jj in foal? new mares pictures/soon jewel too!

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Ha ha .. I keep trying to follow posts that have mares due seemingly close to mine. My horse is named Jewel too. I think you found my thread on her.
I got bermuda I got bermuda. I am now using pallets to set up more stalls. Not fancy but will do. Nothing else happening. Maybe a lil more pointy on jj but she also looks like wide load from behind, Wierd how that works,. Looks super wide loaded on the sides..then not so much then huge....is that baby moving or just an eye allusion>
nothing new really obvious with JJ but I did notice on our night check that she has a very slight clearish discharge from her vulva. Very small amount but noteable because I have not seen it before. Still salmon pink there, very slight soft bag swelling.
catandsnflake.JPG just a couple of fun shots

snowflake and kitty

snowflake's momma daisey filling out Daisy2.JPG

and sweet Misty..finally thin enough she doesn't look pregnant and loving on the catmistyslimmer.JPGmistycATXX.JPG
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burheadsnflake.JPGDSC04963.JPGDSC04985.JPGDSC05001.JPGDSC05004.JPGDSC05002.JPGwell i hesitated to post snowflake cuz she looks like a neglected horse as she will not stay out of the burrs..but here ya go..just minis the burrs:>)

she is still a mess!. hit a year old i think next month. SHE is tiny!
They are looking good and gaining slowly which is important. Snowflake looks so cute with her winter woolies
they are lucky to have found you
They are all looking fabulous - what an improvement in Snowflake and Daisey! And that's a lovely looking tummy on jj!
I sure enjoyed looking at all your pictures today. Your cat isnt afraid of the horses. Cats are so funny.
Cassie The cat Skittles is a very common cat breed around here. She is of the breed stray of whom I first named GO HOME!. Her vet records even have that as her name. Since she wouldn't listen to me no matter how hard I yelled it at her...we have changed her name to skittles,,got her fixed and vaccinated and she is a permanent resident here. She came with a broken tail..of which I thought they were going to fix when she was spayed but they didnt. so she is a crimped tail skittle cat!

My big horse Lou has had another heaves flair up. Thought you all might like this picture

OHH Lou is a she! :>)

I am ordering vaccines tomorrow for the horses. I have 5 mini's that I was told weren't vaccinated..at least from previus owners. And I don't know history if they ever were vaccinated. I would guess so..as most folks do vacinate..don't they?

1 is snowflake that I am sure has had none. She is a coming yearling.

then misty, daisy,

and my 2 bred mares. JJ and Jewel.

I have read some online about vaccinating a month before foaling to increase the properties of colostrum.Since even the bred mares have not been vaccinated recently they would need 2 vaccines a few weeks apart. Do you think I am too close to foaling to do this?

I am thinking since they don't really go anywhere,,,could I just vaccinate against e /w encephalitis, and tetanus? I will probably do WNV but am concerned about their pregnancy and thinking maybe after they foal?

I vaccinate my big girls with e/w tetanus rhino and flu and west niles virus but thinkng this year I may just do a core e/w/and tetanus /WNV. I do not plan on riding with other horses and my little herd is pretty much closed.

what do you all think?

can mares abort from the vaccination in your experience?
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Wow.. I am wishing that I would have vaccinated Jewel a month ago or even just 2 weeks ago but I thot that she just might have been too close to foaling. I just don't know enough about it yet but have read that some vaccinations may have caused an abortion or it at least was odd that they aborted right after the vaccination was given. At least our horses were up to date on their vaccinations when they came to us with a 3-way type. It probably would have been good to give Jewel a vaccination a month ago. .. I just not comfortable with new vet yet... and their recommendations for all the vaccinations.
Hope Lou feels better very soon - what causes her to get an attack?

Cant advise you about the vacs as we dont have them here - just tetanus (and flu if you want to do it), but I would be very careful about doing them this close to foaling.
Any updates? I personally wouldn't vacc your preggo mares, wait until they have foaled and vet has given you the all clear.
new pictures from the past couple days coming ..but other then her looking HUGE from the sides front angle I don't see any change. Thanks for asking tho.I have been keeping an eye on many of the fossilized foals who wont be born,,ever :>) Guess I am happy to join that elite group..ha

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