Just read about another dog attacking a Mini

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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NW PA/ Ohio Border
:no: Just read a very sad story.. I really wish there was more we could to do to prevent dog attacks..

Police: Steelers Joey Porter's Dogs Killed Miniature Horse

Police said two of Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Joey Porter's pit bulls escaped from his Pine Township home and mauled another animal to death on Tuesday.


Very, very sad..
IMO...the only good pit bull is a dead pit bulland I hope these animals are destroyed...next time it may be someone's child.
That is so sad.we have a pit next door to us on a chane and the people know if he gets off chain hes dead I will shoot him on the spot.why am I that way well he has killed 2 stray dogs that got to close.once they kill an animal they will kill any animal.and they know how i feel about my horses they are my babies,and im always watching them.so they better hope he does not come over my line.
I STRONGLY disagree with the statemant "The only good pitbull is a dead pitbull". I have 5 dogs, a pitbull, a pitbull american bulldog mix, a doberman and 2 jack russells. They would never hurt a horse, they run as a pack while I feed my horses in the field. The only thing they go after is road apples :bgrin . In fact I am afraid to leave them in the field alone if I have to get something out of the barn because they will get attacked by my horses. Most pitbulls IF RAISED RIGHT are the best family dogs! They are very powerful and loyal dogs. I agree that there are alot of pitbulls that should be destroyed, but that is because of how they have been raised. I am sorry for the mini owner that lost their mini, the pitbulls that attacked it should be destroyed, but not every pitbull.
:no: That is so sad. I believe that alot of people believe that their dogs would not do such a thing but the fact is, when they get into packs the dogs will follow the others leads. I have known of the sweetest of dogs running with another at night and then killing chickens, goats, or whatever seems to fancy them at the time. These same dogs would probably never do such a thing if they are by themselves. I seem to think of dogs as teenagers. They are fine untill they run with the wrong crowd! I don't want anyone to take me wrong, I love all animals!
I also STRONGLY disagree with the statemant "The only good pitbull is a dead pitbull". that is very wrong to say!!! any dog can do that...not just a pitbull!! A pitbull is the only kind of dog i will ever have!!!Right now i have 2 an there the best dogs i have ever had!! I take them where ever i go..the one has been to OK for Nationals an 2 little dogs got out of there pen an starter going after her bitting her suff like that an did not stop till the owner came runing over...an my pitbull did not do i thing but sit there an look at me like mommy help me!!! so do you people that said "the only good pitbull is a dead pitbull" do you think the little dogs should get killed to for going after my dog?!?! Yes many dog are very diffent an in the wrong hands any dog can go wrong right???But the pitbull is the most loyal dog, if in the right hands!!! My pitbull put his self in the middle of my cuz an this man that was in my house an would not leave my little cuz (3) side...latter that day the MAN that was in the house was put in jail for going after little kids!! thats how loyal these dogs are...most people just get the wrong picture of these dog becouse of what bad people have done to them!!!Yes i am sorry for that mini owner but that statemant made me very up set....you all know that statemant "dont judge a book by its cover" well dont judge every dog the same till you meet them all!!!
Well, all I can say is, a Dog is a predator. They do not have any more rights to life than any other animal on this planet.

Just because the dogs are nice to their owners doesn't mean it will be nice to others or animals.

My rules is....and I learned the hard way. If a dog harasses or harms my animals it does not leave my land period. I don't want to hear about....poor doggy this...and poor doggy that, poor doggy doesn't understand what it is doing. Hate to break it to folks but that dog knows exactly what it is doing.

Why does it seem like dog owners think it is OK to have theirs or other dogs owners dog harm or kill other animals?

That a dog kills another animal....ah well...no biggie, feel sorry for them...but what I am hearing is so what? and if someone shoots a dog.....oh my god that is a crime greater than murder?

