Laney (*filly* 4/10-Tinkerbelle) *New pics pg 187*

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I know I have said this already but Laney is getting bigger every day! I need to take pictures. She is also seeming to want more affection from me. And she is always ready for meal time now.

The vet is coming out to check Ricky over and schedule his castration. I was in his pen with him this morning mucking and he was pretty frisky. We have out cameras all set up but not plugged in and was just imagining what a show it would have been if it were streaming. He tried several sneak attacks, I lifted my leg as if warning to kick and it worked well with him. He "gave in" a few times and tried to snuggle up to me and I gave him some scratches. I am so excited he will have a friend soon!

Cassie- we were out at the barn with Jake this evening. We are having a hard time finding a saddle that fits him well. My son's trainer may be coming out to school us on how we ride and his responses. He is very sensitive and we have to learn how to ride him using only our legs and seat. He needs little driving from his reins and my husband was pulling on them too much so he wasn't pleased tonight. He is such a sweet boy though. I can't get over how handsome he is
thats so good Megan
I'm glad you are so happy with him!! I'm sure you will have lots of fun times with him!!

Suzie was really affectionate at the end of her pregnancy and Penny has been more affectionate too...

Laney is looking great by the way!! u must be so VERY excited!!!

Renee, I hope Dipinto decides to be good again! I hope he didn't hurt you!!

Look after Eagle and give your lovely girls a hug from me!! can we see some pics of them? (if you can get out of the house that is lol you can post them on Suzie's thread if you like

Megan its hard when they are fluffy, I remember I couldn't see Suzie's from behind at first either LOL and then I could hehe won't be long and you will see them
I am waiting for the audio to load... but I have a video to share once it is ready!
Oooooo a video

Megan you wont see Laney's udder 'pop out' between her back legs from behind until she's probably a week away from foaling. Plus you wont see any increase in her udder size at all until she is around 4weeks away from foaling, so a little while to go yet.

It is a brilliant idea to have your trainer over to help you learn how to handle Jake as he is obviously very well trained in a certain way and this could cause confusion for both him and you. How lucky that you have someone that you can call on, and well done you for asking for help!

Saddles are extremely difficult to fit, plus he is going to change shape once you get a bit more condtion on him. Would it be possible to borrow a saddle that would fit him now, then you can buy him his own saddle once he has improved/changed shape?
FINALLY!! Ricky was playing with his ball today!! I had the camera right by me when I turned and saw him with it!! I was so excited!!!


Anna- we definitely are borrowing saddles and bits until we are sure what is good for him. I got another saddle to try on him tonight and a different bit as well. Our horse friends are so nice and they said they have all been there with a new horse trying to figure things out.. so to take time and borrow what we need.

I will take the camera tonight and try to get some shots
Yeah he has learnt, he is just so cute and delicate, lol I thought he was going to go for a spin on the bike too. Rofl
Way to go Ricky!!

He is just so cute - good job you had your camera.
hehe YAY how cute!!! good on you Ricky!!

don't you just love seeing them playing with the ball!!

Finn's one needs pumping at the moment but I put it in with him to see what he did, it still rolls around and he figured he could bite it, and pick it up n throw it LOL
was so funny!!!

can't help much with the saddle fitting... Smartie luckily came with his saddle that was already fitted... don't know what its like over there but here we have saddle fitters that either come to you or you take your horse to them and they make sure the saddle fits perfectly and make alterations as needed (a bit like a wedding dress

hope you get the perfect saddle for Jake, do you guys ride western over there or english?
LOL Renee. I didn't know what he was thinking about that little bike. My daughter brought it back to play on it when the vet was over on Tuesday.

Jake did really well tonight! We have to keep working with him to keep him focused while we are riding him but he did well with me on him tonight! I need to learn to be a better rider for him lol. Of course there are no pictures to share since I was riding- hubby often forgets to take pictures even when I ask lol. It was getting dark outside though so they wouldn't have been the best anyways.

Cassie- We are riding him Western but he was trained and shown in both Western and English. You can see videos of him from before on youtube. Just search his registered name: Sheiks Sportster
We have ridden him a few times. I had a saddle that was too small for him this weekend and he was not happy about it so last night was the longest ride. He has awesome gaits. Very very smooth. He is a FUN horse to ride. I love his jog. I had never ridden a jog before him (he does all the Western and English gaits- so walk, jog, lope and walk, trot, canter) and I love it.

Here is a video of him being shown English. This is NOT me riding.. but it is my horse

He won 2nd place in that class in the video- his first time showing English
he looks to be a very smooth ride
have you upped his feed now Megan?

something that won't make him hot but will get the condition onto him...
I think he is going to be just gorgeous when he is in full summer coat and in great condition!!!!

Smarite is an example of how some love care and condition can make the world of difference...

hope you don't mind me posting the pics as examples hehe

pics of when I first got him... quite skinny (much to skinny for my liking anyway) still healthy but needing some work and toning up...


after about a year with me... looking gorgeous (if I do say so myself hehe) and very healthy for being 20 years old!


then early last year... at 21, ready for his photo shoot for my friends wedding
(all done up)



I am sure Jake will look just as handsome if not more handsome then my Smartie man, under your care Megan, you take such great care of your horses!!

what feed have you got him on??
Smartie is so handsome! He looks great now!

We have upped his feed- we have to figure out the new scoop he is getting at his boarding barn cause it is larger then the scoop he got at my son's riding barn. I'm going to take our scale out to weight it today. We may be feeding a little too much right now so I might make some changes in how they feed him. He is on Purina's Horseman's Edge 12:6 pellets.
Thanks for the video Megan, he certainly looks like a smooth obedient ride! How long ago was it taken? He still looks a bit underweight in it, but I'm sure he will soon improve with your love and care.

I noticed that he moves very close in front - seen mostly near the end once he turned round and headed almost back towards the camera. You might like to ask someone about the possibility of him wearing protective boots on his front legs for a while - until he builds a bit more strength with your feeding programme - it will help prevent him fron knocking one hoof against the fetlock of the other leg and bruising himself.

It was interesting to see the American 'style' of English riding! What sort of class was that on the video - just wondered what the judge was looking for as that would perhaps explain the style of riding? Just keen to know as it really interests me.

I read your other post about your hay. If it is just a bit dusty, then give it a good shake up as you go to feed it, then move it to a fresh spot before damping it down with some water - probably no need to soak it. But if either Laney or Ricky start coughing then get yourself a barrel or a tank, fill it with water and dunk each of your hay feeds in it for a couple of hours. Unfortunately a lot of horses dont like wet hay, plus some of the goodness seems to be washed away in the soaking - hopefully your hay will be ok with just the damping down!

Regarding the weed, sorry but not sure what it is (it does look a bit like Renee's Rose Bay Willow herb which is harmless) so I would be very careful. Can you find an Agricultural college or even a good feed merchant who could perhaps identify it for you?

Nearly forgot to say that you will need fresh water in that tank for every time you soak a new batch of hay!
That video was taken in August 2010. I do want weight and muscle put on him for sure. In that class I think they were looking at the gaits and transitions between them- but I am not too sure. I will have to pay close attention and look at his legs- I see what you are saying how he keeps his legs close together in front. I will have the trainers look at him.

I broke into a new bale of the better hay (the one that was only a little dusty) and it was hardly dusty at all.
I found mold in the other weedy hay so we are taking all those bales out of the shed and getting rid of them.
I'm not messing with that.
Good news about the hay Megan, lets hope the rest of those bales will also be ok.

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