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This is just too good LOL

Here you have a retired broodmare

No longer very sound

Doesn't see real well, but no moon blindness,

eager eater though

Grouchy temperment according to the head stallion here.

Young bay medicine cap mare with blue eyes. A size & double registered.

Has had one palomino filly with blue eyes.Was an easy birth & is making a wonderful mother. Halter prospect if you can get her focussed long enough & take off a few punds. I wouldnt suggest performance as she trips over her own feet. Must have a clean comfortable stall or will not be a pleasure to be around. Alright pedigree. Fights with most mares, gets along better with colts or geldings. Will put any stallion in his place.
LMAO..these are great!

Yearling Chestnut Filly

"A" Size -- Double Registered

Too young to be bred

Chubby-needs some conditioning

Good with the vet

Not good with the farrier

Great breeding on the Sires side, "ok" breeding

on the dams side.

Correct Legs, No injuries

Sound, gets a long with all equines and other animals

Oh man are you ready?

Old style draft A sized sorrel pinto mare. (Extra fluffy) Barren with no foals. Long silky mane. Unable to work due to injury. Keeps her stallion in his place, but will not stand up for herself to others. Shy and likes to be alone in her pen but enjoys a sociable romp on occasion. Picky eater but very easy keeper, she just needs a cookie once in a while! Calm, patient, giving, kind, forgiving until pushed too far. Stays in her own barn and minds her own business. Lazy but works hard when need be, even though it hurts her old body. Works well in team harness. Will share her stall toys and feed with anyone in need.
middle to tall "A" size

light chestnut w/ somewhat flaxen mane, rare green eyes

young, leggy, fit, athletic, loves performance

not a good halter mare, won't stand still

no foals

would make a good mother, but refuses to stand for ANY stallion

friendly, but will keep them in check

gets along well in herds, doesn't boss, won't take anything off others though

not pickey about feed, will eat most anything

national champions on sires side, unregistered on dams side

Don't leave unattended, makes friends easily and would go home with anyone (don't take that wrong, just friendly

Trusting, loving, happy to have friends

loves trail driving and seeing new places

must have pasture to run, would go crazy if stalled

sound, no leg problems, but a little heavy boned (oh well, doesn't like halter anyway
This is FUN!

Here you have a retired "A" broodmare, who was not show quality herself (pidgeon toed, knock kneed & crooked teeth) but who threw two handsome showquality colts!
Easy breeder & foaler, excellent health, no colic or hoof problems.

Mixed heritage (German, Scotch, Irish & Dutch) but definitely QUALITY.

Athletic in her day & would have made a great driver...but has slowed down & would be happier now munching away her days in the pasture.

Not an "Alpha mare" ....more of a follower & gets along well with other mares.

Sweet, loving mare who adapts well to change, easy keeper, & loves to have her butt scratched!
Stocky, old-style A mini...Proportions are round and pinchable rather than tall and leggy. Perlino or Cremello coloring sunburns easily. Flaxen nane is thick and unruly, rarely brushed...forelock is overly long and always in her eyes. Nice blue eyes (when you can see them), although vision is not good. Throatlatch could definitely use sweating. Has a bit of a rain gutter down her back...

Has no foals of her own, but is known to spirit aways those belonging to other mares...they tend to consider her a questionable influence...Very messy in her stall...would rather be out in even the most inclement weather.

This mare is definitely on the wild side...lives in her own world that bears little relation to reality. Spends a great deal of time gazing off at something no one else can see. Some have suggested that she may actually be a unicorn. This is not a practical horse, quite unsuitable for any serious work.

While she has a friendly temperament, she is extremely headstrong and almost never behaves. She is quite vocal, and at times her neigh becomes abrasive. Gets along better with stallions than most mares, but is intensely loyal to those she trusts. She enjoyed the colts in her younger days, but is now loyal to her stallion. Nevertheless, she is known to squeal at an attractive stud.
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Pet quality only!

Stocky, roan, large eyes, bad bite, founder issues in one foot. Breeding issues so was spayed early in life.

Gets along well with most other horses. Will stand for the right stallion....she doesnt seem to be able to find him though!

Easy keeper, will eat anything any time! Good 'granny' mare, loves the babies.

oh, oh !!!! this is too fun to resist! I am sitting here at my computer at 5:50 AM laughing out loud.

average looking, average height, short legged and overweight broodmare, formerly silver chestnut with flaxen mane, now going grey. has only had 2 foals, colt and filly by same stallion, but is willing to foster others. good mom, not a performance animal. Shy with people she doesn't know but boss hoss in the home stable. Likes attention but goes well on her own. ready to retire and

be a pasture ornament.
"A" sized mini mare.More of an old fashioned quarter horse style rather than arabian style.

