Just another day in the Sunset Empire...

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He may well have known Bernie, then. Bernie finished his tour in Dec. of '95 and he joined the Warrenton, OR police dept as a cadet in training doing ride alongs and such...but one night in Mar. of '96, he was killed in an accident b/c someone failed to yield to the Police car...and all the guys over there knew Bernie (at Cape D). He slept over there b/c his house was here in Astoria and it was hard to get back and forth on limited income. HE was there in '94 when they did the documentary for A&E I still see it sometimes and Bernie is in it they rode in his truck to get to the lifeboats.

Your son sounds like a man in the same tradition as Bernie, bet he would remember Bernie McMaster, he may have even been at his funeral, as were we, of course....

Small world....


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