I remember a post earlier this year about a foal that had excessive blinking when turned out. I was trying to find that post to talk to that person or maybe someone else can help me. My foal too experienced that situation at birth-- she is now almost two months old. I think she is now blind. I have no experience with this and really don't know what to look for as far as eye changes. Her eyes look perfectly normal to me, they are not cloudy nor are they red or show any kind if infection. I have shined a flash light into her eyes and see nothing out of the ordinary. I am not sure what I am looking for anyway. She never leaves her mothers side and is content to stay with her. I have flashed my hand in front of her eyes and she does not flinch but we put a new water bucket in the pasture and she shied away from it. Before I make a fool of my self and call the vet out, does anyone have any thoughts on this. What does a "cloudy" eye look like, is there anything else that I can do to check. Thank you