Palomino but seems to be starting with a greying gene. Two blue eyes.

Easy keeper, should be kept on dry lot as this mare will get way too fat. Needs to be worked, should take off the extra pounds.

Never been in foal, now spayed anyway, but this doesn't stop her from being a good performance mare.Loves to show and drive.

Legs are a bit bowed, correct bite.

In your pocket friendly, but has an occasional stubborn streak. Occasionally shows some temper but easily soothed,of course would never kick or bite, just makes noise.
tall 'A' mare (pushing the limit)

Middle aged (too old to foal--too young to just pasture)

Nice thick dark chestnut mane

Not had any luck foaling, but will steal and spoil any age foal in sight

seldom (never?) is late for a feeding --and it shows

purebred--all German

Slightly knock kneed

not good show prospect--refuses to get into condition

will not be pushed around, but will stand to side and let others have their way

fiercly loyal to those she cares about

loves her stallion

Needs warm stall and indoor play area in winter--does not like cold at all
Oversized 'B' sized Mare.

Tall and leggy

Chestnut Roan with definate freckling pattern, starting to show some graying.

Has thrown 4 OVERSIZED show quality colts - 2- Palominos, 1 Strawberry Roan, and 1 Dark chestnut w/ blue eyes (all 4 are pony sized as apposed to mini's) and is done breeding.

Great temperment and will always do what is asked if within reason (and depending on where she is in her heat cycle) she is Boss Mare and is very picky about who she lets share her pasture - prefers stallions/geldings to mares.

Her favorite stallion (a strawberry roan) is now a gelding and if sold they MUST go together!

Loves to be outside but when it is cold and windy she will throw a fit until let in!
Petite "A" filly (should max out around the 29" mark)

rich palomino

blue eyes!

To young to be bred

Stubborn-- needs a very determined handler

Could lose a pound or two

Very entergetic--needs room to romp and play

REQUIRES a buddy

Could clean up okay for halter at local shows, nothing big though

Nice performance prospect when in the mood

An average pedigree
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this is just a stitch! i am so enjoying this!

"A" size quarter-horse type short-legged past breeding age mare. blue eyes, dark chestnut mane and tail. too easy of a keeper (need to cut back on feeding this ole girl), but a great companion, ready to share fun as well as trials and tribulations. used to be a hard worker but on the rusty side now with some joint creakiness. was an easy producer in youth of a filly and colt both at upper A size limits. Great pasture pet if also given adequet alone time to recoup occassionally by herself !

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Mini mare, just barely makes it into the A class. Flaxen mane usually in need of a good grooming, but she won't stand still long enough to get it done. Very busy alpha mare usually running around her herd trying to keep them all organized. Shares grain well with others. Four successful foals, 2 fillies and 2 colts, but no longer broodmare material due to a sudden spay. Nice bite, straight legs, but not as much spunk as she used to have. Saddle trained, cart trained etc. but won't always perform if she doesn't feel like it and can be a handfull. Loving and gentle, prefers wide open spaces and gets nippy when corraled. Been with same stud so long, she wouldn't know how to stand for another.
Hilarious, ok here goes.....

Borderline A sized palomino with blue eyes and long flowing mane and tail!

Good conformation but getting a bit 'long in the tooth'.

Had a palomino filly (now broke to drive and a broodmare too) but doesnt get along well with other foals and prefers her own pasture, however makes good pasture mate for old stallion. Her grandget are National quality!

Champion pedigree top and bottom going back to imported lines.

Was never broke to drive but would have made harness mare, could still halter on local level.

Has tendancy to hog feed dish at times, but easy keeper.

Can be extremely stubborn, experienced handler only recommended but does love to be groomed and fussed over.
Sawed off Clyde. Never sucessfuly brought to foal refuses to stand to stallion

Dam pure clyde Sire by clyde out of mustang.

Sire said she is Quarter mule an three-quarters Mo . Jack-a**

Good babysitter the more the better.

Much too easy too keep, gains on what other horses are fed.[i swear]
These have been way too much fun to read! I'd take home any one of these "mares"!

Older "A" stock type brown mane on farmer tan body

Dam purebred German stock, Sire-good grade

Barren, no get

Easy keeper and hard to condition

Lame due to injury(would have been put down but herd loved her too much)

Usually good temperment but has been known to blow at times

Definately alpha mare and likes things done her way

Even though barren she loves her stallion

Would make a good pet!
Oversized, overweight, grade mare.

Spayed so pet home only.

Not much to look at anymore, but a willing mare who tries her best to please.

Looking for a loving retirement home where she'll be appreciated, given daily rub downs and lots of chocolate

Warm climate a must!!!!!

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