Sorry, my animals don't bother anyone else and have as much right to life as dogs do. They have to right to live in safety without worry a dog will come along and murder them.
So what about the MEAN horses that are out amongst our pastures and barns? The ones that will deliberately go out of their way to chase, kick or STOMP a dog or a cat or whatever?! Do we take the same approach and rush to SHOOT the horse? Why is it OK for a horse to kill another animal, yet heaven forbid another animal kills or maims a horse? I think it is TERRIBLE and unforgiving when a horse is attacked by a dog, but I also hate it when people all rush to judement and decide the ONLY way in ALL dog attack cases is to shoot the dog!

No, I am not saying it is acceptable that a dog harms a horse, or person, BUT, when the tables are turned, why do we have a different attitude towards the situation? :no:
Why does it seem like dog owners think it is OK to have theirs or other dogs owners dog harm or kill other animals?
Just to be clear, not all dog owners do.

On the topic of the original link: I hope the dog owner is required to pay replacement cost AT THE LEAST for that horse. You can never really replace a life, but they should get more then just a small fine and a slap on the wrist for this.
Well, all I can say is, a Dog is a predator. They do not have any more rights to life than any other animal on this planet.

Just because the dogs are nice to their owners doesn't mean it will be nice to others or animals.

My rules is....and I learned the hard way. If a dog harasses or harms my animals it does not leave my land period. I don't want to hear about....poor doggy this...and poor doggy that, poor doggy doesn't understand what it is doing. Hate to break it to folks but that dog knows exactly what it is doing.

Why does it seem like dog owners think it is OK to have theirs or other dogs owners dog harm or kill other animals?

That a dog kills another animal....ah well...no biggie, feel sorry for them...but what I am hearing is so what? and if someone shoots a dog.....oh my god that is a crime greater than murder?

Sorry, my animals don't bother anyone else and have as much right to life as dogs do. They have to right to live in safety without worry a dog will come along and murder them.
I truely agree. No animal innocent, that is why they are animals. Just like some people. Some are good, and others kill. It is just not fair to the animals that get attacked or killed. They don't ask for it, they are just minding their own. No matter what type a dog, as a dog is a dog... And even though we may love them, you have to treat each animal like they are a animal. You can never predict what ANY animal can do... I have two dogs, and i love them to death. But, I treat them as they are animals. Never put yourself in the postion that they can be trusted. Because in this real world, you really can trust the actions of any animal or person for that matter...Always use caution, because when we let the guard down, that is usually when something happens..
IMO...the only good pit bull is a dead pit bulland I hope these animals are destroyed...next time it may be someone's child.
Wow....that's quite a raw statement there! I agree with the "don't judge a book by it's cover" reply. I feel really bad for the horse in this news thread, but lumping all pitbulls together and making a comment as the one above IMO was uncalled for. :nono: Pitbulls are not the only dogs who have been known to attack other animals or children/humans. So should we just destroy every other dog on the planet which breed has been known to have attacked at one time or another? :no:
I want to again say that I do believe that the dogs that did this should in fact be humanely destroyed. It is not the dogs fault, they were just doing what they were probably tought, to be aggressive. But not all pitbulls are aggressive. A chihuahua is a much nastier dog by nature, but it is funny when they are due to their size.
So what about the MEAN horses that are out amongst our pastures and barns? The ones that will deliberately go out of their way to chase, kick or STOMP a dog or a cat or whatever?! Do we take the same approach and rush to SHOOT the horse? Why is it OK for a horse to kill another animal, yet heaven forbid another animal kills or maims a horse? I think it is TERRIBLE and unforgiving when a horse is attacked by a dog, but I also hate it when people all rush to judement and decide the ONLY way in ALL dog attack cases is to shoot the dog!

No, I am not saying it is acceptable that a dog harms a horse, or person, BUT, when the tables are turned, why do we have a different attitude towards the situation? :no:
Probably because most of the time when a dog kills or hurts a horse its someone's else's dog that got in with your horse and that makes the dog a trespasser so to speck. In a case like that, the dog may be the victim but it is sure not the horses fault if it hurts the dog while the dog is were it should not be. If by chance the dog is mine and the horse goes after it--well then I say shame on me for letting the dog in with the horse to begin with.

