Just made an appointment for my puppy and found out my vet has retired. She has slowly been phasing out. The new vet is inexperienced in horses. I do have a number of a new friend that does foaling for hire...I think she would help me if t hings get rough. Not sure she could get here in time if there was a problem tho. I need to put her number on speed dial.
Jewel was ultrasounded a lil while back and her due date was estimated to be end of May beginning of JUne. Not sure how accurate they can get. I hope she is a long way from ready!
As for JJ,,,i have not been stalling..I will start tho at night. I am prepared to sleep in the barn on the hay with a sleeping bag..when it begins to look like she is ready. I have no camera..and no electricity to set one up. Unless i set her stall up in my little shed...hmmm...at least i would have electricity in there. It is large enough to foal in..but probably not for both of us to sleep in.
As for her vulva color..I have a question. Is it a gradual change or does it go from pink to a dark red quickly? Like will I see signs of darkening gradually..over a period of time?
I think I have everything in my birthing kit.
tetanus vaccines, dental floss, little pair of scissors, gloves, ky jelly, have a dog blanket on order..hope it works well, betadine, a pill bottle for the betadine, vet wrap for tail, nipples several kinds, bottle , cotton balls, think thats it. I have no colostrum ....does the powdered kind work? What would you get ads a colostrum replacement? what else have I forgotten?
I need to empty out my horse trailer..as I loaded it up for a run to the dump and need to have it ready.
ok..I am only a Little bit panicky today. She is getting ready too fast for me,. I had planned to pull her totally off fescue with in a few weeks. It would have been enough time had the pregnancy been at the stage I was told. Now I have waited too long and she will have it in her system. That is one of the major reasons I will have to be present for the birth. If I have a bag that doesn't open or a redbag and lose a foal I would feel so horrible. 18 years is a long time to have waited for a baby.
thank you for all your help guys. I appreciate the aunties more each day!