land leased to hunters behind us :(

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:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: I absolutely love your ideas! Keep them coming..I really had a good laugh picturing the hunters trying to get game in that situation! :bgrin Mary still laughing.........

How about huge swathes of orange construction fencing?

Set up targets suggesting that you shoot toward that property.

With the collusion of your neighbors, spray your property line alongside that lot with cougar or wolf deer, no hunting.

Set up big stereo speakers facing toward that lot, and while hunters are there, play obnoxious music and screams of wild cats...andything loud and scary.

Put up signs (on your property line, of course) saying: poisonous snake sanctuary

Put up signs on your property line saying: toxic waste cleanup site -- do not drink water, do not eat plants or wildlife.

Put up signs saying: children at play in woods.

Find a mannequin, dress it in hunter's gear and hang head-first from a tree, foot caught in a trap, dripping red paint to simulate blood...

I'm just getting warmed up!
Kay, we usually do not have a problem, the folks that own the property around mine all are considerate enough to let us know if they are going to allow hunting.....

however one year we had some trouble with people just going onto the property across the road and hunting without permission. I took my video camera over and took some good video of their vehicle including license plates. If anything had happenend I had good record of what they were driving and noted the date as well.

I also spread the word that I was taking video and photos of any cars that parked around here and would prosecute if they came on my property...(I had signs up then)...I often think that what really helped was just telling a few people (the ones that talk a lot) that I was WATCHING.

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