With weight building one of the first things I up is roughage, usually the hay portion. SInce the roughage won't tend to 'heat up' behaviour it's always a good start.
I LOVE oil! Taken from someone better at phrasing this stuff then me
I LOVE oil! Taken from someone better at phrasing this stuff then me
So the oil tends to not heat them up, can be very cost effective and is also a great coat conditionerWhen starch (typically in the form of grain), is fed to horses in large quantities, there is a risk of starch overload into the hindgut. This can culminate in "fizzy" behaviour, which can result in stressful and dangerous situations for both horse and rider. The risk of starch overload can be minimised by replacing some grain in the feed with oil, to provide energy. Oil provides a source of ‘cool' energy, which is not associated with ‘fizzy' behaviour.