Is it a compliment when...

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
Not sure why we should give the remark the dignity of feeling it's a compliment when a big horse owner sees one of our miniatures and says "wow, he looks just like a big horse, only little."

We could just as easily say, "wow, your horse looks just like my miniature, only big!" But I doubt the big horse owner would feel complimented.

I took Dusty to a horse facility for some lessons. He was the only miniature. A couple of big horse folk commented that he looked "just like a real horse". He would never win in a miniature breed show, but he does indeed look very horse-like.

Now a true compliment was a vet who looked at a mare I took for dental checkup. He got excited and exclaimed: "this is a perfect miniature horse mouth!" Whoa! Was that a miniature horse's mouth or a horse's mouth in miniature??
Well yesterday I took my Grandson to his county 4-H show and had to leave after his classes because I had committed to be one of 10 judges at a judged trail ride. One of the other judges that I have known for some time commented on my Black stallion. She said if you look at his picture you would think he was an arabian and not that he was a miniature until you saw him. I took it as a compliment. I have a picture of one of our home grown Champions over my mantel with her plaques, and people will say, (cause I used to breed arabs) that sure is a beautiful arab. They are in shock when I tell them it's one of my mini's. she has been sold, but not forgotten, she still holds a place in my heart.
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Why would you feel it's not a compliment? Isn't that the whole point of a miniature horse? I've had several people ask if my "horses" were full-sized in a pic; I take that as a compliment, for sure
I too would take that as a compliment. Most people are used to the old type Miniature that is not refined. That is what they have in their minds when thinking about what a Miniature looks like. Back in the eighties I was friends with a breeder who's Miniatures for the most part were A size, drafty and big headed. She eventually refined her stock but that was my first impression of a Miniature Horse.
Well, the best compliments I have gotten on our minis were from 2 different advanced dressage riders - and obviously used to "big" horses. One would like our mare Princess (Aloha Acres Fashion By Magic) in the 16 hand size and the other (my instructor) wants our new mare Buckeye WCF Last Dance in that same 16H size. I consider those the highest of compliments!

I think all these comments show the progress minis are making!
I think that was a compliment too.

While searching for a facility for the brand new Virginia ~ Old Dominion Miniature Horse Club.... I called a facility near me that hosts

cow cutting events and other events. It is a very nice place and local to me (COOL!!)

When I said "Miniature Horse Show" the guy actually laughed.
He appologized.. but clearly thinks miniatures are a joke.

I'm thinking the entire time.... and chasing calves around isn't sorta silly? It is fun ... so are miniature horses!

In this economy.... I was surprised at his total lack of interest in hosting an event that would generate income?!
Definetly a compliment.

My farrier has admitted that when I first called and said I had minis he didn't expect much, everything he had seen has been plain, bad mouths, bad manners and generally seemed like a waste of time and money. He was amazed when he arrived here and saw what he said were "actually miniature HORSES" as in his emphasis was on their horse type rather then their size.

I've had dressage riders what to upsize a few of mine as well.

Let's face it, there is a lot of average to poor minis out there that set a bad example for the rest of us. When someone gets wowed by the type and refinement on one of mine and says the classic "it's a real horse in miniature" I always thank them.
I do feel it's a compliment and a statement about the conformation being horselike vs pony or dwarfy because so many who don't own minis do associate the breed with the dwarfy representatives that get paraded around on TV. I don't take it to mean minis aren't as valuable (monetarily) or have as much worth (enjoyability / functionality) as biggies but do suspect most who only own biggies do not know what some pay for their high quality miniatures, nor how much fun it can be to drive them or do in-hand performance with them. When people have told me what you outlined, I just say thanks and that is what breeders strive for and that our minis are show caliber. If they say the look like real horses, I let them know they ARE real horses before saying the rest
I do think it is meant as a sincere compliment and should be taken in that way, but it is also an opportunity to give a little eduction about WHAT minis actually are (and what they're "good for")
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For sure it was a compliment. My farrier tells me that about my stallion. He tells me of all the minis he trims that my stallion is a prime example of "a perfect horse in miniature." Just the opposite of what I feel when somebody mentions "your ponies."
I would take it as a compliment as well.

Last Spring we had to take a mini foal to a very specialized, fancy, big horse clinic to deal with a hoof injury. This is a well-known clinic which works on a lot of million dollar cutting horses and performance horses with leg injuries.

The veterinarians were amazed at the quality and conformation of this colt. They were calling in their associates to look at him. They had never worked on such a tiny, mini before and they were very complimentary on his proportions. I think they had only seen the dwarfy minis. A number of the vets took photos on their cell phones to show others. Many of the vets wanted to pick him up and hug him. He was very well socialized when he left there!
I take it as a compliment, they are supposed to look like horses, not ponies. :)
Had it happen to me many many times! It's a good thing...I take to it better when people say it about my more refined ones
I do however have a mini that looks very much like a mini QH...and when people refer to him as a mini QH or Draft I laugh
Yet If I were to have any of them in full horse size it would be my "mini QH" one as he would be soooo awesome.
It's a compliment. I had a stallion that my farrier would say he is a good looking horse, not a good looking miniature horse but a good looking horse. He was a beautiful horse and I have a pic of him sliding and if you put a saddle on him you would think he is a biggie.DSC00129.JPG
Our vet said that Tori was the most beautiful miniature horse he had ever seen, and that was really nice to hear. I have heard the same comments as you. I would take them as a compliment. There are a lot of minis that just look like "midget ponies," so I think that would be affirmation, especially from a large horse person who may be very slow to liking the breed.

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