OHH Lou is a she! :>)
I am ordering vaccines tomorrow for the horses. I have 5 mini's that I was told weren't vaccinated..at least from previus owners. And I don't know history if they ever were vaccinated. I would guess so..as most folks do vacinate..don't they?
1 is snowflake that I am sure has had none. She is a coming yearling.
then misty, daisy,
and my 2 bred mares. JJ and Jewel.
I have read some online about vaccinating a month before foaling to increase the properties of colostrum.Since even the bred mares have not been vaccinated recently they would need 2 vaccines a few weeks apart. Do you think I am too close to foaling to do this?
I am thinking since they don't really go anywhere,,,could I just vaccinate against e /w encephalitis, and tetanus? I will probably do WNV but am concerned about their pregnancy and thinking maybe after they foal?
I vaccinate my big girls with e/w tetanus rhino and flu and west niles virus but thinkng this year I may just do a core e/w/and tetanus /WNV. I do not plan on riding with other horses and my little herd is pretty much closed.
what do you all think?
can mares abort from the vaccination in your experience?