Personally I am not very found of Pit bulls and I would never have one but one of my best friends has a pit bull and it is one of the sweetest dogs I know, but it didn't get to be that way without lots of training and in a loving responsible home and even with that said would I trust that dog with my child? No sorry but I would not. Unfortunately, a good percent of pit bulls fall into the wrong hands and become a problem.

IMO...the only good pit bull is a dead pit bulland I hope these animals are destroyed...next time it may be someone's child.
I stand by my statement. Sorry. But I am entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours. I've worked in animal hospitals my entire life and have enough experience with them to validate my feelings. The lady that owns my Pet Supply shop raises Pit Bulls and we've had this conversation many times.

I'm not implying that only PB attack..I'm not silly in the head. I'm just saying they are too unpredictable for my taste and I'd never own a PB ever. And any neighbor of mine that has one had better keep it out off my property. Flame away :bgrin

Sorry didn't realize I wasn't finished.

How many times have you turned on the TV and heard about a PB mauling someone's child.....I have heard it too many times . How many times have you heard about PB fighting rings...there's a reason why they use PB.

I've never seen a news clip "Child mauled by poodle ". I know how you raise one does make a difference, but I for one am NOT willing to risk my child or my livestock OR a lawsuit.

My aunt raises Boxers for a living and shows all over the country, she has a friend that used to raise PB and her friend stopped raising , breeding and showing because "something has changed in the breed..something in their heads just clicks and they go nuts one day" . these are not my words, but the words of a retired breeder.

OK, now ya'll can Flame Me All you want, it won't change my opinion.
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IMO...the only good pit bull is a dead pit bulland I hope these animals are destroyed...next time it may be someone's child.
I stand by my statement. Sorry. But I am entitled to my opinion just as you are to yours. I've worked in animal hospitals my entire life and have enough experience with them to validate my feelings. The lady that owns my Pet Supply shop raises Pit Bulls and we've had this conversation many times.

I'm not implying that only PB attack..I'm not silly in the head. I'm just saying they are too unpredictable for my taste and I'd never own a PB ever. And any neighbor of mine that has one had better keep it out off my property. Flame away :bgrin

IDC how many pits you know that statement is wrong an to harsh!!!! you can think what you want but you should not talk that low about someones loved pets!!! its not the dogs falt that they where brought up wrong!!!!
I posted this because it was a attack on a mini horse. I'm really sorry that everyone is getting so heated over the breed. EVERY ANIMAL is different.. Come on, lets not get carried away and then this topic will be closed. I didn't mean for everyone to attack bitbulls.. Please just focus on that it is a sad day for a MINI OWNER... We are all in titled for our own opinions, try to be adults and keep it nice.. REMEMBER A MINI JUST DIED. I'm so sorry this thread is going in the direction that it is.. :no:
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I posted this because it was a attack on a mini horse. I'm really sorry that everyone is getting so heated over the breed. EVERY ANIMAL is different.. Come on, lets not get carried away and then this topic will be closed. I didn't mean for everyone to attack bitbulls.. Please just focus on that it is a sad day for a MINI OWNER... We are all in titled for our own opinions, try to be adults and keep it nice.. REMEMBER A MINI JUST DIED. I'm so sorry this thread is going in the direction that it is.. :no:

Well said. Regardless of the breed of dog involved the fact is that a mini (something that we all agree we care about and enjoy) has lost it's life because someone didn't keep proper control of their animal.

I certainly pray for the people who lost the mini. My pony mare that I had years ago was attacked by a dog many years ago and seeing her pain and fear was just horrible. I can't imagine how much more painful it must be for these people to have had their mini actually killed that way. A dog attack is a horrible way to die (not that there are really good ways but some are just worse then others).
Does anyone know who the owner of the poor dead mini is????

I did notice the dog's owner was named and there are semi-quotes of him in the article, and not a single mention of the farm or the horse owner's feelings/words/thoughts.
Poor guy... what a terrible way to go.
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