry fees, BUT in AMHA you were getting more judges than in AMHR! If you had comparable numbers of judges in AMHR shows then your class fees would be the same or more than in AMHA. Also, many of the charges such as stall rentals are decided by the entity putting on the show (club or person). Those charges don't have anything to do with the breed registry.

As for the expense of doing business with one registry or another.......If you plan to do anything with miniature horses for more than a few days....look at the big picture ! Do your long range planning! Make a 5 year plan! Yes it takes time and effort but the benefits are WAY above what happens when you are just reacting to the 'moment' (such as buying a horse because he's cute rather than having a purpose for your 5 year plan).

Don't forget to include a marketing strategy in your 5 year plan. I read on here all the time about how terrible the miniature horse market is.....It is? I find the market to be very good. Was talking with a couple of other breeders (I consider us and the other breeders I was talking to to be small breeders ... having 10 or less foals per year) yesterday and this very subject came up. their feeling was that the market is strong. But I will say this, they have a direction and they are continuously working toward that direction.

So if things aren't going as you wish they were with your miniature horses, step back and take a long look. Evaluate. Get help if you feel you need it. Develop a plan, reorganize and work toward a goal.

WOW! talk about being on a soap box! Ok, slinking away now..........

The 'oversize' thing is off-topic, but AMHA is studying the issue. Also, don't forget that AMHR won't register one of their horse's offspring if it goes over 38", so both registries do the same thing.

Yes, the first year membership price is $75, but $55 for renewals after that.
There is the NSPR (National Show Pony Reigstry) AMHR/ASPC has created, if your mini goes over 38" well register them in that. I believe they are trying to make show classes for this registry also. Yes its a non-breeding registry but atleast its something.

Perhaps this is why new members aren't joining, $75 is ALOT IMO. Also when I was fairley new to AMHA still didn't know the ropes yet, I paid the first membership price again when I was already a member! Heck I didn't know and there membership form didn't say anything. Atleast now I know.

I don't know, it kind of does spread a light in this situation regarding which one is cheaper. I say there pretty much even.
VERY well-stated, Charlotte!


(Edited to add--There's surely no need to 'slink away'-Instead, I think you should puff out your chest with pride, for a 'job well done'!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033:
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AMHA to renew my membership for the family 60.00

AMHR to renew my membership for the family 70.00

It varies depends on how many is in your family but this is our cost yearly, thisis including one youth memebership none of the amt stuff just the membership
I don't "do" AMHA because 1. the horses are to small and 2. it IS more expensive.

However, I don't see the point in complaining about fees. It takes money to run a National organization. Their money has to come from somewhere. I am sure the registries would love to advertise more/ promote more/ do more for geldings and youth but they just don't have the money.

We don't HAVE to own registered horses, breed them, and show them. It's our choice. If we can't afford it we can downsize or get into knitting instead as a hobby.

AMHA is cheap compared to some breeds like Andalusians or Arabians. My friend has bred/shown both at the National level and says our fees are dirt cheap compared to the big horses.

Try to keep it in perspective. I mean, complaining about $10??? Or even $100 isn't a lot.

The incentive coupon for new and lapsed memberships ($20 off) will remain in effect until 12/31/07.
Scenario: You have a colt born and you register it right away. You decide to geld it as a yearling. It is then sold as a two-year old to a person who is not a member of the breed association. The buyer takes it permanent at three/five.

Cost in AMHR:

registering as weanling - $20

stallion to gelding - $10

new owner’s membership fee (two-year old year, required to do paperwork) - $45

transfer gelding - $15

membership fee (three year old year, required to do paperwork) - $45

permanent fee - $5


Cost in AMHA:

registering at 0-4 months - $20

stallion to gelding - $ 0

new owner’s membership fee (two-year old year) not required - $ 0

transfer gelding - $20 (non-member fee, only $10 if member)

membership fee (five year old year) not required - $ 0

permanent fee - $20 (non-member fee, only $10 if member)

TOTAL AMHA FEES: $60 ($80 less than AMHR)

You have me just a little confused on your example above. Why would the person have to pay when it was a 2 yr old and a 3 yr?? If it is a membership fee, than they would also have to pay their membership in AMHA , That was just a little confusing the way you worded that , Or maybe I am just not on top of the game today

You are very right in several of your comparisons,, although you did leave out the DNA cost , Stallion Report charges , and a couple of other charges, Also AMHR charges for weanling $20 from birth to 11months29days :lol: Where as AMHA has 3 charges for weanlings from $20 -- $35,, I do know you said timely Reg.. but you need to also represent both sides .

I am not sure why on this forum we feel the need to over and over again compare these two Assoc. They are not the SAME !! If they were the same we would only need ONE

So I would say we need to all enjoy one or both as most of here do , and stop comparing them all the time

This reminds me of when I had my Pet Stores and people would come in and say "Well I can go to So and So and buy this cheaper " You know what I wanted to say to them .. :new_shocked:

We have two GREAT Assoc.. each offers something different ,, Let's just enjoy and stop worrying about which one does what better.. I think they both are doing Great things.. for the Miniature Horses in General.
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We have two GREAT Assoc.. each offers something different ,, Let's just enjoy and stop worrying about which one does what better.. I think they both are doing Great things.. for the Miniature Horses in General.
RIGHT ON Belinda!! :aktion033:
Good point...and very true.

About Belindas post
and yours to Marylou. :bgrin
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Songcatcher you cant assume that everyone who has papers returned its because they screwed up. Im glad you never had problems with your papers but I can tell you honestly that the last problem i had with amha was not my screwup it was their screwup.
Kaykay, I was not pointing my comment directly at you. As I said before, everyone makes mistakes from time to time. If the mistake was their's, they should not blame you for it either by charging you additional fees.

Wouldn't it be great if everything was the way it SHOULD be!

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