Not sure why we should give the remark the dignity of feeling it's a compliment when a big horse owner sees one of our miniatures and says "wow, he looks just like a big horse, only little."
We could just as easily say, "wow, your horse looks just like my miniature, only big!" But I doubt the big horse owner would feel complimented.
I took Dusty to a horse facility for some lessons. He was the only miniature. A couple of big horse folk commented that he looked "just like a real horse". He would never win in a miniature breed show, but he does indeed look very horse-like.
Now a true compliment was a vet who looked at a mare I took for dental checkup. He got excited and exclaimed: "this is a perfect miniature horse mouth!" Whoa! Was that a miniature horse's mouth or a horse's mouth in miniature??
We could just as easily say, "wow, your horse looks just like my miniature, only big!" But I doubt the big horse owner would feel complimented.
I took Dusty to a horse facility for some lessons. He was the only miniature. A couple of big horse folk commented that he looked "just like a real horse". He would never win in a miniature breed show, but he does indeed look very horse-like.

Now a true compliment was a vet who looked at a mare I took for dental checkup. He got excited and exclaimed: "this is a perfect miniature horse mouth!" Whoa! Was that a miniature horse's mouth or a horse's mouth in miniature??